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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)

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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
This is the first Shinkame Cup since a long time (4/1/19). The printed color on the label is red this time, but I think the contents are the same as the previous green one, so I'll spare you the review_(. _.) I'm not going to review it because the label print color is red this time, but it's the same as the green one from last time. It was delicious.
Ubusuna山田錦 2023 五農場
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
I bought another one of these Sanzu. I can't help it, it's delicious. Something about it made me feel it was drier than the last time I drank it. I may be mixing it up with Futafarm, but the overall flavor of the rice and a hint of sweetness spread out, and the bitter taste made it seem a bit drier than I imagined.
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Tobirazumi Honpo is a brewery that has been adamantly sticking to the Yamahai method of brewing sake. The first bottle of Tobirazumi Honpo is one of the lowest-alcohol bottles among the brewery's products. However, this is Yamahai. The unique acidity and freshness combine to create a deep flavor that is hard to believe it is only 14 degrees Celsius. This would be a good pairing with a strong flavor such as simmered fish. The specs are Rice used = Akita Sake Komachi from Akita Prefecture Rice polishing ratio = 60 Sake meter = -13 (From the Jizake no Liaison website) Sweet and sour and easy to drink. We enjoyed this bottle with Dr. Ota through the TV monitor, and it was delicious. _.) _(. _...)
Nabeshima愛山 純米大吟醸 生酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Nabeshima Aiyama Junmai Daiginjo Nama Shu I like the gaseous sound when the bottle is opened. I have nothing but high expectations. Is the aroma subdued? But as the temperature rises, it becomes more gorgeous. When you drink it, the sweetness is strong and the umami follows. The bitterness at the end is typical of Aizan. The juiciness of the unpasteurized sake can also be felt. It is delicious. It is dense. I'm happy with just this, and it also goes well with some snacks. I'm happy (for the second time) 😍.
Good morning, Takechi 😃. The sound of happiness is the sound of happiness when you open the lid 😆 happy to open it 😆 happy to drink ☺️ happy to drink 😍So great 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby😄. That gassy feeling raises my expectations 😋 I'm feeling happy with my ears, nose, eyes and tongue 😍Sai Koo ‼️
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
It's been a while since I've had an instrument Masamune. Has the green label been around for a while? I bought it. Dewa Tsanzan, Junmai Ginjyo Speck Hi-ire. The gasiness is strong even though it is hi-ire. The top aroma is a fresh grape ginjo aroma. The sweetness and spiciness is medium. The balance of sweetness, acidity, and bitterness makes it a delicious umamama. 😋😋😋😋 It's a modern style with more acidity than Takijiman JP, it's an adult rice juice 😆. I can't tell the difference in the sake rice though 😎. 2982 yen without tax
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
I was told of its existence at a sushi restaurant in Roppongi in 2018 or so. Since then, I kept finding it and then passing it up because of my refrigerator situation, and when I wanted to buy it, it was sold out, so it was off my wish list. But this time, I happened to see a review of it at a certain liquor store, and it looked delicious, so I ignored my refrigerator situation and went out and bought it. I wonder if the aroma is quite weak. I've been drinking a lot of fragrant stuff lately, so maybe my nose is getting a little stupid... but it has a nice muscat aroma. But it has a nice muscat aroma! I love this! I was so swooning that I couldn't help but read the words in a robotic tone. The elegant grape-like aroma. Wine? The taste is completely different from wine, though, as there is no astringency. The acidity and aroma make it seem fruity. At first it seems dry, but as the temperature rises in the mouth, the sweetness that appears and the hints of aroma make it seem juicy somehow. It is beautiful, but it is not limited to that; you can also taste a voluminous fullness, which is very satisfying. It is the most delicious wine I have had recently! Impressive!
Hi flos_lingua_est 😃 Oh, it looks like you got into this one perfectly: ☺️ This time it's brewed by Mitobe Brewery, but I've never had Yamagata Masamune yet either, so I'm suddenly curious. I'd love to try this one too 🤩.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, flos_lingua_est 👍This one looks like a very tasty drink 👀I'd like to try it 😋.
Hi Aladdin! I'm totally hooked! I've never had Yamagata Masamune either, but it was a gem that made me want to try it: ☺️
Hi Masaaki Sapporo, Good evening! Sorry for the late reply 💦 due to signal failure. It's probably almost gone from liquor store shelves, but if you see it in a tavern, maybe... 😊✨
Takijimanjapan proud 純米生酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
This is my first time drinking Takihitama😊This is a good food sake! The ginjo aroma is gentle but strong. Slightly gassy and fresh! Medium sweetness and dryness, medium body with a strong umami flavor and a slight bitterness that gives it a sharp edge. 😋😋😋😋 The aroma is nice and clean. Compared to the Masamune, which we are drinking in parallel, the acidity is not so strong. It is also a special junmai that is not labeled even though it is 55% polished. 2,600 yen 👍 excluding tax.
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Abeno Green is probably my first. At 13% alcohol, it seems light. It also has a pleasantly shwashy, spring-like feel. It has a pleasantly tasty and acidic flavor, and is rounded out by a sweetness that is not overpowering. As you drink it, you can feel some lactic acid bacteria, and there is a sense of calpis. Overall, it is so refreshing that it can be enjoyed while eating, but it is recommended to drink it slowly because you can enjoy the aftertaste rather than the sharpness.
Hi sikamaru😃 Abechan💚 is delicious 😋I drank it last year and was impressed 🥹and today I went away and got it 🤗It's 13 degrees and hard to drink slowly 😅.
Hi Jay & Nobby. Yes, it is. It's hard to drink slowly. I usually try to drink a four-pack over three days, but Abe-san drank it slowly and it was gone in two days.
Tedorigawa能登の復興応援酒 大吟醸 生酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Tedorigawa Noto Reconstruction Support Sake Daiginjo Nama Sake I saw it and brought it to you. If I can help in any way by drinking good sake, I will. A soft aroma of rice. A clean taste. Dry taste. The smooth mouthfeel is followed by a pungent taste that gradually fades away. A delicious sake. Thank you very much.
Good morning, Takechi 😃. It's nice to drink good sake 🍶 and cheer 📣 😌The label also feels like connecting Ishikawa Prefecture 👍.
Hi Jay & Nobby😄 It is a nice label, isn't it? It is difficult for us to support you by volunteering, etc., so we are happy to donate and help in this way. May you return to a secure life as soon as possible✨.
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
I went to the sacred Koyama Shoten for the first time. If there were such a store nearby, I would go there every day. I am glad there is no such a place nearby. There were many things I wanted, but I started with Kudokibe Jr. Even for a junmai daiginjo, it had a rather robust umami, wrapped in a refined sweetness, and finished with a gentle bitterness. It was delicious.
Shinanotsuru純米吟醸 頑卓純米吟醸生酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
This is the first Shinanotsuru I drank this year, and I am already on my second kind! Before drinking it, I had an image of it being like Kameizumi cel-24, but was it really... Huh? Is this standing aroma Hanayo? Mutsu Hassen? And when I put it in my mouth, the hint of aroma was quite mild, like a hana-yosu. The taste is also similar to that of Hana-yosuyu, gorgeous but with a hard, classic impression. It has a clean and refreshing mid-palate quality. Combined with the sense of alcohol, I think that is why it is surprisingly classical. The sweetness is not so much, and the umami is not strong either, but it is there and can be matched with meals to some extent. From the third day, it starts to come together... it's like a "hana-hou-yoku" (sun shower). It is gorgeous, but not sweet and sour like Kameizumi cel-24. If you want to drink Hanayo but can't find it, but you can buy Shinanotsuru, please try it.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, flos_lingua_est 👍I'd love to drink any of these when I see you check in 😅It's hard to get hana yang here, so it's helpful ✨.
Thank you Masaaki Sapporo for your comment 😊. There are some drinks that you can't get in any way, and in such cases, a similar drink can be a good enough substitute! I'm happy to share the information with you: ☺️
HououbidenWINE CELL SPARKLING生酒にごり酒発泡
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
One of the sakes that impressed me last year. Hououmida is not my favorite because it has too much apple or pineapple aroma, but this one is moderate so I don't mind. I wonder if I like it because it is especially gentle on the palate. The aroma is tropical and capsule-like, typical of Hououmida. It should not be too strong, but I don't dislike it at all. Maybe I'm liking it because I keep drinking Cap-like alcohol? LOL! There is a hint of apples, but the strongest aroma is that of melon soda! There are hints of grapes and muscat, but this is an adult melon soda! Unlike a simple melon soda, you can keep drinking it without getting tired of it, and it's extremely tasty! It is an active nigori with a hint of nigori rather than ogara-migori. It has the mellowness of a cloudy sake, the stimulation of bubbles from the light but active nigori, and the fruity aroma, which may be derived from wine yeast or the Hououomida character, all of which are very pop and delicious elements. The sweet, delicious, acidic, and bitter tastes all have no spicy flavor, from the aroma to anything else, so you can enjoy them beautifully as a natural series of flavors. I like it so much that I wonder if they will make a summer sake ver. like WINE CELL SPARKLING SUMMER lol.
Good morning, flos_lingua_est 😃. Too good foul sake! I once thought of holding out until summer to drink it 😆 Summer sake ver. ‼️ would surely make me very happy if it existed 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby! This is a foul taste, isn't it? I actually bought another bottle and have it stocked for summer lol. What if there was a summer ver. it would be absolutely delicious ☺️✨
Ibi純米吟醸 槽場無濾過生原酒
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Gorgeous sweet-umami fresh 🍶. I was also able to buy Jun Dai and I think I've been having good luck with ebisu lately: ☺️ It's a little expensive, but I don't know when I can buy it again! I bought it. It's still a Sagami, and that's what Sagami is! Sweet and gorgeous ginjo aroma: ☺️ It has a strong sense of gas. Full-bodied with sweetness and umami, yet clean and crisp with a slightly strong alcohol taste and bitterness. 😋😋😋😋 The bitterness is moderate without being assertive. Sweet and spicy with a sweet, robust, but clean and sharp taste😇. 2546 yen without tax
Hi Pitama 😃. I would love to share my luck with you 😍🥹. If I don't drink it soon, I'm going to get harder and harder 😆 This is the beauty of shooting 🤩 I want to say 🤩.
Jay & Nobby Good evening ☺️ I wish I could share my luck with you. I bought this on March 31st and it said it was the last stocking of the season. It may be hard to find until next season 😓.
Denshu特別純米酒 山廃仕込
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Tasyu Yamahai👍 Fresh and slightly gassy. I compared it with a fast brewed Jungin Akita Sake Komachi I had saved. Oh! I knew they were both Tasake. The Yamahai has more umami, with a good balance of umami and acidity. But it's very clean and crisp. 😋😋😋😋 This is a superlative food sake. 3300 yen without tax
Akabu酒未来 NEWBORN
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
Akabu Junmai Ginjo Sake Mirai NEWBORN I was looking for NEWBORN to conquer but couldn't find it anywhere 😱. I went to the holy place and found it 😄It was a bottle, but that's what I wanted! Fresh😍piquant and juicy. Sweet but refreshing, with a nice bitterness that settles down in the second half of the bottle. Not heavy but not light either. It's a really well-balanced sake.
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Koyama Shoten (小山商店)
urazato (pale blue-green algae, esp. Microcystis spp.) I have wanted to drink Urasato for a long time after reading your review. This is the first time for me to drink light nigori. While the aroma is subdued, drinking only the supernatant gives it a juicy, subdued sweetness, and a light, pleasant bitterness that is sharp. Even when mixed with ori, it tastes crisp without being too sweet. It has more umami than sweetness. It is a bottle, so we drank it slowly, but it was very tasty and did not change its dryness even after the second day.
Good morning, Takechi 😃! Congratulations on your first Urasato ㊗️ 🎉I've heard that this number 2 is especially good 😋, so you got a good one 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby😄! This is my first time to Urasato! I had a hard time deciding which bottle to buy, but I went for it 😆 It turned out to be a great decision. Delicious ‼️😍