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Fudo辛口 吟醸 にごり吟醸原酒生酒
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It's winter. Speaking of winter, yes! It's the season of turbidity. We're seeing more and more turbidity in the sake on the market! The first gurgle of the season is immovable. Open the bottle and start with just the supernatant. The aroma is acidic and swollen with a sweet aroma. In the mouth, it's definitely not sweet. It is refreshing and crisp. There is a slight astringency in the back end. When mixed with the muddy one, it is very tender. The aroma is totally different. It has a creamy aroma of rice. The taste is very spicy, far from the aroma. It is spicy. The alcohol taste is perfect. And it is bitter. The sweetness and flavor of rice at the back. The dry sign doesn't lie! This is also an ant. I'm struggling with atheism.
As the temperature rises, the sweetness comes to stand up a bit. The warmth of the alcohol comes to dominate the spiciness as you get used to it. It might be better to warm up.
I drank the keema curry as an entrée. I thought it was going to war in my mouth, but the drink was a step backwards. The creaminess combined with the creaminess of the drink is no longer sweet and lushy.
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I went to the liquor store every day at the end of last month. I ran to the liquor store the moment I saw the information on Twitter about the arrival of the product. Even the notice for liquor stores said it was super limited. The liquor store I'm familiar with only had one case of it in stock. It was good that I could buy it for the time being. On the palate, the aroma is a mixture of apples and white grapes. It is assertive but gently rounded. The taste is also a combination of firm acidity and sweetness. You can sense the mellowness of the wine, which is due to the fact that it has been aged for a summer. There is not too much bitterness, and the way it slips through the finish is a pleasant autumn breeze. From what I've read in the specs, this is what I think it would look like if it were a cold version of hope! It's got a lot of different flavours, and I can't really describe it, but it's got a calm and cohesive feel to it. This is just an informed opinion. I have continued to chase the seasonal bird of the fairy tale from the cherry tree this season, but it is hard to give an A or B to any of them. I look forward to the snowman of next season from now.
Iyokagiya日本酒の日記念酒 別囲い 限定熟成ひやおろし
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As a result of going to the liquor store to capture the Senko Akatombo, I unintentionally bought it while capturing it. I was going to open it on the day of the sake festival, but I stayed up late drinking every day in memory of Yuko Takeuchi, so I couldn't drink it yesterday. Mature! It claims to be, but isn't it probably just a normal chilled drink? It's high in alcohol content, but the alcoholiness is rounded at first. It has a good balance of sweetness and acidity. I can also sense a lactic acid type aroma. I wonder if it's more of a sweetness of sugar or honey than a fruity one. Speaking of maturity, it's a sense of maturity. However, I can feel a kick of alcohol from the liquid that passes down my throat, and I can feel the volatility of the alcohol from my lips. It would be better if I let it sit a little longer. I would like to see the alcohol spikes become more rounded. I think it could be warmed up or something. It's a drink you'll want to dig into. Very good.
Day 3. The sharpness of the alcohol is removed and it's cohesive. This stuff is super tasty! Maybe the best this fall.
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It's the last day of August. The lingering heat is still harsh, but tonight it's raining and the heat is moderate. The end of summer. After all, it's this today. It's a sparkler. Mildly sweet aroma. It has a gentle sweetness. The acidity is there, but it's mellow and unassertive. I've seen some impressions that it's banana-like, but I think it's definitely captured. It's low-alcohol, easily without bitterness or astringency. It glows faintly and disappears fleetingly. This year has been less seasonal because of Corona, but it was the sake that barely made me feel the season. There's a lot of unfinished business from the summer. But that's okay. Sometimes I feel like that. I feel really emo.
Fukuda山田錦 活性うすにごり純米吟醸にごり酒発泡
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As a result of going to buy the Senbou Naturals 0nigori and striking out, it is the second part recommended by the owner of the liquor store to choose. Recently we are getting tired of drinking it. It's not too fizzy, but it's not too fizzy. It does not seem to spill over. The aroma is sweet and dry. In the mouth, it is pear. It's light and refreshing. It's very delicious. It may be the first time to taste pear. It doesn't have a peculiar scent from the oriental taste, and the bitterness is also restrained. It has a nice clean finish. Isn't this pretty good? You should ask for other people's recommendation once in a while.
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It's been on my mind since last year, Splash! When I went to buy the Sentry Naturals 0nigori, they didn't carry it, so I asked the owner to pick it out for me, the first one. Fragrance of cologne. Fermentation aroma like milk. If you drink it, it is highly carbonated. Wilkinson? It was fizzy, which I had never seen before, even when I opened the bottle in the first place. Tastes like acid! Hot! Shib! Suffer! The kind of assertive type? It has almost no sweetness. It's refreshing to drink, and it's very good in its own way. And the fizzy feeling was instantaneous. It settled down quickly. A momentary feeling of a one-minute shelf life. Kanpai! It might be a good idea to drink it all up in I wonder if we'll start to see some depth once things settle down a bit.
We drink the supernatant after the curl is settled. It has a beautiful sweetness, just like the Natsu Doburoku. It still has a slight chilly taste. It is a sparkling wine.
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初かぶとむし。 ああもう最高だ。 酸っぱくて甘酸っぱくて甘酸っぱくて、ほんの少しだけシュワ。 私の少年時代は9歳の頃だし、15歳の頃だし、18歳の頃だし、20歳の頃だし、今だってそうだ。 大人になっても少しくらい少年でいたっていいじゃないか。 美味しくてどうしようもない。
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お店では飲みましたが、家ではお初の流輝。 夏酒はおりがらみ。 地元の酒ですが、県内にはあまり卸してないみたいですね。 どうりで地元の酒屋で見たことない。 先ずおりを絡めず飲めば、 味は甘と酸と少しのピチ感。 うん。爽やかジューシーで美味い。 おり部分を含めば米の甘旨と苦味。 夏だけどそこまで軽くない。 ボディって言うほどじゃないがしっかり目。 春酒って言われて出されたら、なるほど春っぽいって言っちゃいそう。 ちなみに、流輝って当代の蔵元が子供に付けようとして嫁さんに却下された名前らしいですね。 実にいいエピソードでほっこりしました。
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仙禽hope! 蔵元の願いを感じつつ。 香りは甘く、口に含んでも甘く、後口も甘味。 でもガス感のあるドライな口当たりも酸味も感じる。 正直良く分からない笑 ブレンドっていう先入観がそうさせるのか。 そもそも複雑な味なのか。 それでもキチンと酒としてまとまった良い酒です。 来年以降は作らないかもしれないし、 もう二度と飲めないかもしれないけど、 この酒が飲めるなら、 まだまだ日本は捨てたもんじゃないなと思える酒です。 日本に生まれて、日本酒が飲めて良かったなあ。
3日目にして、味が馴染んだ。 よく言う白ぶどうのような香りが前面に。 あ。もう無くなってしまった。
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The liquor store recommended it to me and I bought it on impulse. The aroma coming out of the bottle is dry and rice-like at first. As it comes into contact with the air, the aroma spreads and is instantly sweet and gorgeous. The aroma of fruit. The liquor store said it was pineapple. In the mouth, it's definitely pineapple. Light and refreshing sweetness, followed by an even stronger sweetness. As expected, it has a fruitiness. It has a strong tropical flavor. The aftertaste is also sweet. It's really a real juice. The taste of juice is stronger than the Kahayoukou. The cel 24 yeast is a scary thing. I'll have to buy some wine glasses for this one.