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Sake Hotaru (日本酒 ほたる)

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Senkinモダン仙禽 無垢純米原酒生酒無濾過
Senkin Check-in 1Senkin Check-in 2
I entered a restaurant that I had always been curious about, and after having had my first glass of Kanda Madonna, a homemade doburoku, I ordered my second glass. I found a bottle of Sentori on the shelf and ordered it immediately. It had a sweet taste. But the slight bubbles gave it a refreshing aftertaste. I didn't need to guess.
Juyondai純米吟醸 槽垂れ 原酒 生酒純米吟醸原酒生酒
Juyondai Check-in 1
Juyondai Check-in 2Juyondai Check-in 3
7/10 Jyushiro with a meek heart. It has a freshness that is typical of new sake. It's fruity and can be compared to any fruit. The model answer is apples, I guess. It was rather mellow and the acidity was weak, probably because it had been a little while since the bottle was opened. It's definitely delicious, but I think it's better to drink this kind of wine at home so that you can feel the changes in the flavor little by little.
Shirasasa Tsuzumi初しぼり
Shirasasa Tsuzumi Check-in 1
Shirasasa Tsuzumi Check-in 2Shirasasa Tsuzumi Check-in 3
5/10 I've never had a lot of sake from Kanagawa Prefecture, so this was a challenge. It was new sake with an alcohol content of 18 degrees. The alcohol is quite strong, and I felt like I was drinking 25 degrees. While it was fresh, I felt like I would get drunk if I drank too much. I'm wondering if it would have been better served cold or perhaps hot.
利他 Check-in 1
利他 Check-in 2利他 Check-in 3
6/10 This is a Kanda-only brand sent out by the Toshima-ya Sake Brewery in Yamori. They also have a sales office nearby. The brewery was originally founded in Kanda. The alcohol content is high, and the drink is reasonably strong. It was a delicious sake with a fruity taste. If I have a chance, I'll buy a bottle to take home.
