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This is a Junmai Ginjo made with Hachihan Nishiki from Hanayo-Yoku. The overall taste of this sake is the same as the other Hanayo-yoku, which is definitely a gorgeous sake with a pineapple-like fruity taste, but it is more gassy than the others and a little harder on the palate and aftertaste. However, this doesn't mean that it's not good, in fact, it cuts the sweetness to a good degree, and it's refreshing. Hanayo-Yoku is basically a fruity and gorgeous sake, but every time they change the details, you can't help but buy it. (I'm a little proud to say that my house is near a sake brewery, so it's easy to go buy it and relatively easy to get it)
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Kagoshima is the culture of the shochu which 3m is famous, and the consumption of the sake is the lowest in Japan. But Kagoshima's sake has become a hot topic recently. We have a chance to go to Kagoshima because of the work, so we bought it. To put it simply, it is very delicious. If you see it, you must buy it. In a nutshell, this drink is like a pineapple liqueur with a refreshing sweetness that tastes like a sweet treat. We want girls to drink it in a cute way (sorry for the dirty mind). It has a pineapple-like ginjo aroma that is not too strong, and the mouthfeel is clean and easy to get into, with not much hardness. And the best part of this sake is the throat-slide and aftertaste that follows. It's not only sweet, but it also has a light, not-unpleasant alcohol feeling that makes it crisp and refreshing, giving the impression that you can keep drinking it. Again, it was a sake that I would like women to drink in a lovely way.
Hello, Mr. Bannai ^ ^ ^ There are many people who drink Tenpui, so I was very curious about it and popped it this time ^ ^. I can't wait for it to arrive😊.
manta-san Nice to meet you, thank you for your comment. I can understand why you can't wait for it to arrive ^^ I can't help it. Please drink it with pleasure!
Koganesawa山廃純米原酒 3年熟成純米山廃原酒
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Koganezawa's Yamahai Junmai is one of the most famous brands in Miyagi. I found the peculiar Yamahai aftertaste to be delicious, and this is the bottle that started the Yamahai boom in my mind. I can't describe it well, but it's different from the glamorous Junmai Daiginjo type of sake that has become popular these days, and you can taste the rice. The taste of the rice is exquisitely complemented by the unique Yamahai flavor, and the snacks go on and on. It is a dangerous sake. It was really delicious, so if you see it again, definitely buy it!
Kid純米酒 あがらの田で育てた山田錦低精米八十%純米
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It is a low polished junmai-shu (the normal Kido junmai-shu is polished to 50% sake rice), but it does not have a strong miscellaneous taste. This Junmai-shu has a slightly harder aftertaste than the regular Junmai-shu. Thanks to this, it has a good sharpness.
Kid純米酒 あがらの山廃生原酒純米山廃原酒生酒
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Kido's Yamahai Nama Genshu. Although it is Yamahai, it is light on the palate and easy to get into. As you sip and swallow, you can feel the typical Yamahai taste, but the flavor is a little harder than other Junmai sake from Kido. However, I felt that this hardness neutralized the harshness of Yamahai and balanced it out. Although it is Yamahai, it is a delicious sake that is easy to drink.
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Let me tell you something! I was blown away! The best!  As I mentioned in my previous post, I dislike alcoholic beverages because of their bitterness and the smell of sake. This time I bought it because I thought Kido was a Junmai Daiginjo, so I thought it would be unusual, and also because I thought it would be different if it was made by Kido. I was really surprised, and I'm glad I bought it.  It has the same beautiful ginjo aroma as Junmai Daiginjo, and the mouthfeel is clean and refreshing. However, the aftertaste and the lingering aftertaste are beautifully balanced by the caramel sauce-like sweetness of the added alcohol and the Muscat-like clarity of the Junmai Daiginjo, so there is no "oye" feeling at all. It's as if the Toji is telling us that alcohol was added to create this taste. Personally, it is not just the top 3 alcoholic sake, it is one of the top 3 sake I have ever had. It's the number one sake I've ever drunk. It was so good that it was gone in one night, and I can't wait to buy more. I'm going to buy 3 bottles this time. If you're not a fan of alcoholic beverages, consider yourself tricked and give this one a try!
Good evening, Bannai! Please excuse my comment. I read your review and instantly wanted to drink it 😆. I'm not much of an ale drinker. I'll definitely buy this one when I come across it!!! ✨
Mr. Kaoru. Nice to meet you. Thank you for your comment. I'm glad to hear you say so. This is the first time I've found a sake that I can recommend to others. Please give it a try.
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Special Junmai of Kido. Tachika said, "Huh? Did I buy Junmai Ginjo? It has a light ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is light and has a sweetness like a melon. However, in the aftertaste, after swallowing, you can feel the flavor of the rice, which is not present in Junmai Daiginjo. As you would expect from Kido, it is a delicious sake with a good balance between Ginjo and Junmai. I would buy it again.
Kid純米大吟醸 山田錦精米歩合40
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The normal Junmai Daiginjo has a 50% yield, and this sake is polished to 40%. This sake is polished to 40%. Of course the normal sake has a beautiful ginjo aroma. It has a clearer ginjo aroma. It's hard to describe, but I'd say it's the 100% pure aroma of sake. As for the taste, it has the typical Kido taste, but it has a slightly harder impression because of the polishing. However, the strong aroma makes the taste refreshing and good.
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Purchased at the same time as the regular Kido Yamada Nishiki Junmai Daiginjo. This sake was made by Toji Shibata-san. I had heard that this one had a slightly calmer taste due to the maturing period once it was heated. I felt a little hardness. However, of course, it is not to say that the taste has decreased, but the impression was that the sweet and light Kido was daringly made into a crisp sake? That was the impression I got. This would be a great sake if you could choose between the regular version and the one that goes with your food. If I see it again, I'll definitely buy it again!
Kid純米大吟醸 山田錦純米大吟醸
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This is Kido's now famous Yamadanishiki Junmai Daiginjo. As for the content, it is as others have said. I'm not going to talk about it too much, it's just really delicious. If I were to give my personal impressions, I would say that the flavor of the rice is more than I expected and that it is not only refreshing and light, which is a high evaluation. This time, I bought it at the Heiwa Shuzo shop in Wakayama City Station, but it was packed with Kido, so people on their way home from work could just drop by and buy a bottle.
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Although it is a traditional sake, it is rather easy to drink. There is a hint of ginjo scent in the smell of alcohol, and it is light and refreshing immediately after being sipped. After swallowing, the lingering aftertaste is like that of a natural yeast. When you think about it, it is a Hyogo sake, so I felt that it retains the atmosphere of Nada sake. It is a delicious sake that is worth drinking.
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Personally, I don't like Alzoe sake, it makes me feel sick after one drink. A local liquor store told me to try it once, and they had a 300ml bottle of it, so I bought it. It was the first time I thought it was a good sake. Next time I go to buy it, I will buy a bottle of the same sake. Personally, I feel that there is no smell of sake, bitterness or other taste after swallowing. It finishes with the flavor of the rice. It is really surprising. It is the No.1 high-grade sake in my opinion. Yamadanishiki Rice polishing rate 55%. Sake meter value +3.0 16% alcohol by volume
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This is the sake in the red circle in the photo. It has a slightly light standing aroma. It has a banana-like ginjo aroma. The mouthfeel is light at first, but then you can taste the flavor in a slightly hard texture. The aftertaste is light. When you take it with strong flavored food, the food is well balanced and the meal goes on, and you will take another sip, then another sip, and finally it is gone and you will drink too much! Rice used Hyogo Sake 85 Rice polishing rate 60%.
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Kiku Masamune Shuzo launched a new brand, Hyakumoku, in April 2016, and this Junmai Daiginjo sake is apparently limited to Hyogo Prefecture. I bought it at a special store in Kobe.  In contrast to the dry Kikumashomune, the new brand aims to create a sake with a unique character that goes well with food, as stated on their website. Very well balanced and goes with just about any dish. It was very delicious. A gem that I would definitely go back to stock up on.
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This is the second bottle from Kawabata Shuzo. I've never had a sake that complimented a snack so well! I was really surprised. It has a beautiful ginjo aroma. If you gulp it down as is, it's hard! But you can also feel the lingering effects that aren't persistent! I'm going to chew on some pickled mackerel or shiny sushi as a snack and then pour it down with this sake. Best... not fit, enhance! I need you to adjust it once. postscript Stored in the fridge, the second day it was opened it was even rounder and tastier!
Excuse me suddenly. I bought a bottle of Special Junmai from the vending machine at your brewery. After reading your comment, I'm looking forward to opening the bottle!
盛典純米大吟醸 瓶火入れ原酒純米大吟醸
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It has a firm, rising ginjo aroma. When you take a sip and swallow it, you can feel the flavor of the rice in a refreshing way. Although it is Kakogawa, it is a good sake with a spiciness in perfect balance that is a little different from the so-called Nada Nama Ippon. I'd love to go back and buy a sake made from rice grown by students at a local agricultural high school.
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Like the 2019 IWC Old Sake category trophy winner Kamaya, the sake used for this cask sake is made from three year old sake in cedar barrels. The aroma of the standing aroma is puffy and sake, with a nice hint of cedar wood! In the mouth, it has a good balance of rice flavor and slight bitterness. And the aroma of cedar in the nose after swallowing is the best. It is delicious even if you drink it cold. Oh, I want to drink it again! 15% alcohol by volume Rice polishing rate 68%.
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The aroma is a pineapple-like ginjo aroma. I thought it would be sweet like a fruit, but when you take a sip, you can taste the firm sweetness of the rice. It's not too sweet, but it has a strong flavor. It was a shame that I had to drink it cold, but it was very good. 16% alcohol by volume. Yume-no-Ko: Rice polishing ratio 55%.
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The aroma of the sake is soft and fluffy. From there, you can taste the robust rice flavor until you put it in your mouth and swallow it. Good balance between the bitterness of nuts and the dairy-based flavor.
KeigetsuCEL24 純米大吟醸 50純米大吟醸
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Sweetness. The mouthfeel changes from a pineapple ginjo aroma to a mango sweetness. Rice polishing rate / 50%. Alcohol content / 15%. Sake meter value / -4 Acidity / 1.4 Amino acidity / 1.0