辻高広Kasumitsuru Rice Ginjo
Net preferential treatment in the past
I don't connect in peace, I don't connect in peace, I don't connect in peace 辻高広drunken whale ginrei junmai ginjo
A delicious mid-meal sake.
Easy to drink
Does not interfere with food 辻高広Fei Lan, Blackjack, Zheng Cheng Cheng.
It's a blackjack.
Not refreshingly dry!
A dry sake with a great taste
It doesn't interfere with food
Not too clean. You can feel the umami. 辻高広Suitama Special Junmai Sake
More umami than sweetness, but not so sweet that it interferes with food.
but not so sweet that it interferes with the meal.
Sake that goes well with meals 辻高広Sanjurokuninshu Soten Junmai-shu
Easy to drink and refreshing, but with a touch of umami.
Sake suitable for eating.
It does not disturb the meal. 辻高広Sairai Tokubetsu Junmai Unfiltered Nama Shu
A sweet and delicious sake that appeals to everyone.
The price is 350 yen per glass, tax not included.
Moto-san (the manager) is guilty!
Thank you. 辻高広Gagaku-dai Narukami
Can you read "Utashiro"?
It has a sweeter flavor with a clean aftertaste.
It's great that you can drink this for only 350 yen (tax not included)! 辻高広Laughing Four Seasons Sensation Gold
Sensation Gold Label
Sweeter flavor and fruity acidity.
The bitterness in the aftertaste is easy to drink. 辻高広Tokujiro Special Junmai Unfiltered Nama Sake
Full-flavored, unfiltered, unpasteurized sake.
The bitterness in the aftertaste may bother some people.
But it is a sake that makes you drink the umami and eat more rice.
You can eat and drink it! 辻高広Wakanami Dragonfly Special Junmai
A Junmai sake with more umami than sweetness
It has a sweetness, but it also makes food taste good.
This is a good sake to eat rice with! 辻高広Junmai Ginjo Yuyamanishiki
Easy to drink with a sweet flavor.
The aftertaste is clean and refreshing.
It whets my appetite! 辻高広Hikkami Tokubetsu Junmai Fish Label Jun-Sara
Not to be called "dry"?
+It's labeled as "+", but it's more on the sweet side of umami.
It's sweet and tasty!
The only thing dry about it is the clean finish.
In other words, it's sweet and tasty! 辻高広Sairai S's Nama Sake
Sweet and tasty fresh sake.
Fruity sake with a strong sweet flavor.
Likely to be accepted by sweet-tooth lovers.
Umayumayumayumayumayumayumayumayumayumayumayumayum! 辻高広Meikyoshimizu La vie en Rose
Sweet and tasty, easy to drink
Everyone seems to like it 辻高広Takaraiya Dry Special Junmai
+It is +10 dry but has umami flavor, so it is easy to drink neat.
It is easy to drink.
It certainly goes well with a meal. 辻高広Hinomaru Hyper Dry
An interesting sake that is soft on the palate but has a slight umami flavor
The taste is soft on the palate with a slight umami flavor and a dry finish.
Food goes well with it. 辻高広Tenpoichi Junmai Nao Kumi Nama
From sweet and delicious to quickly disappearing bitterness
Easy to drink and suitable for eating.
You can drink it quickly and eat it! 辻高広Oai cup macho
Low-polished rice with plenty of flavor
Shuwashui, perhaps due to the season
A slight bitterness from the umami flavor quickly passes through.
It's delicious. It looks great with food. 辻高広Amabuki Hyoso Shinsyu Nama MUGEN Dry
Dry with a delicious flavor. Great with food.
Starts with umami and ends with a clean taste.
A drink that will make your meal go faster. 辻高広Tamagawa Honjozo Shiboritate Nama-no-Nara Sake
Tamagawa is very strong even when al-soaked.
This is a strong cup with a sweetness that is more like a sweetness.
The moment you put it in your mouth, it is sweet. The aftertaste is bitter. RecommendedContentsSectionView.title