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Aramasa秋櫻 スパーク純米生酛原酒樽酒無濾過おりがらみ発泡
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I won the lottery for the distribution 👏. Rice: 100% Shokai Shinko (produced in Akita Prefecture) Yeast: Kyokai No. 6 Rice polishing ratio (%): 50 Alc(degree): 13
Kohada|Kohada likes to use the sake yeast 🌾, congrats on your win 🎉! Cosmos Spark is delicious! Looking forward to two more 😊👍
Thank you, Pon-chan! That means you won too 👏 Congratulations! I got this one right away.
Sogga pere et filsイリヤソントン生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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On the last day of GW, we chose Sogape. The usual grape aroma, but this time with a very impressive lactic acid aroma that is very strong. Maybe the best aroma of this season's Sogape. No gassiness. Sweetness is rather moderate. The acidity is strong but outstandingly refreshing. After the acidity quickly snaps, the wine finishes with a bit of bitterness. The aftertaste is short. This Sogape is also quite tasty. It does not have a matured aroma, and its refreshing acidity makes it easy to drink. The rest of the stock is Sisu Normal and Riazake Naturel 70, which I must finish by the end of May.
Sogga pere et filsトロワ生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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The Sogape label instructed us to drink it by the end of May, and we chose Trois because we had to start drinking it soon. Nice aroma. The aroma of grape and a sense of maturity. The strength is just right. No gassiness. The sweetness is firm and the acidity is more firm. The acidity spreads on the tongue and is just the way I like it. The sourness continues until the end, and of course, the sourness lingers. The reason why I don't feel bad about it at all may be because it has little bitterness. This is the third bottle of Sogape this season. To put it crudely, No. 6 is bitter, No. 1 is sweet, and No. 3 is sour. So far, I think I like No. 3 the best.
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This is my first time in Jiran. I've been seeing them a lot since last year or so, but I'm surprised they're so popular now. The aroma is modest, with just a hint of lactic acidity. It has a gentle gaseous taste. The sweetness is moderate, and the acidity is crisp as rumored, which I like. The acidity is quite strong. After the acidity, it finishes with a bitter taste that is not too strong. It is refreshing and crisp, but also powerful. It is a dry sake with a strong acidity, which is exactly what I like these days. It's good. I want to support this sake in the future. ❗️
Hello disry ^ ^ Congratulations on your first flying lran 🎉. Hiran is becoming more and more popular 👍. I drank this kanraku myself after a long time of flying lang and it's delicious ✨. I'd like to drink other Hiran too: ✌️
Hi disry ☔. Congratulations on your first flying luan 🎉I haven't had kagura but it's delicious! I haven't had it at home yet so I want to savor it slowly 😌.
Mr. DISRY. Good evening....first time here! I'm always looking at you! Congratulations on your first flying lamb 🎉 It's delicious, I have a bottle waiting in my fridge, but I'm wondering when I should open it😁.
Good evening Manta 🌇. Thank you 😊 I'm drinking Kagura again right now for my dinner 🍶. So this was an oriented one 😅.
Good evening, Ponchan 🌝. Thank you 😀 Kagura is delicious 😋. I'll have to keep up with it 😤.
Good evening, kozo 🌕. Thank you 🙏. I knew that Hiran is very popular 😮. It tastes wonderful, so stay tuned: ‼️
Aramasaエクリュ 別誂直汲純米生酛原酒
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The other day, I went to a certain liquor store for the first time in a while and discovered Shinsei! When I took it to the cash register with great enthusiasm, I was surprised to find a receipt for the previous month. Do you need the receipt of the previous month? I cried... I read a rumor somewhere that they reduce the number of bottles sold if there is too much resale, but I wonder if that's the reason... I'll get myself together and open my stock of new politics! It's been a while since I've had ecru. And it's directly pumped. Just by putting my nose close to the cup, I could smell the aroma. When I sipped it, I found strong muscat, citrus, and my favorite cemedine aroma. I don't remember Niimasa having such a strong aroma. The gasiness is weak. The sweetness is moderate and the acidity is quite strong. The acidity is quite rough. After the acidity, the astringency or almost bitterness comes in strong. It is very drinkable. Maybe it's because it's been a while since I've had a Niimasa, or maybe it's because it's straight from the brewery's own brewery, but it's quite stimulating and powerful.
AkabuSakura 2023純米生酒無濾過
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I wasn't sure whether to choose a wine today, but I was impressed with the acidity of the Tobitein I had been drinking yesterday, so I chose this one with a strong acidity today as well! The aroma is hard to describe, but it has a strong rummy flavor, so I wonder if it is a capsule type? Whatever it is, it has a nice aroma. The gasiness is weak. On the first day, the cued acidity was in the foreground, but on the third day, the acidity became milder and changed to a nice balance with the sweetness. In the latter half of the day, the sourness changes to a slight bitterness, and it is crisp and sharp. I realized that this sharpness is a good thing about low alcohol. Akabu is great in spring, summer, fall, and winter. I am concerned that it has become a bit hard to find recently.
Holy disry, konbanhar! I'm waiting to open it during Hanami 🌸 AKABU is so popular 😳✨
Good evening, Eirin-san 🌕. I think it would go perfectly with hanami 😲 ❗️🌸 I've been seeing a lot of Red Takeshi pop up lately with a limit of one per person 😲. I must buy it while I can. ‼️
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I opened a bottle of Sairai's Spring Sake. The last time I drank the special pure sake was very good, so I had high expectations. The aroma was wonderful. Whenever I drink Sairai, I think of peach, but this time it was melon. The gasiness is very strong. The sweetness is strong. But there is nothing unpleasant about it. The acidity is also strong. Strong lactic acidity. The sourness continues for a while and finishes with a bit of a sour taste. Overall, it has a strong punch. It is a fruity sake with a strong lactic acidity, which is typical of Sairai. It is a unique sake.
Akabu愛山 New Born純米吟醸生酒
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Opened a bottle of Akabu's Aizan. It's been a while since I drank Aizan sake. I wonder what it is like. The aroma is a refreshing capsule type. It has a nice aroma. The gasiness is strong. I expected a strong sweetness, but it is just right. The acidity is refreshing. After the acidity quickly disappears, there is a slight bitterness at the end. It has a nice sharp taste. As expected of Akabu, it is not overly sweet and is extremely refreshing. However, as it warms up, the sweetness increases and the taste becomes blurred, so it is best to finish it cold as soon as possible.
Good morning, disry 😃 I had the same thing ❗I'm not sure about my taste buds, but I got the same impression as disry's repo, so I'm relieved 😊This is delicious 😋.
Good morning, Noodle Wine King 🌞. I'm not sure about it at all myself 😅it's appropriate 🤣. I knew redwu is delicious 😆 I think the sake future will be out about today, so I'll go back to buy some more ❗️
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ アン生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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This year we have had many encounters with Sogape, getting Sis, Anne, Trois, and Ilya Thornton. This time, we opened a bottle of Anne. The nose is the usual grape style, but not so strong in terms of aging, high fruitiness. No gassiness. On the first day, the sweetness came forward and I was surprised that it was very easy to drink, without any pungency. After 2 or 3 days, the acidity becomes stronger than the sweetness, and a bit of bitterness appears. However, it does not have a strong alcohol taste like cis, so it has a pleasant aftertaste. All in all, it was better than Cis this year. I wish I could buy Doux.
Hi disry! Thank you for all your 👍 to noise TL 😌. Well, I already have 4 bottles of holy wine in my hand ...... No really, it's a backyard C-limit. I no longer feel like this alcohol is like a legendary weapon in an RPG.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 🌃No, no, it's my pleasure 🙏. I was thinking that I would be able to win them all 😅 this year, but it seems that I missed out on buying the doo 😭. You can buy it surprisingly if you look for it. 😉 😉
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A little extra liqueur. The strategy was to open the lighter ones first to make room in the fridge. But this is one that I have been curious about for a while. The color, the aroma, the taste, it's all yogurt! That's right. And one for the yogurt lovers out there! It's in a silky drinkable yogurt state, so it's more gobbled up than slurped. I have it with donuts for snacks.
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Every time around this time of year, the amount of new sake purchased does not keep up with the amount consumed, and the fridge tends to fill up.... We have to consume more and more! So, I opened a bottle of Sairai. This time, the aroma was really wonderful. It has the usual peach and lactic acid aroma, with a bit of berry. The gasiness is gentle. The sweetness spreads in the mouth, giving the mouth a sense of well-being. The crisp acidity may keep the sweetness from being too strong. The acidity disappears quickly, and the wine finishes without any unpleasant alcohol taste or bitterness, even though it is 16% alcohol. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting much since the last time I had it, the golden Sairai was a bit subtle, but this one was a bonanza: ❗️
Hi disry 😃 I really enjoy shopping and tend to save up 😆 This is waiting in our fridge 😊. I'm looking forward to drinking the jackpot 🎯👍
Hi Jay & Nobby 🌞. We just welcomed another bottle and a new friend... 😅It's no longer a matter of buying to drink or drinking to buy 🤣, but you can't go wrong with Sairai 😘.
Yoshidagura u百万石乃白 生酒純米山廃原酒生酒
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Continuing from last week, I bought Yoshida Kura at a liquor store in Kamata over the weekend. This time it was a draft sake. First of all, it was very crisp and subtly sweet. This not-too-sweet feeling is good. The final touch is a light acidity that makes it refreshing. You can drink as much as you want. I liked the taste.
HiranHappy New Born純米原酒生酒無濾過
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The second bottle I bought at the Kamata liquor store I visited last Saturday was my first Nagasaki sake. It is a sake that I often see at Sake-no-wa. The bottle was opened with a nice pop. Slightly cloudy and slightly effervescent. Fruity aroma, light bitterness. I liked the taste.
Yoshidagura u百万石乃白 モダン山廃純米吟醸山廃
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Yesterday we visited a new liquor store in Kamata. It is a brewery of local sake and wine, so my wife enjoyed wine and I enjoyed local sake. We went to the Yoshida brewery for the first time in a long time. This time we tried the Hyakumangoku No Shiro (white). It was light and refreshing, with a slight carbonation and a light finish. I could savor it as it is without any entrée.
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I opened a bottle of gorgeous Sairai that I bought at the end of the year (the price was fabulous too...). The aroma is the usual peach🍑 and lactic acid type, but maybe more subdued than usual. There seemed to be a slight gassy feeling when it was opened. Both sweetness and sourness are very strong. Quite a punch. After the sweetness and acidity, a strong bitterness comes in a strong rush, and finishes with a bit of a bitter taste. The aftertaste is sweet. I was expecting a lot since it was the first jun-dai of my favorite Sairai, but it was a little disappointing. It was tasty, but it was quite hard to drink. The cost is also a bit high....
Sharakuおりがらみ 弐純米吟醸生酒おりがらみ
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It's a three-day weekend, so let's keep opening them. Sharaku Winter Origami No. 2! And the automatic bottle opener is on! My wife is staring at me! Aromas of my favorite cemedine, melon🍈 and pear🍐. The gassiness is so-so. The sweetness arrives with a sizzle, but the sourness arrives shortly after. After the sourness turns to umami, it finishes early and the drink ends with a refreshing finish. The aftertaste is a light astringency. The Winter Orikarami series is a definite sake! It's not slippery. I think that the third in the series will be released soon, so I'll have to get it for sure.