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Honchō-9 Minatomachi, Hachinohe, Aomori
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Summer dobrokku at the end of summer. Fizzy, sweet, refreshing and delicious. Adult juice. It is possible as a summer sake, but you can't feel but it doesn't have a sake feel. It is delicious, but I prefer I prefer authentic sake to seasonal sake.
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I was planning to drink it in the middle of summer, but it was already autumn. I opened it in a hurry, but had to open and close the bottle for about 20 minutes until the fizzing stopped 😅. It is a bottle that makes me feel summer.
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I realized I forgot to take a picture of it and rushed to find it in the recyclables bin😅. It was chilled to a crisp again this year, but after opening and closing the bottle about 10 times, I managed to complete the opening ritual and poured it into a glass, which was filled with healthy bubbles 🫧🍶. The aroma on the top was a faint hint of koji and a sour-sweet aroma like red apple. In the mouth, the sweetness is more subdued than last year's, and there is a bitter taste and sharpness accompanied by the soda's sizzling sensation. This year, I felt rice in the nigori component. Looking forward to next year😊.
Good evening, Matsuchiyo-san 😃. Before we drink, we get the "Did I take a picture?" I have to do a noobie check ✅ before I drink it 😆. It's really hard to open the bottle 😅 but the taste far surpasses the trouble 🤗.
Good evening J&N 🍶. Doburokku is delicious every year 😊. I think I need to make a checklist and do 😼👉️ by myself 😅
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We opened a bottle of Hachinohe Sake Brewery's Summer Doburokku. I have been wanting to try this bottle ever since I started drinking sake in earnest at the end of last year. I forgot to ask how to open the bottle when I purchased it, and nearly spilled it. After about 5 minutes of repeatedly opening and closing the cap, I was finally able to open the bottle. I have had a lot of sake in my life, but I have never had a sake with this much fizzing power. When poured into a glass, it bubbled and the sweet aroma of nigori sake spread. The taste is sweet, but also has the complexity of nigori sake, with the umami of rice, sourness, and bitterness. I was aware that I like sweet activated nigori sake, but this Summer Doburokku was one of my top five favorite sake so far. I hope to secure at least three bottles next year. I had an image that activated nigori sake is for the cold season, but Natsu Doburokku was a perfect summer sake with a refreshing feeling from the gasiness and bitterness. In the past, a sake called "Doburokku" without "Natsu" was available in winter, but I wonder if it is no longer available. Incidentally, the name "Doburokku" comes from the rice polishing ratio of 69%.
Good morning, Hori 😃. It's hard to open the bottle 😅 but it's much more than that 😙. I didn't know Doburok 🎸 came from the rice polishing ratio 😳.
Thank you Jay & Nobby for your comments â The long awaited summer dobrokku surprised us with more flavor than we could have imagined 😆. Sake has a lot of playful naming 😊.
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I came across it again this year 🍶. Refreshing, refreshing, shwashable fruity 🌸🍶✨. Thanks to the fact that we've encountered it 3 years in a row, this year we opened the bottle in 5 minutes - ⤴️✨😂. Citrus 🍊? 🍊, banana🍌? or pineapple🍍? That's what it tastes like lol. I enjoy it very much.
KazKaz Good evening.(^o^)Summer Doburoku I also had it this year, and it is delicious! It's shwashy and fruity!
Good evening, Sashu 🌙😃❗ Summer dobrokku, oishigisugi ✨. It's a sake I want to meet every year 🍶✨😆.
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A dobrokku, a summer specialty of Mutsu Hachisen, made completely to order! It took about 40 minutes for the store to open it so that it would not blow. Strong bubbles, sweet in taste, but with a dry and refreshing carbonated gas aftertaste. Delicious!
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I am late to the party, but I bought it again this year. My summer's mainstay. It is one of my favorites among nigori. It is refreshing and light despite being a nigori sake, and is extremely delicious with the creaminess of nigori in it. The only drawback is that it takes about 10 minutes to open the bottle, but of course, it is strong and shuwa shuwa. It is refreshing and perfect for summer. It is basically a sweet calpis soda, but the bitterness is not monotonous, and that is one of my favorite points. It is delicious. 8.8
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Mutsu Hachisen Natsu Doburokku Activated Nigori Sake Nama Sake Made with Aomori rice suitable for sake brewing Polishing ratio: Koji rice 55       Kake rice: 69% (reference) Alcohol content 13%. Sake meter degree -25, acidity 1.5 (reference) Corked 7/23, submitted 8/5 I have no patience for opening nigori sake 😅I inevitably pee a little bit. I couldn't drink the top clear liquid when the bottle was opened 💦, but when I drank it on the second day, it was a true lactobacillus drink🤤. When I poured it into a glass, it had a nice cloudiness and the aroma was slightly grapey with a hint of acidity 🍇 or green apple 🍇. Green apple? The aroma is gorgeous with a hint of grape🍇? When you put it in your mouth, sweetness and flavor spreads in your mouth with fresh carbon dioxide gas 🤩. It is great in the hot summer because it is very dry 👍. In J&N's words, Dove ROCK 🎸. Yay! ←Nanka, full ina Yum! From 7/31, I was on a summer vacation with my family in Osaka 🚙Osaka Castle on the first day, Himeji Castle on the second day, and an unexpected place on the third day 😁Jicaino, otanoshimini♪
Hello, kozo 😃. If you can drink the top clear of this one, you are a master of opening the bottle 😁It doesn't matter if it's cloudy, because it's delicious 😋 Nan-no-kocha! Dobu ROCK🎸 is a gift from Rinako 😆 Yay!
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good morning... Indeed! It's super difficult to top off a nigori right after opening the bottle 😅Why is nigori sake so delicious 😍addictive 🤣Yay ✌️
Hi Koizo 😃 So this is the sake thirsty rock that I couldn't resist and spilled 🤣It's a refreshing drink in the hot summer 😋. I'm curious to see what you'll post next time 🤔.
Hi Koizo 🐦. I see you were in the Kansai area: ‼️ welcome 😆 Himeji castle, I want to visit as many times as I can 😊Hello, where did you go next🤔? No freshly opened tops of active nigori 🤣. No ‾yes!
Mr. Noodle Drink King Good morning... I think it is the perfect nigori sake to drink in this hot summer 👍I like to see the bubbles rising when I open the bottle, but I spill a little 🤣I mentioned the next repo 😁.
Pon-chan Good morning...I was born in Kobe and most of my relatives are in Kansai 👍Himeji Castle is a sight to behold, isn't it? It's a magnificent building! If you take kids in Kansai, this is the place to go: ☝️ I hate crowds, so I'm tired 🤣.
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Last week I took 3 days off from Tuesday to Thursday 😑 and decided to go here 🥹 on Friday 😑 which I have been wanting to drink for a long time 🤗. It's been sitting in the fridge for a while, so I quietly twist the lid while coaxing it to 'stay quiet a little longer' 😙. But there's the tough Dove ROCK🎸 "We're not that soft ❗️", he says, his youthfulness bursting out and pushing up the lid 😎. No, no, no, don't panic, young people,🙂‍↔️ it's important to stop and look back for a moment... and tighten the lid again. J&N are watching from the arena seats as the bottle gets murkier and murkier, realizing that life is a series of openings and closings 😌. Our vibes were also raised by the intense dancing of the cage 💃😆. I'll make love to you without spilling 😅.... Well, as Mr. Wakata said, "active nigori" means "absolutely delicious"! No doubt about it 🤗. I'm sure you'll love it 🤗As you spin the Riedel glass around, you can smell the citrus aroma ☺️ and take a sip, it's delicious ‼️ with a nice sweetness and then a dry aftertaste 🤗Adding the acidity, it has a clean aftertaste so you can gobble it up 🤗. We enjoyed the summery taste of Mutsu Hachisen 🎐😚.
Jay & Nobby Good evening (^o^) I see you drank the summer dobrokku😊It's really delicious😄The right amount of acidity enhances the dryness! If there is a summer tradition, this is it for me lol.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. I see you drank the summer dobrokku 🎵. I'm curious because this is a sake I've been wanting to drink too ✨. I read ❗Active nigori is absolutely delicious❗Wise words 😁✨✨✨.
Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃We have it in our house too, summer dobrokku👍It's the "active nigori" that everyone is raving about, so we can only trust it to be delicious 😁. Life is a series of openings and closings.
Jay & Nobby, good morning 😃I imagined you were vibing up and waiting for them to calm down while you were heddling around ‼️ Schwadry looks delicious, I'll buy it when I see it 😆.
Good morning, Jay & Nobby 😀. Nice job opening the bottle while soothing 😇. The activity that is about to blow up is really definitely delicious 😀. I haven't had this one yet and would love to try it😇.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 Summer Dobrokku, I missed out on buying it this year, so I'll have to check in and see what you've been drinking 🤤. They say the more hands on they are, the cuter they are, but the harder it is to open the bottle, the better the sake tastes. ☺️
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🦉. This drink is quite a tough one, but you two can even afford it 😆👍and it's absolutely delicious😻 I want to drink it next year!
Yes, this was a tough one to open! I read this with fond memories of last summer: ☺️✨ I enjoy the active nigori 🎉I get excited just by looking at the words "beware of opening the bottle" or something like that. LOL!
Hi Sashiu 😃 I'm glad you went looking for Sashi-san's summer tradition 🎐! I'm gobbling it up 😋.
Hi ma-ki-😃 This is one bottle you should drink👍. Wakata's words of wisdom! It sticks 🤗.
Hi Wakata 😃 The usual quotes! I have a quote for you 🤗Oh! I'm looking forward to drinking it 😊I keep opening and closing my life 😆.
Hi Manachie 😃 I don't know if I'm using the right vibes 😆 my blood pressure goes up when I headbang 😅I've been waiting quietly 🤗 if you see me 👋.
Hi Yasbay 😃. Mature calmness is important 😁It was a clear active nigori which we like 😋 Please try it 👋
Hi Aladdin 😃 It was our first time, but I see many of you drink it every year 😊 Yum! It's really like a handful of kids 😅.
Hi Pon 😃 I enjoyed the difficulty of opening the bottle as well as the pleasure of having it ☺️ No wonder it was a summer tradition🎐 🤗.
Hello nono😃 Opening the bottle is hard work 🥲 but the more difficult it is, the more it burns 🔥 and the more joy I had when I drank it 😊.
Mr. Jay & Mrs. Nobby Good evening... Dobu ROCK🎸It was ROCK! I spilled it well 🤣. This is one of the top 3 best nigori sake 👍
Jay & Nobby, you surely enjoyed the ROCK 🎸, but your mature opening of the bottle is a thing of beauty 👏😄Active nigori, my heart is also dancing 💃😆.
Hi Koizo 😃 This ROCK will spill if you don't keep your reason 😅It was a really good active nigori 😙.
Hi Rinako 😃 Yes, I am very happy to hear that you enjoyed it! I enjoyed the ROCK spirit 🔥 as much as I could 🤗I can't open this one unless I feel like listening to a ballad 😌 and when I drink it, my heart will be racing 😆.
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At a family BBQ party at work 🍻, I had a junior who wanted to try this and the liquor store had the last of it left, so I bought it. I had a junior who wanted to try this, so I bought it because the liquor store had some left ❗I remember drinking it last year, or was it the year before 🤔It took me 30 minutes to open the bottle! This time it took about 10 minutes to open the bottle😊Adult cider 🍹Slick, refreshing and dry with a nice sharpness❗Great with meat 🎵
Mr. King of Noodles and Sake Good evening...this Doburokku! I got mine last week 🤩When I opened the bottle I...spilled it 🤣I was so eager to drink it that I went all out ...... It's delicious 🤤! I paired it with gorgonzola cheese and it was 👌!
Good morning, Mr. Noodle King 😃. Like Mr. Kozo, we had this last week 😋BBQ🍖 and it's a great one to drink 🤗.
Hi Koizo 😃 In the past, I still had to spend a lot of time saying "I can't open it - it's going to get ⁉️ lukewarm😅"! I can't stand it and I'm going to open it already! Looks like it would go well with cheese 😋 I'll try it next season 😉.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😃 I know what you mean ❗Watcha like a beer and guzzle it 🎵.

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