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Shuho純米吟醸 八反
ジャイヴ[Kaku-uchi at Yohaku Store 🥂. The second drink I had was a comparison of different sake rice 😁. Shuho Junmai Ginjo Yatan It has the same slightly rich rice aroma as the Omachi, but with a thin white grape aroma, and a clean, clean flavor that finishes with a refreshing aftertaste. A little sweeter than Omachi.
Shuho特別純米酒 雄町
余白 Store
ジャイヴ[I went to the Asano Sake Shop in Kyoto to compare three different Harada brands and pick up the desired "product", and then took a short stroll through the streets of Kyoto. I like to walk around and look at the streets of everyday life, not the tourist attractions 😁. I arrived at the restaurant I thought I heard about in the Sake-no-wa Kansai group, but it turned out to be a different restaurant 💦. Well, that's all for now...let's have a drink at Yohaku Store's Kaku-uchi (corner bar) 🍶. Shuho Tokubetsu Junmai Sake Omachi. Slightly rich rice aroma, soft and slightly sweet umami, then a sharp, deep lingering finish with a pleasant aroma at the end that is hard to describe! What is the best way to describe it 🤔.
アラジンGood evening, Gyve 😃. It's been a while since I wandered around Kyoto drinking, looks like fun ☺️ and the drinks look delicious 🍶. I'm curious about the "product" you really wanted to get this time 🤩. Looking forward to your future check-ins 😁.
ジャイヴHi Aladdin! I wasn't originally planning to visit [Asano], but last minute on social media I saw that they had a piece of sake in stock that hadn't been filled yet, so I changed my itinerary 😁 Stay tuned✨.
hatahataExcellent dry sake that can be served cold or warmed. It is a perfect match with food, and you will never get tired of drinking it. Not only is it spicy, but it also has a refreshing sweetness and a strong umami flavor.
HidePowerful typeface but somehow cute label 😊. Shuho" is a Yamagata sake that is not to be outdone by the likes of Jyushidai and Eikoufuji ✨. I'm also attached to the fact that it uses one of my own names 😝. I thought it was easy to drink with a refreshing sweet fruity taste, but it was quite high in alcohol content and I had to be careful not to drink too much 😅.