Winter Nigorinpic 14
Yesterday, we had our first Hirotogawa nigori sake, so today we will compare them with Hanazumi sake which was recommended by Manachie😇!
As you can see in the picture, we had Ona-san, Jikin-san, Hirotogawa-san, and Hanaizumi Nigori Sake 😇!
This was the most fun drinking comparison 😀.
Each sake had a slightly different nuance, but each had a fruity sweetness that was not clingy, so it was really hard to choose one over the other 😇.
I haven't had Sengoku's Yukidharma yet this season, but I would definitely rank Yukidharma, Ona, Hanaizumi, Jikin, and Hirotogawa as the top five nigorizake in my opinion 😀.
From tomorrow, I'd like to take a break from nigori sake and move on to light nigori 😀.
I'm going to take a break from Sentori Yuki Dharma and do the Dharma comparison again 🤣.
Good morning, Yasbay 😃!
Oh! Mr. Hanaizumi 🤗 is seriously delicious 😋.
And ‼️ we are happy to see Ona-san firmly named among the five great nigoris 🥹.
Everyone 😋! Please give Ona nigori a try 👋