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The origins of the sake you've drunk are colored on the map.


Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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For myself. Junmai Daiginjo sake. Alcohol content 17.1 degrees. Yamagata. Rice used: 100% Comet. Rice polishing ratio 50%. Sake degree -1.0, acidity 1.7. It is said to be a sake with a clean, light and resonant flavor. Although the sake level is -1.0, it seems a little dry. Note that it is undiluted sake and has a high alcohol content. It has no habits and is refreshing, so it is recommended for those who do not like high alcohol content. 90 points
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For myself. Local sake. Probably ordinary sake. The alcohol content is more than 15 degrees and less than 16 degrees. Aomori. It has a slightly yellowish color. Quite dry. Aroma is a little. It is a souvenir from the senior of the company. It is very dry, but has a sweet aftertaste. It is not easy to drink. 80 points.
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For myself. Local sake. Probably ordinary sake. The alcohol content is more than 15 degrees and less than 16 degrees. Aomori. It is yellowish. Quite dry. There is not much aroma. It is a souvenir from the senior of the company. It is quite dry and very refreshing. The alcohol content is very high, over 15 degrees, so the impact is amazing. It's not only spicy, it's also very tasty and has a lot of depth.
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For myself. Junmai Ginjo sake. Alcohol content 15.5 degrees. Okayama. The rice polishing ratio is 55%. Slightly dry? The aroma is full, but it's hard to describe. It seems that under the guidance of Mr. Kimura of Miracle Apple, fertilizer and pesticide free Omachi rice is harvested and used. It is a little quirky, but easy to drink. 81 points
Glorious Mt.Fuji龍吟虎嘯純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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For myself. Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Raw Sake. Alcohol content 16.9 degrees. Sake degree -1. Amino acidity 1. The rice polishing ratio is 50%. HASHU HONOR is used. The color is transparent. The clerk recommended it to me, so I bought it. The aroma is strong. It is a sweet sake, but not too sweet. However, because it is undiluted sake, the alcohol content is a little high, so be careful not to drink too much. I only knew the name of Eikoh Fuji, but I like this sake very much. I would buy it again. 89 points.
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For myself. Active sake. Alcohol content 11 degrees. Made in Yamanashi. The rice polishing ratio is not stated. The color is cloudy. The color is cloudy and it is a little sweet. The aroma is moderate. This is the first time to buy sparkling wine in a bottle, but it is easy to drink.
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For myself. Junmai-shu, made by Ikatani-zukuri. Alcohol content 15 degrees. Fukushima. The rice is polished to 69%. The rice is polished to a super flat. The color is clear. It is said to be medium dry with a deep, full-bodied flavor, and my impression is the same. I bought this because I felt I had never had a nama-gan before. The aroma is normal. The rice polishing ratio is 69%, but the impact is amazing. It has the depth and density of a Junmai Daiginjo. I can feel it. It's not easy to drink, but it's delicious. 80 points
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For myself. Junmai Ginjo sake. Alcohol content 15 degrees. Gunma. The rice polishing ratio is 60%. Transparent color. Dry taste. I knew the name, but had never had it, so I bought it. The aroma is rather pleasant. Fruity. It is 100% Yamada Nishiki. I compared it to Tanigawa-dake's N, which is made in the same place, but the taste was completely different, and Mizubasho was easier to drink. It is easy to drink and has the sweetness and umami that only sake can have, so even people who don't like sake might like it. 84 points
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For myself. Junmai Ginjo Sake. The alcohol content is more than 15 degrees and less than 16 degrees. Fukuoka. Rice polishing ratio 60%. It is said to be slightly dry and slightly mellow, but it is slightly sweet and slightly mellow. The aroma is moderate. Not going to creamy, but sweet. Sweet and quite easy to drink. 79 points
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For myself. Special Junmai Sake. More than 15 and less than 16% alcohol by volume. Hokkaido. The rice polishing ratio is 58%. It is said to be "light and dry", but personally I would say it is between light and dry. The aroma is rather strong. The aroma is hard to describe, but it is more mellow, but refreshing. The taste, aroma, and aftertaste are all refreshing. 84 points
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For myself. Purchased at a convenience store. Daiginjo sake. The alcohol content is 15 degrees. Yamagata prefecture. The color is clear. It is slightly sweet. The aroma is rather strong, almost like an apple. As you continue to drink it, it becomes a little spicy. The level of this sake is quite high for a convenience store sake. 83 points
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For myself. Junmai Ginjo sake. Alcohol content 14 degrees. Gunma. The rice polishing ratio is 60%. Slight yellowish color. Slightly dry. The aroma is rather pleasant. It is close to melon. As it is a Junmai Ginjo sake, the aroma and flavor of the rice remains. It's refreshing, but the taste that lingers on the palate is too much for me. But it's not bad. 72 points
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For myself. Dry Junmai unfiltered raw limited edition sake. The alcohol content is 15 degrees. Tokushima. The rice polishing ratio is 70%. When I drank it, it was very dry. It is said to be unfiltered, but it may have a slight yellowish color. The aroma is very slight. I don't know how to describe the aroma. It's easy to drink, and you think it's going to be easy to drink, but it finishes off with a crisp finish. The flavor of the rice and the sweetness of the rice come at you little by little. 82 points.
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For myself. Yamahai Special Junmai Sake. Alcohol content 15 degrees. Rice grown in Niigata. The rice polishing ratio is 60%. I was attracted by the label and bought it. It seems to have been developed to go well with salmon dishes. It is said to be slightly dry, but it feels more like sweet. The aroma is faint. Muscat? I don't know if this is a rice flavor, but I can feel it. The moment you put it in your mouth, you feel the sake, but it disappears before it gets too strong. 84 points.
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First post. For myself. Ginjo sake. The alcohol content is 15 degrees. Made from Gohyakumangoku. The rice polishing ratio is 55%. Gentle dry taste? The aroma is moderate, almost like a melon. It has no habits and disappears quickly with a clean aftertaste. 85 points.