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Morishima雄町 純米大吟醸しぼりたて生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒
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Tonight's seat is the first one on the right side of the counter. It's the closest to the cold storage room and you can see the bottles very clearly! As I mentioned at the start of Tenbi, I was really excited to drink as much as I could if there were so many sake to choose from! Next up was Morishima, a long time no see! Omachi Shiboritate, just released this month! Fresh, sweet and delicious! Junodai for such a great price! Thank you very much! extensive knowledge Morishima's characteristic glossy, shiny, transparent, light mouthfeel and freshness with a slight effervescence. Exquisite balance of voluptuous flavor with the plump sweetness of Omachi rice! The sharp aftertaste makes it an excellent food sake. Specific name: Junmai Daiginjo Ingredients : Rice, Rice malt Alcohol content: 15 Sake meter rating: +2.0 Acidity: 1.8 Rice used for making:Omachi Rice polishing ratio:50 Condition: Nama-shu