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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)

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黒澤生酛 純米穂積純米生酛
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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)
The last of six drinks. Sakuho Village, where Kurosawa Brewery is located, used to be called Yachiho Village, and is the hometown of my wife's parents. I never thought I would come across this sake. I don't remember what it tastes like, but next time I would like to savor it more carefully. Tonight, too, we enjoyed getting drunk.
Shinshu Kirei山恵錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)
Drinking with my junior classmates from a club in college for the very first time in a very long time. A good restaurant recommended by my junior. It's good that they have a lot of Nagano sake. We started with the rare Shinshu Kamerei. The sake is soft and aromatic. It is very relaxing. Definitely delicious.
Sogga pere et filsヌメロ シス 2017純米吟醸生酛原酒生酒
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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)
10/1 is Sake Day 🍶. We will be drinking out, but we had a rarely drunk, aged Sogapère Ephis ☺️. Although it is BY2017, it has no teri in body. Being Miyamanishiki with #6 yeast, it was clean with acidity and a little sweet with little habit. On the other hand, it had been laid down for a while, so the overall sensation was round and mellow. I have heard that "Soga tastes better when it is aged! I have heard that Soga tastes better when it is aged, but I have never been able to achieve this due to the capacity of my refrigerator at home💦. I was happy to have the opportunity to actually experience the mellow, easy-to-drink, and delicious taste of aging 😊.
KikumasamuneSECESSION 豊潤しぼりたて生貯蔵酒
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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)
The second bottle at the restaurant was a sake I had never even heard of before, Kiku-Masamune's Sesession. I usually don't choose Nada sake because I have an image of strong and so-called dry sake, but I ordered it because of a recommendation from the store🍶. I couldn't have guessed from its brewery name, the bottle design looks like wine or liqueur! I had high expectations even before drinking it, that this would taste different from the Nada sake I know! The attack was mild. It has the same sweetness as the Shinshu Kamerei I drank earlier, but it has a different sweetness, a stronger sweetness that reminds me of ripe tropical fruits. The aroma of fruit is also strong. After the sweetness, there is a distinctive sourness, reminiscent of the acidity of plums and other fruits. The sake/rice character is neither good nor bad; it is a new sensation. Moreover, the low alcohol content makes it easy to drink. It was a delicious sake that made me think it is important to try a variety of sake without having too many preconceptions about the region or brand 😄.
Shinshu Kirei美山錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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Higasa Amagasa (日がさ雨がさ)
Sake drinking party outside today 🍶It was a very nice atmosphere and I posted the name of the restaurant ☺️. We ordered Miyamanishiki from Shinshu Kamerei from the start. I actually was able to buy it at the liquor store the other day, but it was too good to open at home, so I decided to order it at the store lol. The body is clear and colorless, and it is served well chilled. The attack is mild and silky. It is quite sweet but not sticky with a refreshing sweetness. The sweetness and fruity aroma of ripe fruit spreads in the mouth. The assertion of the rice flavor is weak. It has no stinginess, so it can be drunk smoothly without any stickiness or cloying taste. I ordered it because it has been popular recently and I had fewer opportunities to drink it, and I was impressed once again that it has the deliciousness that belies its popularity ✨.
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さら宮 雄山錦55 26BY 初めて飲む銘柄。口当たりがメッチャ柔らかい。優しい甘旨味で、ゆるゆる飲めるお酒です。