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奥出雲前綿屋 試験醸造 純米吟醸 901号 火入れ奥出雲前綿屋 試験醸造 純米吟醸 901号 火入れ

Brands from Takeshita Honten


955-1 Kakeyachō Kakeya, Unnan, Shimane
map of Takeshita Honten
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We were served the sake we had agreed to drink the day before for a comparison! Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery in Unnan City, Shimane Prefecture Hi-ire and Nama-shu First, let's start with the hi-ire sake! Fruity like a Japanese pear! This was the first time I had tasted it, and it was delicious! The owner also bought a bottle to try it out and decided to see how it reacted in a four-pack bottle instead of a one-pack bottle. I personally recommend it! (from the owner's own personal experience) A fire-aged version of the commemorative first brewed sake This is a commemorative first-brewed sake produced by Tabe Takeshita Brewery, a new brewery created by the business transfer of Takeshita Honten, a brewery that is also the birthplace of former Prime Minister Takeshita and DAIGO. The brewery's new brewery, Tabe Takeshita Sake Brewery, was established by the business transfer of Takeshita Honten, the brewery from which Yamada Nishiki and DAIGO were born. This is a test brew with high expectations for the future, and is only available now. The aroma is gentle, but has a beautiful core. The aroma spreads softly in the mouth, followed by the soft sweetness of the rice. The beautiful and elegant umami, with a light dry aftertaste. Rice used Yamadanishiki, Shunyo Rice polishing ratio 50-60 Alcohol content 15 degrees Celsius Sake degree / Acidity ±0 / 1.7

Brands from Takeshita Honten