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38-1 Akano, Aki, Kochi
map of Arimitsu Shuzojo
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Akitora蔵開限定詰 雄町 純米大吟醸生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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The 7th Sake Tasting Party Report (2)-2 I was so engrossed in the sake and conversation that I did not take proper photos of the sake. Here is the second sake from Arimitsu Sake Brewery. The second sake from Arimitsu Sake Brewery is "Akitora Kurakai Limited Tsume Omachi Junmai Daiginjyo Nama-nama Sake". The note says, "Clear aroma with acidity. It is said to be the only unfiltered raw sake at Aki Tora. It is dry with refreshing acidity and beautiful flavor. The tingling sensation of the raw sake is also good. I had to make a difficult choice between the two, but when I read "limited edition," I tend to go for the first one. However, I tasted the limited edition sake from the brewery opening to see if I could get an idea of the trend of Aki Tora's sake. I wanted to drink this sake with sashimi and other dishes. Among the participating breweries, Aki Tora, Minami, and Toyonou Ume were all from Kochi, and all of them were interesting because they were all food-friendly sakes, and each had its own differences. I don't usually choose this type of sake, so this was a valuable opportunity for me. Next time, I would like to compare the representative sake of each brewery.
Hi Aladdin 😀 This young lady here was also a very pretty young lady with a beautiful smile 😇. I didn't know which sake represented the brewery due to my lack of study, so I got all the recommendations from the brewery staff except for Urasato-san 😀.
Hi Yasbay 😃 You were the only red one at this event, so you stood out 😄. I didn't know which sake was the best representative of the event, so I chose by asking and by the atmosphere!
Akitora素 発泡生酒生酒発泡
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Report on the 7th Sake Tasting Session (2)-1 Report #2 is from Arimitsu Sake Brewery in Kochi Prefecture. Ms. Yuzuru Arimitsu, the daughter of the brewer, came from Arimitsu Shuzojo, which brews Akitora. Anyway, she had a wonderful smile 😄. As we talked with her, we could clearly see that she loves her brewery and the sake brewed there. In my mind, Akitora is now the "sake with a smile" along with Nagasaki's Fukkai (formerly Fukuda) 🍶. I was only able to taste two sakes from the Arimitsu Sake Brewery. I ran out of time to return later. I need to hone my skills to be able to taste various kinds of sake in a shorter time. This was the first of only two sakes. It was "So Happo Nama Sake. The note says, "Second fermentation in the bottle. It has a sweet, umami, and bitter taste with a touch of sourness that finishes with an acidity. It is light and easy to drink with a hint of nigari. It looks like beer, but it is really sake. I like most of the nigori sake that has a bit of a "shuwashi" taste, and this one was also easy to drink and delicious! I say "looks like beer" because it is a bottle that could be drunk in place of craft beer, not because of the appearance of the sake, but it will be easy to use for camping and BBQs from now on.
Hi Aladdin 🐦. You have a really nice smile ❣️ I'm sure you had a great time talking to Aladdin 😊. I'm sure you must have enjoyed talking with Aladdin 😊 If he explained it to me in detail with this smile, I'd buy it because it's 50% more delicious 🤣.
Hi Pon 😃 Well, Arimitsuyu-san was explaining and pouring the sake with a great smile to everyone 😊. Unfortunately, there was no product sales at this event 😅Well, except for the products sold out at the brewery, you can buy them at Tomekawa Sake Shop😄.
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7/10 Summer sake from Aki Tora. I've never seen this label before, but it's cute! The tiger looks like a firework. It is made from Tosa Rei (Tosa Urara), a Kochi Prefecture sake rice. It is a refreshing summer sake, but I was a bit surprised at how fruity it is. I thought it would be a lighter sake. I found another delicious summer sake.
It's summer sake season! The labels are nice and I want to buy the jackets...I'm okay with fruity so I'd like to drink it 😊.
Good evening, Mr. Scheilkon! The label is cute! I personally like it a lot among summer liquors. I recommend it because it is fruity, refreshing and easy to drink☺.
Akitora夏吟醸 土佐麗純米吟醸生酒
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Middle of the picture. The label is so freaking cute! And fragrant and delicious. Nicely done: ☺️ It has a robust flavor though, The aftertaste is refreshing. I think the aftertaste is refreshing. It's a good balance.

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