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38-1 Akano, Aki, Kochi
map of Arimitsu Shuzojo
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Akitora「素」 発泡純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ発泡
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Scoring ☆☆☆☆ A local liquor store in my neighborhood suddenly announced the arrival of this sake, even though they don't usually carry this brand: 💁‍♂️ I was just thinking that I might buy it if they still had it next time I went there, but they still had it 💦 so I bought it (lol). It's not too much to say that I bought it on the spot 😁. Crisp and refreshing natural fizzy ❣️ But it also has a soft sweetness, well balanced with acidity and very easy to drink 😋. Above all, the jacket is cute♥️It's got some flavor! Yesterday, my partner wanted wonton noodles, so we drove two hours to a restaurant we had never been to before🚗³₃It is a well-established restaurant that has been in business for over 90 years. It seems to be an izakaya at night. I had the normal soy sauce ramen 🤣. I thought it looks crispy but it has garlic 🧄🧄🧄🧄🧄. The concrete walls really give it a taste of an old-fashioned restaurant (lol). On my way home, I happened to run into the Odate Amekko Market (lol), so I stopped by and went home. It was the first Amekko market in my life, and as the rumor goes...💦. There were stalls all over the place, and the most important thing was that the candy was displayed at the entrance. Other than that... Where is it? 〜Where else? (Candy apples from the stalls?) I don't know what to see. (Sorry locals, 🙇‍♂️) I didn't stay more than 30 minutes💦.
Hi T.KISO 😃 It's great when you win a jackpot 🤗and it's quite a fluke for the two of you to travel more than 2 hours to eat ramen😄We would go to a liquor store, but not for ramen 😅.
Hi T.KISO 🐦. Really tasteful tiger😊I like the one with the hat👍. I have never heard of Amekko market 😳I wonder if candy means candy? It would be fun to have lots of candy 🎶.
Good evening, T.KISO 😃. My eyes are glued to your ramen 🍜. Looks so delicious ✨😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊 We're a couple of ramen🍜 lovers and drinkers. (*´`)(´`*) We will go anywhere 🚗³₃🤣.
Hi Pon 😊 A candy festival? It's a candy festival 😅 I thought there would be a lot more candy on the branches, but there are only a few, and the rest of the stalls are all lined up for about 200m💦. There are candies at the stalls too 😆.
Hi Sieg Jikon 😊 Ramen🍜Simple ingredients, but the garlic🧄 was effective and delicious to drink up: 💕︎
Good evening, T.KISO 😃. Aki Tiger is delicious ✨ Hats off to you for making the 2 hour drive to eat ramen 😆 I'd love to try Jumonji Ramen 🍜.
Good evening, Mr. Menshuoh😄. It was my first time at Aki Tiger: ❣️ Jumonji Ramen🍜 is a delicious, crispy yet full-bodied ramen😋.
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I bought it and left it lying around for a while. It tastes like it's been sitting there for a while. It has a nice sharp taste, and it's easy to drink, but the alcohol taste comes later. Salted salmon...I'm eating it right now. I'll drink it next time without putting it down.
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The Best of the Day! I didn't see it on the menu and was attracted by the label and the fact that it was from Kochi. I was attracted by the label and the fact that it was Kochi, so I tried it and I liked it! The sake has a strong umami flavor, but has a clean and crisp aftertaste that makes me happy!
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Nigori of Aki Tiger. This time of year there is a lot of nigori! On the way to the liquor store, I saw someone wearing a hoodie that said "SO", so I thought it was fate and bought it. It takes a long time to open the bottle because of the shwashy fizz. Citrusy aroma like apple. It has a soft sweetness, not too sweet and sharp, and is excellent as a food wine. It went well with sweet and spicy snacks. Pairing Yakitori, yuzu radish, avocado and broccoli with soy-sauce malt mayo, leek and fu with sweet and spicy sauce
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Next stop at Straw Yaki Ya de is Aki Tora. I think this is also my first time. I had this one hot. Heated sake is good in winter. It's like a dry sake. It tastes a little sour.
Akitora素 発泡生酒純米吟醸生酒
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Sparkling is booming 🥂. Today, we have a light nigori (light sparkling) Akitora Bare Sparkling. It is a slightly sparkling sake. Good balance of sourness and sweetness. Sparkling feeling is better than last time? Alcohol content 14%. Ingredients: Rice, Rice malt Yeast used: Kankan Maru Polishing ratio 50%.
Akitora吟醸生 超辛口吟醸生酒
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Bocchiriya (神楽坂 ぼっちりや)
The first pre-drinking party of the year, a boozy 0th party Checked in to a restaurant I liked on the Internet ✅. Kagurazaka Bocchiri-ya, Tosa Sake and snacks Easy standing drinking and snacks are ready-made. You can choose from a selection of pre-made snacks or dry snacks from the shelves. Vinegared kibinago and tofu paste with vegetables The second glass of Aki Tora Ginjo Nama Super Dry I chose it because of the fancy label. It's a crisp, hard-core sake with a touch of alky dryness. The third one is Seven in Kagurazaka. The fourth one is a sunset under Kagurazaka.
Good evening, Harry☆(*´ч`*) Kochi's sake certainly has a hard-edged image 🙄 Maybe it's too hard for me, but it goes well with bonito 🤔.
Good evening, Mr. Shieri! I feel something like Tosa people's temperament. I feel it, maybe they are stubborn. I would like to drink with pichi pichi bonito. ❣️
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This is my first izakaya drink of the year😳 It's a private brand of Yamazaki Sake Brewery in Kochi Prefecture. ‼️ I enjoyed its sweet fruity aroma. I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm sure I'll be able to find a good deal on it. Akitora Junmai Ginjo Neco Prefecture: Aki City, Kochi Prefecture Rice used: 100% Gin-no-Yume Polishing ratio: 50 Sake meter degree: -1.0 Alcohol content: 16%. @Hachitora (Hyogo Prefecture) ⭐︎
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This time, unusually, I will be spending New Year's Eve in Tokyo. I was strolling around Arakicho, a drinker's paradise, and found this soba and sake restaurant from Kochi. A freshly squeezed junmai ginjo, delicious as expected! I think most Tosa sake is spicy, but this one is fruity, fresh sweet and bitter, a morning show girl type 🤣 -> Showa💦. It was a nice nice encounter at the end of the year 😀.
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Shinkansen Izakaya I want to go to Kochi. Wasn't that where the Tigers camped? Aki while thinking gulp!
Akitora純米吟醸 素純米吟醸おりがらみ
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The foamy nigorigo still continues. Since it is an active sake, it has a delicious sweetness, nigori, and a bit of bitterness, and the acidity and gassiness are really good! I bought a small bottle to try it out, but no, I should have bought the No. 4 bottle. I bought a small bottle to try it out, but I should have bought the No. 4 bottle.
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It has a sweetness but is well balanced with acidity, and the overall taste is slightly dry and refreshing, with a hint of ginjo aroma. I bought the packet because I like tigers (the animal kind), and I also quite liked the taste. It is delicious.

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