SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Yuki no Bosha純米吟醸
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This time, since "Masaruya Tama Plaza" was closed, we went to the nearby "Morinoya Sake Shop" to get some sake. It's been a while since I've had "Yukino Kayasha" 🧡 . *゜ This is a sake that I used to drink a lot when I was in Akita. It is my favorite brand of Akita sake along with "Yamamoto" and "Mansaku no Hana" (((o(*▽゚▽゚*)o)))). This time, it is a "Junmai Ginjo", so, well, it's not a hassle ( **). It's a standard easy-drinking bottle with a slight sweetness and apple-like aroma. Snow Kayasha is a sake that is gentle on the palate, the flavor spreads in the mouth and cuts through quickly, so you never get tired of drinking this sake with its clean and clear taste. It is a stable product 🧡 . *゜
Good evening, Mr. Kishii😄. This Jungin is a classic, but I like it because of its strike deliciousness❣️. The gentle sweet flavor from the apple aroma and the clean aftertaste is good ≧∇≦)b
T.KISO> It's a classic, but it's a gem that is never outdone by others.
Good evening, Mr. Kissey! I also love Snow Kayasha ♡♡♡ I used to drink it a lot when I lived in Akita. I never get tired of drinking it, so I drink it all the time 🍶.
mamiko> Did you live in Akita? I used to stay at a hotel in Akita for work, and there was a restaurant called "Sake-maru" a little further from the station towards Kawatari, and the cosiness and variety of sake was amazing🎶.
Kishii, I am from Akita 😊 the town where the brewery of Hiraizumi is located is my hometown 😌 when my husband was transferred back to Akita for 3 years a few years ago, we lived near the brewery of Yukino Kayasha 😁 we used to drink in front of Akita station from time to time 😆.