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食べ呑み処 あぐまる

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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
6/10 ROOM is like a room of your own. If it is a drink that can be enjoyed calmly on weekends, I would like it to be a drink that can be enjoyed on its own rather than as a food sake. It has a strong aroma and is softly sweet. If I were to say that it was female toji-like, that would be problematic, but that's what it tasted like. It tasted just as I imagined it would.
Kazenomori6号への敬意 真中採り中取り
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
It seems to be a sake made with yeast No. 6, which was shared with us by Shinmasa Shuzo. I only had a sip of the rest of the sake, but I could smell the melon-like aroma. It was a little thick and had a strong aroma. It was easy to drink like a juice.
Manreiニャン齢 特別純米無濾過生原酒特別純米原酒生酒無濾過
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
6/10 They said it was a soothing, low-alcohol raw alcohol. I told them I was tired and they offered it to me, so it must have been perfect for me at that time. The taste is easy to drink and easy to enjoy, as it is a healing type of sake. It is fresh and sweet, so you can enjoy it without any snacks. If it had a cat motif, I would be healed unconditionally.
Shoryuhoraiきもと純米 山田錦75 槽場直詰無濾過生原酒純米生酛原酒生酒無濾過
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 Zanzou Horai is a fast brewing yeast, and this Shoryu Horai is a raw yeast brand. It has a high alcohol content and a robust flavor. On the other hand, it also has some acidity, which makes it somewhat difficult to drink. It seems to be a sake with a wide range of taste, and I think it is a sake that chooses the right drinker.
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
5/10 They recommend heating the sake as it says "deliciously warmed," but they say they drink it cold. It was indeed served slightly sharp, with a hint of fluffiness when warmed. I felt that the sweetness was a bit too much, so next time I will have it properly heated.
Good evening, Mr. Minamijikki, nice to meet you. As you said, it was sharp when chilled, but when warmed to lukewarm, it became rounder and I could feel the deliciousness of the rice. It's good to be able to enjoy it at different temperatures 😊.
Pon-chan, nice to meet you. It looks like it should be lukewarm. I'll try that next time!
Glorious Mt.Fuji森のくまさん 熊太郎純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 I was fortunate enough to meet Kumataro again this year, whom I had the pleasure of drinking last year. I knew that it was a Kumamoto earthquake relief sake, but I did not know that "Morinokuma-san" was a brand of rice from Kumamoto Prefecture. I was so taken by the cuteness of the label that I did not read the back side. The taste was juicy and refreshing, and easy to drink without any unpleasant taste. Eiko-Fuji never fails to deliver, and I have an image that their sake is better than average. I would like to buy it again next year when it is released.
Kazenomori愛山 807純米生酒無濾過
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 Apparently 807 means 80% polished rice with yeast #7. I heard that Kaze no longer uses the terms "daiginjo" or "ginjo. When I drank the sake, I could not help but nod my head in agreement. The flavor of the rice is strong, but it is even more fruity, which is amazing.
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 A refreshing spring-like sake. Fruity aroma and sweet, refreshing finish. It has a fruity aroma and a sweet, clean finish with a hint of sourness and bitterness. When I drank it with Hirame (flatfish) in ponzu sauce, I couldn't imagine serving it with anything other than sashimi. I think I would drink it easily as an aperitif or without any snacks.
Daina純米吟醸 那須五百万石 一貫造り純米吟醸
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 I have the impression that Ona is known for this sake. I wonder if "kanjitsu-zukuri" means that the sake is made from the rice in a consistent manner. The brewer uses Gohyakumangoku rice grown in Tochigi Prefecture. I have an image of Gohyakumangoku as being refreshing, but this sake is clean and has the flavor of rice. It seems to go well with any dishes. It is a good food sake.
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
6/10 Eikawa drinking comparison. This is nigori sake. It is 100% Miyamanishiki and the yeast used is Utsukushima Yume Yeast. It was fresher and sweeter, and I preferred this one. Sake is so strong in Fukushima that Eikawa does not make much of an impression on me, but I would like to take a closer look at it from now on.
Eisen福乃香 純米吟醸 一火原酒純米吟醸原酒
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
5/10 Comparing Eikawa. This one is a single heat-refining of the original sake. Fukunoka is Fukushima's rice suitable for sake brewing, and the harvest has been increasing recently. This sake is refreshing and has a nice rice flavor. I have never had a Fukunoka sake before, so I will learn more about it now.
Zarusohorai純米吟醸 槽場直詰 生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒槽しぼり
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食べ呑み処 あぐまる
7/10 A classic low-alcohol original sake. This is the first time I drank it. I heard that "Queeen" stands for 12 degrees Celsius, so why is there one more "e" in the name? It is very easy to drink. It has a refreshing aroma, and the low alcohol content does not mean that it is lacking in flavor, and the acidity is addictive.