SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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I went to Tsushima for the first time on a business trip. Even for residents of Nagasaki Prefecture, Tsushima is a long way away, so it is not easy to visit! I decided to drink Tsushima's local sake at an izakaya (Japanese-style bar). Hakutake is the only sake brewed in Tsushima. The aroma had a slight alcohol taste, so I put it in my mouth, thinking that it must be because it contains brewer's alcohol, but at that moment the alcohol feeling disappeared. It was easy to drink. I could gobble it down. Delicious! This was my first experience with a prop plane. It was a bit scary because it shook and shook when it was about to land. It is depressing to think that I will be flying on a prop plane again on the way back...
Hachibei, excuse me for commenting 🌈I see you are from Nagasaki❣️Pleased to meet you😊Tsushima, isn't it nice 👍✨Enjoy the delicious sake and food 🎵I want to fly a propeller plane 😄.
Good evening, good mr. good mr. good mr. good mr. good mr. good mr. good mr. I always enjoy reading your posts. I went to Tsushima for work and enjoyed the food and sake! I'm on a prop plane home now... wobbling...
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Hachibei! What is the sake brewery in Tsushima like? Iwate used to be flown by YS-11, but it was too adaptable to air currents and was up and down quite a bit even in clear weather. (T_T) I understand your feelings very well.
Hi Kumagai-san! I didn't have time to visit the brewery... next time for sure! Propeller planes are like a roller coaster with so many ups and downs, it's like a roller coaster with your life on the line (´°̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥̥).
白嶽純米酒 つしま
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This is a sake brewery in Tsushima. I had never heard of it before, so of course my interest took precedence over my purchase! Speaking of Nagasaki, I personally had a great success with Umegae, so my expectations were high! This one was also a perfect match for me! It is a rich type of sake, but it has a nice sharpness to it without any sharpness. It can be easily served with a wide range of food, so I would like to drink it on a regular basis. It is best served lukewarm for the best balance, but it can be served hot as well. It is also suitable for hot sake. Mr. Ota was looking forward to the replay right before the new Colo. He seemed to be looking forward to the Olympics, and it makes me sad to see it. I would have been at this Tokyo Port Brewery a long time ago!
Good evening, Shinjo-san 😀 Is it ordered from the brewery? I'm curious about it myself and I'm trying to get my hands on some winter-only nigori sake 😁.
Good evening. I bought this one through a campaign on a website called eNagasaki.com. There are no smudges so far! The free shipping was until August, but they might do it again, so if you are interested, please do not hesitate to contact me!
Shinjo-san, every time❗️ I've never had this Tsushima sake before~! I hope you'll follow the example of Iki Yokoyama though 😁.
Every time - ٩٩_٩_Haruei Chichi Mr. Junmai is like everyday wear. Mr. Bouken also seems to have a good reputation for the nigori he is aiming for! It's hard to go out of style since the flavor tag says old-fashioned, but it fit me!
Shinjo-san, sorry for the first time 😊Thank you again for your daily pointers. Shinjo-san's posting style is shocking ⚡️ and I also started to enjoy Mr. Ota's wanderlust BS11. Tsushima, I drank it as a souvenir 👍🏻 desne
Thank you very much. I backed Mr. Ota to get as much material as possible to get comments. I didn't think there was a sake brewery in Tsushima, but I like this one a lot too!
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I participated in an online drinking party yesterday and drank some sake (^^^). The nigori was delicious. The aroma of the rice was strong and it smelled like sweet sake. When I drank it, the sweetness was strong with a slight effervescence. There was a slight bitterness to the taste, but it was refreshing and easy to drink. This is the first time I've had nigorizake with alcohol added. This is the first time I've had nigorizake with alcohol added. We also drank junmai sake and nama sake, and ate local wild boar meat and seaweed salt. I knew that the local ingredients would go well together. It's great to be able to taste the local food remotely as if you were in the area❗.
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This is the third batch of Tsushima. The last one is the Daiginjo, and the flavor is totally different from the previous two bottles. It should taste like a sweetpotato shochu, but it is covered with the so-called ginjo aroma, and it tastes gorgeous. We think that we could understand the difference between Junmai-shu and Ginjo-shu clearly by buying this batch. ...So what is Junmai Daiginjo? To find out, we went to Rakuten instead of Amazon.
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The second batch of sake from Tsushima, Junmai-shu from Shiratake. The person in the back is not the Yaneko of Tsushima🐈.... Compared to the previous Hyosuke, this one is mellower on the palate. It is soft. But the sweetness and the alcohol feeling like the sweetpotato shochu liqueur in the mouth was the same. This taste is very hard to drink at home, and it's hard to decrease... 🤤
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Today, I went on a business trip to Omura City, Nagasaki. Corona is not healed yet. We drank at the hotel again. I had a glass of Hommon Hakutake from Tsushima with Hamachi and whale which is often eaten in Nagasaki. This sake has a unique sweetness. It has a unique sweetness that is different from the sweetness of Junmai that we often taste. But it's not an unpleasant taste. Hamachi with whale and sweet soy sauce goes well with this sake. It goes well together. Local food is the key to local sake. Once again, I realized that sake is rooted in the local community.
Nobu Nobu, good morning🌄. You are flying all over Japan, aren't you? It's a great time to travel for local sake, but in these times, please be careful 😉. I haven't had a drink in Nagasaki, so this is helpful (^. ^).
x777303 I'm forced to fly for work, and I'm too shy to drink outside, so I buy local sake at the local supermarket and drink it at the hotel or on the train. I'm looking forward to the day when I can hold a sake drinking party and drink some good sake.
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I was really into the Japanese style game "Ghost of Tsushima" that was released the other day, so I bought some sake from Tsushima to see what it was like. I heard that it has a unique taste, so I went ahead and bought 300ml of it... 🙇🙇 I drank it at room temperature just to take a picture, and it had an amazing aroma of rice and sweetness! But it didn't leave any aftertaste, which was a good impression. After that, we drank it cold. Is it ...... syochu liqueur? After it was cooled, it became clear that it has sweetness and sharpness like a sweetpotato shochu liqueur. We can recommend it to shochu lovers. Since the shochu boom has ended for me, I prefer it at room temperature. (But it gets drunk.)

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