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DRYTenge Nishiki Basin No.2 Junmai Ginjo Aromatic acidity to melon. A hint of sweetness. The astringent aftertaste. I like it a lot.
ねむちNabari City, Mie Prefecture. Fukumochi Brewery Co. Tenkanishiki Tokubetsu Junmai Hi-ire A gift from a friend in Mie that we left in the fridge and forgot about💦. It's fire-aged, but it's only 2023.05, so drink it soon. I recently bought a sake that doesn't indicate when it was made. The revision of the "Sake Manufacturing Process Quality Labeling Standard" went into effect on January 1, 2023, and the indication of the manufacturing date was changed from a required entry to an optional entry. If you leave it too long, you won't know which one to drink first😅. I'll have it cold. There is a sizzling sound when the bottle is opened. The glass is covered with microbubbles. The color is a pale clear yellow. The head aroma is not very strong, and there is a faint grain-like aroma. The mouthfeel is slightly gassy, with a slight sweetness and a very deep rice flavor. The deep flavor, which is slowly drawn out at a low temperature, soaks into the tongue. It finishes with a slight alcohol taste. Well-balanced 👌 Ingredients: Rice (domestic), Rice malted rice (domestic) Ingredients: Koji rice: 100% Yamadanishiki produced in Mie Prefecture Polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol percentage: 15
boukenGood evening, Nemuchi 😃. Urasato didn't write the date a while ago, I thought it was an imprinting error 😳. I think that sake is a little bit out of date in terms of labeling 🤔.
アラジンHi Nemuchi 😃I didn't know about the revision of the manufacturing method quality labeling standards 😳It seems that the notification was also revised and the date of production of stored sake can be the date of production after storage 🤔It's hard to understand without the production date label 😵.
ねむちbouken, good evening 🌛I was careful to check the date, but I don't want it to mean too much anymore 😱I could be grabbing unsold ones, and I don't know which ones I have lying around in the fridge to drink from🤣.
ねむちAladdin, good evening 🌛I asked the brewer about the lack of a production date and he said the law had changed, so I looked it up 🧐I guess they changed the law a bit for stored sake too 🤔I'll have trouble without a production date 🧐I told him ἤ! I said 😤.
Tenkanishiki特別純米 七号酵母 生原酒特別純米原酒生酒
qansahSlightly bitter aroma Slightly tangy, sweet and sour like plums, metallic or machine oil aroma, rice sweetness and bitterness, and a strong gassy sensation. After 3 days from opening the bottle, the smell of machine oil is not noticeable, and the combination of rich sweet and sourness with a light twist is unique and delicious, the sweet and sourness lingers and the bitterness is slightly bitter and expressive. Rice: Yamadanishiki produced in Iga Polishing ratio: 60 Yeast: Association No. 7 Alc.: 15%.
Tenkanishiki純米吟醸 火入れ
ERKFreshness that you would not expect from fire-aged sake I tried cold sake and warmed sake. I wasn't a fan of heated sake. I was not a fan of the warmed sake, but the impression of the cold sake was the same and it was even easier to drink. Polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content :15 Rice used :Yamadanishiki produced in Mie Prefecture
じゃじゃ猫My sister gave me a bottle as a birthday present. It was an interesting sake with a complex flavor, something I had never had before. It was so unique that I can't describe it well now... LOL! Isn't it rare to find such an interesting sake...? (I was so excited about the gift that I forgot to take a picture.) Personal rating 7.6
つよーだいLemmings are so cute. I'd love to have one. but I can't take care of them I've given up 😅 I tell myself that it's best to keep some distance between animals and children I tell myself it's best to keep a certain distance between animals and children and treat them when they're in good health😅. Well... Tenga Nishiki😆 It's a fireplace. I don't feel gassy. But this calm feeling Also nice ✨👍
chikumoHello 🌞. I would like to drink Tenka Nishiki again: ❗️
つきたてHi 😊 Wise words about animals and children🤣. The fireplace looks calm, I like it myself👍.
つよーだいHello chikumo 😁Tenka Nishikimi is delicious!
つよーだいTsukitate-kun Hello 😄 I know, that's a great quote 😅I love the calmness of the fireplace 👍.
moltsIt is sweet, but not too sweet, It melts in your mouth like cotton candy. It seems to be easy to match with any snacks ^_^. I want to buy this sake again when I see it.
Tenkanishiki特別純米 七号酵母 二〇三日醪特別純米
さなDThe rice used is Yamadanishiki from Mie Prefecture I love Tenga-Nishiki, but this sake is very unique, or rather, very weird. Due to various circumstances at the brewery, production was apparently halted, and what remained in the tanks during that time was this astonishing sake, which has been unrefined for 203 days, and may never be drunk again. I was expecting it to be quite bunchy, but it was surprisingly round on the palate. The taste is complex, with a slight sweetness and bitter bitterness. It is not a refreshing drink, but you can easily drink it with a sense of richness. As expected, they make interesting sake. ❣️
RigelGood evening, Sana D. ☺️ This place is delicious... I was impressed by the pure dai 👍
さなDGood morning, Rigel 🌞. No matter which one you drink, it's delicious ❣️ We think it is one of the best Mie sake with high level ‼️