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It's been a while since I've posted, since I didn't migrate my saké wa when I changed phones. The liquor store near my house has gone to another one, and they now carry a variety of brands! Thanks to this, our family's sake intake has increased, and we're getting more intoxicated every day. I picked up some Chiyoroku there and bought it. The store clerk said it smelled like bananas, but it didn't have a banana feel to it. I thought it would be fruity from the look of it, but after the floral aroma that only a Daiginjo can give, it has a light flavor that is delicious!
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My parents came to visit me, so I got them a bottle of my hometown's sake, Shiki. I've had the white Sensation before, and its muscat-scented flavor has captivated me, but I'm not sure about the black one. As soon as I opened the bottle, it was quite pungent, and I thought it was quite different from the white, but as I continued drinking it, it became quite light and tasty. The conclusion is that both are delicious. Men may prefer the black, and women may prefer the white. There is no change in the fact that both are delicious.
Kaiun無濾過純米 にごり酒
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I remembered seeing it on YouTube, so I tried my hand at Kaiun. I don't usually drink nigorizake, but it has a slight sourness and bubbles. It's not sweet, but has a crisp, clean taste that makes it easy to drink. I was hooked on sake once again, but if I had been hooked before Corona, it would have been a bad idea. I would have been drunk every day. I'm sure I'll never fully recover, but until the day comes when I can enjoy sake at the store again, I'll do my small part to support sake! I'm really weak, so it's only a little bit, but...
KazenomoriALPHA TYPE1 DRY純米生酒無濾過
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I tried to remove the lid without thinking, and the lid flew off like champagne. It's a gassy feeling that you can't help but feel anticipation. My thoughts exactly: "A slightly sweet and unctuous cider? It may not sound like much, but sake is so refreshing! It's so good that it makes you wonder if sake is that refreshing! With such a wide range of directions, sake is truly a drink with deep pockets.
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It's definitely dry (as it says) It's refreshing to drink, and I recommend it to young people as well. I've been drinking it with the horse sashimi that I received through a hometown tax payment, and you can eat and drink it again and again forever. Yum!