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日本酒酒場 立ち呑み仁

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Chiyomusubi Check-in 1Chiyomusubi Check-in 2
From the Chiyomusubi Sake Brewery in Tottori Prefecture (Sakaiminato City), this is Chiyomusubi Oni no Tongue Tremble. This is the first sake from Tottori Prefecture. I was planning to have a sake brewed with strong sake from Tottori at some point, but since this was also a chance for me to try it, I decided to drink it. Oni no tongueshakei" is read as "oni no shitabui," meaning the V-shaped valley where the local river is located. According to local folklore, once upon a time a crocodile (sharks are called alligators in some parts of the Chugoku region) came up the river to meet the princess he fell in love with, but the princess hated him and the river was blocked by a huge rock. I know I left out the last part a lot, but it's an old story 😅. This sake, which is named after the legend, is a straight Honjozo sake. The appearance is crystal clear with a warm feeling. The aroma is very typical of old-fashioned sake! The aroma is good, with a sense of alcohol and an indescribable dryness and umami flavor! The taste starts with umami and has a smooth texture unique to brewer's alcohol with a slight sourness and a hint of sweetness. It is a refreshing sake. A sake that has the goodness of Honjozo 😊. Thank you for the treat 🍶.
Tokujiro Check-in 1Tokujiro Check-in 2
To end the pre-drinking practice, the restaurant recommended this Tokujiro special junmai sake from the Joyo Shuzo brewery in Kyoto Prefecture, which was chosen by the restaurant. The brewery's concept is "Bikan Yuso," which means "to create a sense of beauty," and their aim is to brew sake with a rich heart and sensibility based on traditional techniques, and to preserve the original flavor of the rice so that the drinker never gets tired of it. This luxurious sake is brewed with Kyoto-grown Gohyakumangoku rice polished to 55%. The appearance is crystal with a golden color. The aroma is mild, with a hint of rice. The mouthfeel is smooth, with no sense of attack, and the sweetness and umami of the rice are in harmony with the acidity in a gentle taste, giving the impression that the umami is slightly forward. I thought it was good as an everyday sake that does not interfere with the taste of meals. This sake also seemed to open up when it was heated because of its fullness of umami. Next time I would like to try it with heated sake. Thank you for the sake 🍶.
Ippakusuisei特別純米酒 良心特別純米
Ippakusuisei Check-in 1
It was my first visit to "Sake Bar Standing Drinking Hitoshi" and I was so happy to find it a good place to practice before the party that I drank too much. The sake was an Ippaku Suisei Tokubetsu Junmai Ryoshin from Akita Prefecture's Fukurokuju Sake Brewery. According to the brewer, Isshaku-suisei means "the most delicious sake made from white rice and water," with a gorgeous aroma and a well-balanced taste in terms of acidity and sharpness. I was attracted by the name "conscience. I forgot to take a picture of the label details 😥. The exterior is crystal clear. The aroma was almost imperceptible due to the temperature. The mouthfeel is watery and smooth, with sweetness, umami, and acidity that are all in harmony without being overpowering. The attack is not strong, but the harmony of sweetness, umami, and acidity gave it a fullness of flavor on the tongue. This is also the type of sake that you can drink on a regular basis without getting tired of drinking. It is delicious cold, but I would like to try heating it up. Thank you for the sake 🍶.
Kid純米吟醸酒 春の薫風純米吟醸生酒
Kid Check-in 1Kid Check-in 2
We had a little bit of the Akabu F we ordered as a "similar sake" because we were slightly short of the Akabu F we had ordered for practice🍶 before the drinking session! This is Kido Junmai Ginjo Spring Kaorufu from Heiwa Shuzo in Wakayama Prefecture. The rice polishing ratio is 50-55% and the alcohol content is 15%. The appearance is yellowish crystal. The aroma is soft and sweet with a hint of ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is soft and mellow, with a light sweetness and umami, and it seems to disappear quickly. The label on the back said there was a bitter aftertaste, but I couldn't tell 😅 partly because the amount was small. I thought it was a spring sake with a typical Kido taste. Thank you for the treat 🍶.
Akabu Check-in 1Akabu Check-in 2
We practiced before a drinking session 🍶 at Jin, a Japanese sake bar in Fukushima, Osaka, which I have been curious about for a long time. The owner, Jin-san, and his love for sake was evident 😊 I would like to make this my favorite place to go! Once again, Akabu F from Akabu Sake Brewery in Iwate Prefecture. F" stands for "F" in "For you," and it is said to represent the desire to brew sake that can be enjoyed every day. It seems to be a brand that aims for the ultimate sharpness in sake quality. The rice polishing ratio is 60%, but there is no specific name labeling. The appearance is crystal with a slight yellow tint. The aroma has a hint of gentle ginjo aroma. When drunk, it has a cool and refreshing mouthfeel thanks to the brewer's alcohol, and the soft sweetness and umami of the rice can be felt in the mouthfeel. The aftertaste is also of the type that disappears quickly. Although the flavor is not impactful, it is not tiring to drink and does not interfere with food, making it an honestly delicious sake. It is not a sharp sake, but rather a well-balanced sharpness with softness and roundness. It was the kind of sake that I would like to drink on a daily basis. Thank you for the sake.
