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桜本商店 円山

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いずみーあさころもTAkiないるMasaaki Sapporoぶんずぐりんず凜のすけおとうツキカゲ


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桜本商店 円山
Today is skunk cabbage, and if you look up the brewery on the map, you'll find it in the neighborhood of Tsuchida Sake Brewery. If you check the map, you will see that Tsuchida Sake Brewery is in the neighborhood, so your expectations will be high. ❤️ As the label says, the umami is at its best, and the sweetness The sweetness also increases the deliciousness. The aroma is lactic acidic, with a hint of alcohol in the distance. I can only say that it is very good! Gummers are good too♪ thanks Sakuramoto, Maruyama(Ezo, Sapporo)
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桜本商店 円山
This is my first time to try Kouga's sake, "Laughing Four Seasons". I have been curious about it for a long time, and I got it at Sakuramoto Enzan. (I gave up on Omine Junmai Summer!). The aroma and flavor of 🍇, (not muscat), and the gentle taste, the alcohol is very good. And gentle taste, no alcohol attack. No alcohol attack, but a little bit of assertive sweetness. I guess there is a certain sweetness! You'll find yourself drunk! thanks Sakuramoto Shoten, Maruyama (Ezo no Kuni: Sapporo)
Jikon特別純米 にごり 生酒特別純米生酒にごり酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (wife: 9 points) Rice : Koji, Yamadanishiki, Gohyakumangoku Rice polishing ratio : 60 Alcohol content : 15.5 Purchased at Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) When opening the bottle, it is sipped about 20 times (about 5 minutes). It has a strong gaseous taste. Slightly melon and grapefruit-like top notes The same fruity aroma, moderate sweetness and mild rice flavor as at the top, along with a strong sense of gas, citrus acidity, and assertive bitterness, spreads with a pizzazz, and finishes quickly while leaving a lingering bitterness. It is rather floral and silky with a hint of nigori, but the sweetness is moderate, and the strong gassiness and firm bitterness give it a particularly dry impression in the latter half of the bottle. It goes well with food and is refreshingly delicious on its own. On the second day, the gaseous sensation subsides, but the bitterness still bothers me. It went well with homemade Bolognese pasta and bread. I have good memories of going to the store several times during the sales period, and when I entered the store, a familiar waiter told me the last bottle of the day was left and looked out for me. I was so happy, I took a preview of it right there in front of the store.
Good evening Masaaki Sapporo-san 🦉. The Jigokin nigori looks delicious😻 I'm glad you made the effort to come here 😊and I'm glad you remember me! I know exactly how you feel about being photographed in front of the store 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo-san konbanhaha(o´ω`o)no~~ Delicious one(´,,-﹃ -,,Translated by:) I'm jealous that you can buy them at guerrilla sales! It's nice when people remember your face. ☺️
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, Pon, thanks to you we have more stock of alcohol that came out at the same time 😅The first day had a bitter taste that stood out, so we are looking forward to the second day and beyond ✨.
Masaaki Sapporo
Good morning, Eririn-san ☀Sakuraboto Shoten has various ways of selling rare sake from time to time: first come, first served, lottery, guerrilla sales 😁Shinsei is a completely guerrilla sale that is not available online, so it depends on your luck 😅.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃! I'm so excited to get the last bottle that day 👍I know how it feels to take a picture 😆I'm looking forward to tasting it on the second day 😋.
Masaaki Sapporo. Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning ☀Good morning It's the best.
Masaaki Sapporo
Hi Jay & Nobby! It was one of the lucky events of the end of the year ✨I'm looking forward to tonight's flavor change 😋.
Masaaki Sapporo
Mr. WOM. Hi there, I'm a new member of the group and I'm looking forward to meeting you again! I went several times during the period, estimating the time appropriately 🏃I've been frequenting various liquor stores in the city for the past year or so, so I'm getting familiar with a good number of them 😁.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo🌇. It was worth the trip. ❗️ I've never had the only one of the three major nigoris that are commonly referred to as "nigori"... I really envy you. ‼️
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! I was lucky enough to get it, but personally I think I prefer Hirotogawa because of the bitterness 😅 Hirotogawa is also sitting in my fridge, so I will compare them again 🍶.
Tedorigawa純米にごり酒 白寿純米生酒にごり酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Rice : Ishikawa-mon Rice polishing ratio : 60 Alcohol content : 14% (undiluted) Sold at Maruyama Sakuramoto Shoten (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Shoe when opened x 8 times It has a strong gaseous taste. The sweetness of the rice malt tops it off. It has a fruity aroma like melon mixed with the top-fermented aroma, a full, fresh sweetness and rice flavor that spreads pichijuwatto with lactic acidity and a gaseous sensation similar to sparkling, and it is assertive, mildly bitter, and crisp. It is not too sweet, and the strong gassiness and bitterness make it a refreshing drink that goes well with meals and can also be enjoyed on its own. After the second day, the bitterness becomes less of an issue, which is a good sign. It went well with Beaver's ume flavored, wasabi-spiked Japanese pasta with pork, komatsuna and mushrooms.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃 This is one of the bottles that WOM has listed and I would like to drink! Beaver is delicious 🤗 and I just realized I missed the 203CI⁉️ aper 😩Kiri number celebration 😓Congratulations 🎉!
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you Jay & Nobby 👍I was concerned about the bitterness on the first day, but I'm looking forward to the second day and beyond ✨I felt the beaver was more suited to the seafood flavor than the plum 😋.
宮寒梅純米大吟醸 29福 FUKUFUKU純米大吟醸
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (wife 8.5 points) Ingredients: rice, rice malt (Manamusume from Miyagi Prefecture) Sweetness/Salty Shade: Sake Degree Not disclosed Acidity: 1.4 Rice polishing ratio: 29 Alcohol content: 15 Sold at: Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Pour when opened Almost no gas Slightly sweet rice flavor The gentle aroma of grapes and kiwi, the gentle umami and sweetness of rice, and the soft acidity with a hint of lactic acidity spread out in a sizzling manner, with a slight bitterness and a lingering sweetness of rice, and it finishes quickly. It has a mellow mellowness and a well-balanced and beautiful impression. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. It went well with fried chicken, kamaboko from Kamaei, homemade nameko mushrooms, and meatballs. It also went well with mikan yellowtail, straw-roasted bonito, Australian 1.1 pound steak, and Fukuoka-grown amaou, which I bought at the Shikoku Fair in Aeon.
Good evening, Masaaki Sapporo🦉. This is a nice photo that fits the label perfectly! The red and white are so beautiful ✨ I'd like to try drinking Miyakanbai at home 😭.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thanks again, Pon-chan 👍Since I'm here, I'll combine the date with the purification ⛩️ I hope something good comes out of it 😁I'll keep drinking Miyaganbai, so far I haven't had any havoc with it ✨
Toyobijin限定純米吟醸 醇道一途 直汲生純米吟醸生酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (wife: 9 points) Alcohol content : 16 Rice used : Undisclosed Rice polishing ratio : 40% for koji rice / 50% for kake rice Sake Degree : undisclosed Acidity : Not disclosed Store where purchased Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Shu when opened Almost no gas Slightly melon-like aroma with a citrusy top note. The same slightly floral aroma as the top shelf, gentle rice flavor and plump sweetness spreads pichijuwatto with soft acidity and a slight gassy feeling. It finishes with a modest hint of bitterness and a lingering sweetness of rice. It is fresh and beautifully mellow, giving a well-balanced impression. It goes well with meals and is also delicious on its own. It went well with low-temperature cooked sirloin (from Australia), grilled shiitake mushrooms with butter and soy sauce, boiled spinach, and egg soup.
Good evening Masaaki Sapporo 😃. What a great photo! Is this the set you made for oriental beauty ⁉️😆 oriental beauty looks sweet, but this one looks sharp 🤗.
Masaaki Sapporo
Jay & Nobby, it went well with the 39 Special Thanks of Kangiku, the set for this shoot, etc. 😁Toyo Bijin, my wife, who likes sweet fruity, liked it before, it was sweet but had a smooth finish ✨.
宮寒梅純米吟醸 Winter Time 活性にごり生酒純米吟醸生酒にごり酒
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
9 points (Wife: 8.5 points) Rice:Miyamanishiki (Miyagi Prefecture) Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter: -5 Acidity: 1.4 Yeast: Not disclosed Sold at: Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) Shu when opened A little gassy Melon-like top-end with a hint of alcohol The same fruity aroma as the first sip, the aroma of rice malt, the soft sweetness and umami spread out with a citrus-like thin acidity, and the characteristic slight bitterness, which is quickly quenched while retaining the sweetness and umami of the rice. It is gently balanced, gassy, refreshing, and deeply delicious. The aroma and sweetness are not strong, so it goes well with meals and is of course delicious on its own. On the second day, the alcohol feeling of the first day is gone, and the aroma is like melon yogurt, still delicious. It went well with the Kiritanpo hot pot we received as a year-end gift. It also went well with homemade Bolognese and Hakita mozzarella cheese.
Good morning, Masaaki Sapporo 😀 I like the way the sake looks in the photo, it fits the scenery well 😀. Looking at the white snow and having a nabe with a good amount of fruity sake mixed with powdery snow in a bottle ❤️
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you, Yasbay! So far, there is not much snow in Sapporo, but it's just right for walking around to take pictures 😁.
Hi Masaaki Sapporo 😃 This is the one I've been wanting to drink since last year 🤗. I really like it! The white 🤍 is beautiful 🥹I can hear the song 🎵 "Winter Time" 😌I don't know 😆.
Masaaki Sapporo
Thank you Jay & Nobby for everything! It was delicious and we hope 👍Miyakanume, I'd like to drink some of the others 🍶.
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桜本商店 円山
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store 1800/3960 yen Junmai Daiginjo 16-17%. Yamagata Sake Mirai 33% 2023.08 It was a gentle sake with a soft mouthfeel, rich sweetness and umami 😊I finished it in 3 days 😋.
Ubusuna穂増 四農穣生酛生酒発泡
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桜本商店 円山
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama store 720/3280 yen Shinojo 13 degrees Kikuchi River basin, Kumamoto Prefecture Hozu ? 2923.08 Aroma like a group fruit and refreshing sweet and sour 😊I can see why it is so popular in Kumamoto 😊Ume! I chose Sansho for the last day of Nogizaka's Jingu concert (the 4th day). I was lucky enough to be able to buy it at a liquor store in Sapporo 😊Lucky ✌️ I knew the last song would be the best fit for Nogizaka's poem. It was a good concert 😊.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 短稈渡船純米大吟醸中取り無濾過
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桜本商店 円山
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store 720/2480 yen Junmai Daiginjyo unfiltered Nakakumi 15 Shiga Watafune-2(80%) 50% 2023.08 I think this is the first time for me to drink short-stalked Watabune sake rice😊The flavor was full, rich and punchy😊I finished it before the encore of Nogizaka-chan's Jingu concert 😵‍💫 A good concert makes me want to drink more🍶🫡.
Mutsuhassenprototype 2023にごり酒発泡
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桜本商店 円山
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama store 500/1870 yen Sparkling nigori sake 7 degrees Not disclosed 2023.07 It was an adult lemon squash 😊It was low alcohol and 500ml so I was watching Nogizaka's Jingu live and it was empty before I knew it in the first half of the live 😵‍💫 It was a good drink to forget about the heat......just not sure if I can drink the same thing again next year since it's a prototype. I regret not being able to drink the same thing again next year since it is a prototype.
Roman純米大吟醸 福乃香50純米大吟醸
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
7 → 7.5 points (wife 5 → 6 points) Rice: Fukunoka/Himenomochi (produced in Minamiaizu) Rice polishing ratio: 50 Alcohol content: 15 Yeast used: Utsukushima Yume Yeast (F7-01) Sake Degree: Not disclosed Acidity: Not disclosed Store: Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) When opening the bottle No gas feeling Slightly green melon and alcohol on top The same slight aroma and sweetness as the first sip, the deliciousness of the rice spreads with a slight acidity, the spiciness of the alcohol, and a slight bitterness, and it finishes with a smooth, crisp finish. The aroma is not strong and mild, but the scent of alcohol is noticeable, giving it a slightly classical impression. The sweetness is moderate, so it goes well with a meal. It can also be enjoyed on its own. On the second day, the alcohol smell is slightly replaced by the koji (malted rice) smell, and it becomes mellower. It went well with seafood pasta with tomato sauce.
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown, Minamiaizu Town!
Masaaki Sapporo
Good evening, nabe-san! I'm looking forward to drinking more sake from Fukushima!
Ohmine Junmai大嶺3粒夏純かすみ生酒 山田錦生酒
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桜本商店 円山
Summer is still a long way off, but here are some summer sakes! Choice is Daimine Junmai and Kasumishu! The smell and taste of ethyl acetate is quite strong. Is this a weak point? The taste is mild, sweet and gentle. I would like to drink it in a daze on the balcony at dusk in summer. It's the kind of sake you want to drink on a balcony at dusk in the summer. Preferably in a place with low humidity and late nights. I feel like I want to soak it up with brusto and sauerkraut. I feel like I want it to soak into my body. thanks Sakuramoto Sake Shop (Sapporo: Maruyama)
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桜本商店 円山
Standard Michelle♡ It's still delicious! I think the acidity has decreased... But it's still delicious. It's a battle of endurance to carry it over to the second day but it definitely tastes better on the second day.
Asa Koromo Hello ^ ^ Standard Michelle, it's delicious ✨. My wife loves it too ✌️ Next time, please get a magnum bottle and enjoy it to the fullest 😁.
Manta. It's really delicious ✨ I've never seen the magnum bottle. I haven't seen the magnum bottle yet. If I find it, I'll buy it. If you do, you can enjoy it on the first day and the second day too.
Tedorigawa純米吟醸 石川門 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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桜本商店 円山
Masaaki Sapporo
8 → 8.5 points (Wife 8.5 points) Rice : Ishikawa-mon Rice polishing ratio : Koji 50%, Kake 60 Alcohol content : 15% (undiluted) Sake Degree : Undisclosed Acidity : Undisclosed Condition : Nama-shu Sold at: Sakuramoto Shoten Maruyama Store (Chuo-ku, Sapporo) When the bottle was opened, it was very soft and gaseous. Moderate gassiness Slightly green apple-like finish The slightly fruity aroma on the top, the mild sweetness and the umami of the rice spread out with a fresh acidity, and then it finishes with a slight bitterness and a slight spiciness of the alcohol. The taste is well-balanced, slightly classical, and deeply delicious. It is good as a stand-alone sake or as an in-between-dinner drink. After the second day, it seems even more rounded and mellow. It went well with sesame soba noodles (from Etanbetsu, Hokkaido) and kakiage (deep-fried fish cakes). It also went well with Fujiya's W cream Mont Blanc. It also went well with steak (salt and sauce).
Mizubasho純米大吟醸 翠純米大吟醸
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桜本商店 円山
★★★★ Basho Junmai Daiginjo Midori Rice: 100% Yamadanishiki (produced in Miki Bessho district, Hyogo Prefecture) Polishing ratio: 50 Sake meter rating: +2 Alcohol content: 15 It has a fruity and gentle taste that is difficult to describe. It is easy to drink without a sense of alcohol. It was delicious 🙇.
Mimurosugi純米吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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桜本商店 円山
★★★★ Mimuro Sugi Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 60 Alcohol: 15.5 Sake degree: +3 Acidity: 1.8 Yeast: No.9 yeast It has a good balance of acidity and sweetness without feeling like a +3 sake. The first Mimurosugi leaves an impressive aftertaste. I would like to try other Mimurosugi as well 😀. It was delicious 🙇. While I was in Sapporo to buy some 而今, I also watched my son's high school debut game 😅. I'm also going to watch the practice game on 5/6 while purchasing sake👍
Good morning, Otou 😃 Watching the game while drinking sake! Hmm? I envy you that you can buy it now ❗It's nice to be in Sapporo, isn't it 😉.
Good morning, Mr. Noodle Sake King✋. Sapporo is fun, isn't it? There are some restaurants I haven't been to yet, so I'd like to visit more when I have more time 😀. I don't know what my real purpose is anymore 💦.
Kankobai純米大吟醸 山田錦純米吟醸
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桜本商店 円山
★★★★ KANKOUBEI Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki Rice used: Yamadanishiki Rice polishing ratio: 55 Alcohol content: 15 Slightly effervescent. The aroma is fruity, but subdued. It has a refreshing sweetness and acidity. Easy to drink. Delicious 🙇.
Shosetsu純米吟醸 愛山 生酒純米吟醸生酒
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桜本商店 円山
★★★★ Shoyuki Junmai Ginjo Aizan Nama Shu Rice used: Aiyama from Hyogo Prefecture Polishing ratio: 50 Sake degree: +1.3 Acidity: 1.2 Alcohol content: 15 I'm still drinking it without understanding the characteristics of the rice, but I chose it because I've never made a mistake with Aizan 😅. It's a mix of sweetness and bitterness. It was delicious 🙇. Only 9 more to go until I conquer all 47 prefectures. I've been to Hakodate area and Sapporo, but Miyazaki and Okinawa seem to be tough 💦.