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It was recommended by a sake sommelier based on my taste preferences. It was a first time for me to taste this sake from Kyoto. It is a clear, deliciously sweet sake, just the way I like it. It goes well with sashimi. Even if it is chilled, you can taste the rich flavor of the rice, and when it is lukewarm, the flavor is even more intense. I personally recommend the cooled, refreshing version.
IwashimizuEARTH 2022 Harmonie原酒生酒無濾過
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This was my first time at Iwashimizu, my first time at a liquor store. They have a wide selection, and the sake tasters help you choose from a variety of selections, and you can even do tastings. I would go there if it were closer. I tasted Iwashimizu's "Arashigiri," but it was quite sweet, so I went with "EARTH. But it was still sweet? It is a bit expensive, but it is worth a try. It is a little expensive, but it is worth trying. It tastes better when it is cooled down to a crisp.
Fusano Kankiku電照菊 山田錦50純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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The first bottle after returning home for the New Year's holiday. I bought it at "Morinoya Sake Shop" in front of the station when I returned in the fall. I was wondering if I would like the finish since it is unfiltered, but it is easy to drink with a level of intensity and flavor that is not too assertive behind the clean sweetness 💕. Personally, I like sweetness with more acidity, but this is an easy to drink bottle.
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This time, since "Masaruya Tama Plaza" was closed, we went to the nearby "Morinoya Sake Shop" to get some sake. It's been a while since I've had "Yukino Kayasha" 🧡 . *゜ This is a sake that I used to drink a lot when I was in Akita. It is my favorite brand of Akita sake along with "Yamamoto" and "Mansaku no Hana" (((o(*▽゚▽゚*)o)))). This time, it is a "Junmai Ginjo", so, well, it's not a hassle ( **). It's a standard easy-drinking bottle with a slight sweetness and apple-like aroma. Snow Kayasha is a sake that is gentle on the palate, the flavor spreads in the mouth and cuts through quickly, so you never get tired of drinking this sake with its clean and clear taste. It is a stable product 🧡 . *゜
Good evening, Mr. Kishii😄. This Jungin is a classic, but I like it because of its strike deliciousness❣️. The gentle sweet flavor from the apple aroma and the clean aftertaste is good ≧∇≦)b
T.KISO> It's a classic, but it's a gem that is never outdone by others.
Good evening, Mr. Kissey! I also love Snow Kayasha ♡♡♡ I used to drink it a lot when I lived in Akita. I never get tired of drinking it, so I drink it all the time 🍶.
mamiko> Did you live in Akita? I used to stay at a hotel in Akita for work, and there was a restaurant called "Sake-maru" a little further from the station towards Kawatari, and the cosiness and variety of sake was amazing🎶.
Kishii, I am from Akita 😊 the town where the brewery of Hiraizumi is located is my hometown 😌 when my husband was transferred back to Akita for 3 years a few years ago, we lived near the brewery of Yukino Kayasha 😁 we used to drink in front of Akita station from time to time 😆.
Zarusohorai槽場直詰め 出羽燦々純米吟醸原酒生酒
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I was so busy at the beginning of the term that I didn't upload any sake. This time it is "Zanko Hourai Zanko Hourai Namazake Dewa Sanzan" 🧡 . *. Speaking of Kanagawa, "Zancho Hourai"🎶. The last time I went back to Yokohama, I couldn't go to "Masaruya Tama Plaza" due to lack of time, so I went to Morinoya Sake Shop in front of the station to buy this "Zancho Hourai". There are various types of "Zancho Hourai", but I remember that the Dewa Sanbai was very tasty, so I bought this one with high expectations because it was made from the same sake rice, "Dewa Sanbai". The label was different from the previous one, but the contents were also completely different. It was not as refreshing as I had imagined, but it was still a delicious sake. It has a robust flavor that is typical of direct-fermented raw sake 🎶.
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This time I was back in Yokohama, so I opened a bottle of "Shichida Hi Hiyaori Aizan" that I had stocked in Yokohama🧡 . *. I have high expectations for how "Shichida" will finish a junmai sake with 100% Aiyama and 75% polished rice (((o(*▽▽*)o))). When you hear the name "Aizan", you may imagine a sweet finish, but when you put it in your mouth, you will be surprised by the unexpected taste. It has a good acidity and a sharp sweetness. As a result, it has a refreshing sweetness that makes it easy to drink. I can drink more and more when it is finished like this lol.
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On the second day of the New Year, the sake here in Kanagawa is "Zancho Horai Special Junmai Dewa San San 60 Tamba Direct Tsume Unfiltered Raw Sake" (*^^*). Zanzo Horai is a fruity sake that I like a lot, but when I went to Morinoya Sake Shop this time, they told me that this one was selling well, so I decided not to go for the Nigori sake, and bought this Dewa Sanzan! It has a plastic card on the lid as well as a stopper, so it's definitely a foaming type. The aroma is melon-like 🍈? I'm not sure if it's green apple🍏? The back of the bottle says it's sweet and juicy. It's so sweet and juicy! I can't believe it! It's a sweet melon candy with a low alcohol content of 14% (*^^*), and it has a petite texture. You can drink it like juice, but it has a certain amount of alcohol refreshment. This is a winner 💛
Hello, Mr. Kicchi😃. Zanzo Horai is a fruity type ❗️. It's also a low alcohol melon! I only know one shop that carries it, so I'll try it next time🤗
Haruei Chichi>. Zankou Hourai is famous for its pink color, but this yellow-green one is a melon🧡 I drank a lot of it. I don't have much more...oh no💦
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The first sake to be opened in 2022 is "Yukino Kayasha Junmai Ginjo Namazake". I drank a lot of Yukinokayasha when I was in Tohoku (*^^*). It's one of the best tasting sake in Akita (*^^*) This time's namaishu is also not too sweet, with a fruity 💛 refreshing taste that is easy to pair with meals. It really doesn't have any quirks, and the refreshing sweetness makes it easy to drink, but while it drinks like water, some people may find the taste lacking. I wonder if it will last until tonight's sukiyaki (laughs) I have to make sure not to drink it at too high a pitch (laughs)
Happy New Year 🙇🙇️ year to you too 🙇♂️! I'm sure you've been manacled since noon 🤣 It's okay, it's New Year's Day.
Happy New Year, Kitchee! It's New Year's Day, so let's drink without hesitation 😋.
Happy New Year! I love Kayasha's Jun Gin Namaishu 🎶I love Kayasha too❣️. I'm sure you'll love it!
Happy New Year, Kishi-san 🐯 Let's enjoy this year with good sake🥂 Please give me your best regards😊.
takeshon> I was manacchi... (laughs) It's consecutive days (laughs) I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it.
MAJ> It's New Year's 🎈🎉. I managed to last until night. Today is worse💦.
T.KISO> Happy New Year. I'm looking forward to working with you again this year. I'm sure you'll like it.
Yu🎶> Happy New Year🧡! I'll be back in a few weeks. Let's have an off-line meeting...
IwashimizuOrigin Harmonie原酒生酒
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Souplesse was half blown, so revenge. This time, I was careful...nothing happened because it was Harmonie, and I was disappointed. Sweet smell. In the mouth, it is so sweet that it is like a noble sake. But it's very refreshing. It has acidity and low alcohol content. However, it has a sweet and umami taste. I feel it. The level of Iwashimizu is high. It is delicious.
I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not, but I'm sure it's a good idea.
Resting bird, you're hooked - maybe the low ale is good for you 😆.
IwashimizuMARS Souplesse原酒生酒おりがらみ
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Because ROSIE was a bad taste. I've been keeping it in a special fridge, and I can't deny that I've been a little too proud of myself since nothing has happened to over 200 bottles so far. A moment later, the crown flew off and I blew up the crown. It was a catastrophe of about two cups. It is good. The aroma was something like ripe fruit. When you put it in your mouth, it is juicy because it was blown so much. The aroma is sweet and rice-like. There is almost no bitterness or astringency, which is common in nigori, and there is a slight grapefruit aftertaste. Perhaps because of the low alcohol content, it goes away quickly. Iwashimizu, let's go after it. 🕺🕺🕺🕺
Hello, Mr. Futokubo🐣 Wow💦 that was a disaster😱 2 cups⁉️ I've done it before too 😣 😅 It's not good for the healthy ones but it's not good for me either 😆.
Mr. Mariponne, the one with the crown was impossible... But it was good, so I can forgive everything.
It is Iwashimizu, isn't it? I have drunk GOWARINGO because I can buy it near my house in Yokohama, but it is fruity, easy to drink and delicious...
I think I bought it at that liquor store, and when I told them I came to buy Iwashimizu, they told me a lot about it, and recommended the Gowa apple at the end of the year!
Mr. Futokubo. Is that so? I wonder if there are so few shops that sell Iwashimizu... I buy it at Morinoya sake shop...
Mr. Kitchee, Morinoya is the only shop in Kanagawa! And if it is a large quantity in a special refrigerator, it is only Morinoya in Kanto👍.
ChuaiSparkring Junmai 2021 辛口
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Summer vacation 4th bottle~♪ Purchased at Morinoya Sake Shop! It's a fun place to talk sake while tasting all kinds of stuff! This time it's Chua Ai. I've had Chua Ai before, but this time it's sparkling! I've never had it before, so I got to try it! I've never tasted this before, so I was able to try it! Even after a week of tasting, it still has a great sparkling sensation! Now, let's open the bottle of "Chuai" that we bought! I was worried about the warning seal on the bottle, so I opened it slowly! It opened easily, so I was relieved. Let's have a look! It's a light nigori, so it has a lot of rice flavor, but the foam and acidity cut through the rice flavor and sweetness in the mouth, and it's delicious! This is summer~♪ This is not good, it's a slurp and gulp kind of thing! I think I'll drink it so my wife doesn't find out.
Good evening, Kissi 😊I've never seen a loyal dry sparkling before! I'm sizzling just reading your comment 🤤.
Yuka-chin> This is delicious, so if you find it, please buy it~♪
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The third bottle of the summer vacation was "Shoryu Hourai" which I bought at Morinoya Brewery in front of the station! You can taste almost all kinds of sake here, so it's great! Morinoya Sake Store introduced me to another liquor store, Sakepo Masaruya Tamaplaza Store, and today I went to check it out! What an amazing assortment! They have all kinds of the sake I was looking for! At any rate, there was "Mimurosugi" and "Jurokuyo Kyurouemon Kimoto", so I bought them, but there is also "Kamonishiki"! I want to try "Yamakawa Mitsuo" too... I'll come back to buy more! I've digressed, but the main topic is "Shoryu Hourai". Shoryuken! Hado-ken! No, no... This time it's dry! The aroma is fruity. It is delicious! It's not a spicy dry sake, but for me, I like this kind of dry sake better now. I think it would be good as a mid-meal sake!
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Alcohol content] 13.5 Polishing ratio】70 Raw material rice】 100% Miyamanishiki When I returned home 3 weeks ago, I bought a bottle of "Wakakoma" at Morinoya Sake Shop. It doesn't have much of an aroma, but it has a clean sweetness and bitterness, and the acidity is strong like summer, and the aftertaste disappears quickly. The bitterness and sourness give it a plum-like flavor. It's like a plum wine. The alcohol content is low, so you can drink it with gusto! It's a shame that the label still has the same taste... (laughs) (laughs) If they made the lapel a little more modern, I'm sure women would buy it too.
I'm back in Yokohama this time, so I opened the two bottles I bought last time and am enjoying them. When I return during the Bon Festival, I'll drink the Nabeshima Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki and Sawaya Matsumoto Omachi that I bought at Sake no Asano this time.
Hello, Kishisan. Have you finally opened a bottle of Ma Natsu Nsu?
Mr. Camel> Yes, we've opened the bottle! It has a refreshing summer taste. Is it just me, or is it similar to ume sake? (laughs)
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It's my first Sanzen櫻! Alcohol content】8 Rice polishing ratio] Koji rice: Aiyama 40%, Kake rice: Aiyama 60%. What, is it sake? The alcohol level is 8%! The foaming is unbelievable! It took me a long time to open it (laughs). I don't know what it tastes like, it's definitely fruity, but I've never tasted anything like it! Is it close to cherries? It's sweet but refreshing, and it's also sour, but is it just me or does it not feel like sourness? The bubbles make it more refreshing, but the flavor that spreads in the mouth is unique. Because it's nigori, the rice taste is also strong. I wonder if it's the taste of Aisan that makes it so? Anyway, it's easy to drink and delicious handsome. It's a gem that I'd love for women to drink.
I mean, are you okay with being found out? I'm a little worried about that.
Glorious Mt.Fuji七星 2021純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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This is the fifth bottle I've opened in GW. I was drinking Izumi a while ago, so when I compared the taste, I found that the sweetness was refreshing and crisp, and the umami was elegant as it was a Daiginjo. The aroma is like a melon type cap. I heard from the sake shop that there are many repeaters among Eikoh-fuji, but it's still delicious. Eikoh fuji has a good balance. I'll drink the last bottle of GW. I'll drink it while watching "Yuru Camp". Polishing ratio】50 Sake degree] -14.0 Seriously? Acidity: 1.4 Alcohol content] 15.2 Price】1980 yen / 4-pack bottle
Good evening, Mr. Kissy🌙 You've opened a bottle of Nanaboshi 😊. I'm sure you've been drinking it slowly and savoring it too... I'm sure you'll enjoy it.
Mr. Puchi> I've opened the bottle. After all, the elegance of Daiginjo is reflected in the sweetness. Basically, I drink it as it is without any accompaniments, but it goes down smoothly.
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GW Sake Week This is the second of the three bottles we bought in Yokohama. The aroma is clear and not too much. There is a little bit of a peculiar taste that spreads to the mouth at first, but I wonder if this is the cheese smell that is tagged on the label... The sweetness is a little sweet, and the sourness comes through nicely, so the aftertaste is refreshing. I personally like it better when it's chilled, because it loses its habit and the sweetness recedes nicely. I wonder how the taste will change tomorrow. Rice Polishing Ratio] 65 Alcohol content】13 Price】1905 yen / 4-pack
White koji sake seems to be hard to find, so I guess it's a rare breed.
Day 2: I wonder if the sweetness has changed. As on the first day, the sweetness is strong, but the sourness coexists, so it is not too sweet. The sourness becomes stronger later and disappears quickly.
The third GW I'm opening tomorrow is "Eikoh Fuji: Seven Stars", so I want to enjoy comparing it to this one...
Wakagoma美山錦70 無加圧採り原酒生酒無濾過
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Let's drink sake in GW! So we went to a local sake shop to buy some! Today we bought 3 bottles! One of them is this Wakakoma. It's not too sweet, but has a good balance of acidity and fruity taste. The aroma is a peach or melon type. This refreshing feeling makes me think of a lower alcohol content, but it's a solid 16.5%. It's easy to drink, but you can still taste the flavor. Rice Polishing Ratio】70 Alcohol content】16.5 Rice] 100% Miyamanishiki Price】 1710yen
ZarusohoraiQueen 槽場直詰生原酒純米吟醸原酒生詰酒
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Zanko Hourai Junmai Ginjo Queen Polishing 60% rice 12% alcohol Price 1739 yen Today, I came to the liquor store in front of the station where my house is in Yokohama to buy sake after a long time! They let you taste the sake here, so you never miss anything when you buy! I had a few tastings this time too! Today I bought two bottles of local sake from Kanagawa, including a bottle of Zanko Horai! I just bought two bottles in Shizuoka yesterday, but the sake was calling me to buy some, so I did! Zanzo Horai is one of my favorite local sake from Kanagawa! Among them, this Queen seems to be the most popular! It has a nice sweetness that isn't too overpowering, and the balance of acidity is perfect for the spring weather! This is delicious! It's the kind of thing you can drink without hesitation! I'll let it sit in the fridge until the next time I go home.
GW's opening! Much cleaner than the tasting at the store! The sweetness was moderate and it went down easily. It's a low alcohol beer, so it's easy to drink.
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Nanada Junmai Origarami Rice polishing 65 17% alcohol Price 1595 yen It's been a while since I've been to the liquor store in front of our house in Yokohama to buy sake! They let you try the sake here, so you never miss anything when you buy! This time, I went for the standard "Nanada" Origarami! It has a fruity taste that spreads in the mouth, and it also has a gassy feel, so it's fresh and has a nice acidity that comes after the sweetness, and it has a clean aftertaste! Delicious!
We opened this bottle at GW! The taste is different from when I tasted it at the store... It's bouncy and the sweetness is clean! The aroma is like a cape melon or peach...
Fusano Kankikuコシヒカリ90純米原酒生酒無濾過
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I drank this brand at the store last year and was sure to drink it at home this year. It is 90% milled Koshihikari from Kankiku. When I drank it last year, I was impressed by how beautiful sake can be made from the rice we usually eat. How is it this year? Opening the bottle requires no effort. It just popped open by itself like a joke. The clerk at the sake shop said, "It has a strong gaseous feel," and he was right. The aroma is like "rice". It would be different if you actually compared it to freshly cooked rice, but I feel like I can smell the steaming aroma of cooked rice. Anyway, you can feel the assertiveness of the rice. The taste is sweet without any corners. The richness is strong and massive. The mouthfeel is like cream, and to be honest, it's a little bland and unrefined. Maybe it's because it's not polished, or maybe it's because it's Koshihikari, but it doesn't have a crisp, sharp taste. The sweetness swells and swells all the time. It's delicious, but it's a shame. I'd like to try chilling it a little more, or raising the temperature. I'd like to explore it over the weekend.
Pana@39, good evening 🎵. It's so close 😅 I got it the other day and it's lying in my fridge 😅. I'll try to find the best temperature to drink it from 🔸.
The second day, chilled tighter than yesterday. The appetizer is salty. The blandness of the sweet taste is gone. It's better than yesterday! I guess I didn't chill it enough. It was not good that I drank it on the same day as the wine cellar.
Dear T.KISO. Thank you for your comment! As I mentioned above, if you chill it crisply, the contours come out properly and it's delicious! My recommendation is to chill it with snow! It's even better if you choose the right side dish!
If you drink it in a wine glass, it has a grape feel as the back label says. The pear...I'm not sure, but the sweetness is starting to feel a little like pear. This is what drinking information is all about.