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Venues With Most Check-Ins

Mansakunohana Check-in 1
Mansakunohana Check-in 2Mansakunohana Check-in 3
I would like to introduce "Manasaku no Hana Junmai Daiginjo Yamadanishiki 45" from Akita prefecture ☺️The overall feeling is cool and refreshing, and it has more of a ginjo flavor and mild sweetness than a umami flavor. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm sure you'll like it. Slightly yellow, medium Aroma It has a light, fruity aroma with a hint of lime, orange, and herbs. Mouthfeel Middle to light in the mouth. Taste and sweetness Medium to slightly dry. It has a mild umami taste with a cool sensation, and the sweetness of the ginjo taste expands after the middle stage. Aroma and aftertaste The juicy feeling of the pineapple type increases when it is contained. The pungency disappears quickly and the bitterness and heat remain on the tongue to a good degree. The bitterness and heat remain on the tongue. 【Flavor Classification / Character A scented sake. The aroma is very fragrant and gorgeous, with a hint of herb and complexity. It has a mild umami (sweetness) in the middle that is very impressive, and you can also feel a slight dryness in the sake, making it a very ordinary food sake. It matches well with salty snacks and oily vegetable ingredients such as avocado.
Meikyoshisui Check-in 1Meikyoshisui Check-in 2
I would like to introduce you to a new wine from Nagano, "Akagami-Tosui Tarumi Junmai-Shu" ☺️The light mouthfeel and mild rice taste makes it a food sake that gently accompanies the snacks (and helps the snacks to taste better) 🐟The rice used is 100% Yamada Nishiki from Hyogo Prefecture, and you can feel the freshness of the rice. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. I'm sure you'll agree. Yellow, medium Aroma/Example. Rice, raw material aroma, cotton candy, etc. The aroma is relatively strong and refreshing. Mouthfeel Middle-light mouthfeel, more than medium. Taste and sweetness Slightly dry. It has a slightly fruity, astringent and pungent taste with little umami. Aroma and aftertaste When you drink it, a little fruity aroma is added and it leaves a strong impression in the order of pungency, bitterness and heat. It has a good sharpness. Flavor Classification / Character Souzake. It is a light and refreshing sake with a fruity bitterness and a mild umami taste. It is a sake that you can taste various flavors refreshingly without any complexity, and if you match it with vegetables or slightly salty snacks, you will get the impression that it amplifies the flavor and bitterness like "Kunigon" from Fukushima. (← personal opinion)
Bentenmusume Check-in 1
Bentenmusume Check-in 2Bentenmusume Check-in 3
Here is an introduction to the Tottori-based "Benten Musume H29BY14th Musume Wakaozakura-cho Tamakae Junmai-shu" 😋 First of all, it says to drink it warmed up 📝, so I had it twice, once cold and once warmed up, to see how it changed 👀As stated, the warmed up version has a milder aroma and is easier to drink and has a light, mature flavor. So it's a refreshing and introductory mellow sake 🤔. Color and viscosity Yellow, slightly low [Aroma/Example]. Slightly stronger. It is a straightforward maturing aroma, with not much other aroma. [Mouthfeel]. Middle-light, slightly cool mouthfeel. [Taste, sweetness and spiciness]. Neutral in sweetness and spiciness. The palate is a mixture of water and ripeness, with a mild umami taste. No astringency. [Aroma / Aftertaste It has a straightforward ripe aroma with a slightly sharp impression. The aftertaste is short and rather simple due to the lightness of the sake. Aroma Classification / Character Ripe sake. A crisp, clean and mature sake. The umami, pungency, bitterness and tongue heat are all moderate. You can taste the water and the ripe flavor straight away. When heated, the aroma becomes milder and you can feel the fullness of the rice. As a result, the whole sake becomes rounder and easier to drink. The spiciness also increases, giving it a more light and refreshing feel, and the way it transforms into a sake to be enjoyed with food is truly Benten Musume. Miso pickled vegetables and salted yakitori etc👍.
Hakkaisan本醸造 しぼりたて生原酒「越後で候」(青越後)本醸造原酒
Hakkaisan Check-in 1
Hakkaisan Check-in 2Hakkaisan Check-in 3
The aroma is mild with a hint of citrus and a hint of rice 👃The taste is rich and sweet with a hint of rice flavor. It is also very good cold, but you should try it warmed. The aroma is of citrus blossoming in the depths of the bottle and the sweet and spicy flavors swelling up. [Tint / Viscosity Slightly yellow, slightly low [Fragrance/Example] Rice, cotton candy, a hint of lime, lemon, etc. The balance of the aroma is about 8:2, with a mild rice and ginjo aroma. Mouthfeel It has a slightly rich mouthfeel. Taste and sweetness Slightly dry. The palate is slightly dry, with a slight ginjo taste at the start, but soon the sweetness of the rich rice flavor enters. Aroma and aftertaste As you drink it, the refreshing feeling of the rice (soda feeling) and the cotton candy increase. The aftertaste has a good balance of spiciness and bitterness. Flavor classification and character Full-bodied sake. There is a gap between the aroma and the mouthfeel (it expands gradually as you drink it), but it is a rich umami sake where you can feel the umami of the rice to the maximum. It is a good match for shiitake mushroom soup, or any snack with a strong aroma and flavor. This is a nama-shu type, but it becomes a gorgeous, rich and delicious sake when heated.
Yamamotopvre black純米吟醸
Yamamoto Check-in 1Yamamoto Check-in 2
I'd like to introduce you to a new product from Akita Prefecture, "Yamamoto Junmai Ginjo pure black". I'm sure you'll enjoy it 🖐️〜! Color and Viscosity Slightly yellow, slightly high Aroma/Example. Astringent taste like green apple, pear and fruit skin. Mouthfeel The first taste is light with a cool and refreshing sensation, but after the middle period, the taste increases and becomes stronger (richer). Taste and sweetness Slightly dry. The initial citrus acidity is followed by a fruity flavor and astringent taste that is very elegant. The sweetness is mild, and the impression is that spiciness > sweetness. Aroma and aftertaste Citrus sourness such as lemon and lime, and sweetness of rice are added to the above. The lingering bitterness and heat are moderate, and the umami continues with a dry feeling. Flavor Classification / Character A scented sake. After the sourness, the flavorful umami and astringent taste spread on the tongue. The taste is dense, but it has acidity and overall it has a cool feeling. It has a strong umami taste, but it matches with refreshing snacks that have a sense of ingredients rather than smoked sake.
abe Check-in 1
abe Check-in 2abe Check-in 3
This is the last sake I had in the shop before the end of the year ✨I had it twice at this shop (service ❤️) with time to spare lol. If you haven't tried it yet, please try it 🖐️〜(The following is a report from the second time I got it 📝) I'm sure you'll like it. White, cloudy, slightly high [Aroma/Example Sweet apple, cotton candy (slight sweet aroma of rice) Mouthfeel. Lightly foaming, but with a fuller mouthfeel. Taste: Sweet and spicy. The sweetness and spiciness are in the middle of the sweetness advantage. It has a sweet and spicy taste with a medium sweetness. Aroma and aftertaste Juicy apples, pears, freshly made rice cakes, and sake aroma (like thinner) are added, and the impression becomes more dense. In the aftertaste, the bitterness reappears and the heat lingers on the tongue. Flavor classification and character A scented sake. It is a bubbly, mellow and delicious sake. The change from sweetness to umami at the beginning and the mixture of bitterness and umami at the end are very satisfying to drink. It can also be regarded as a sweet sake with a strong ginjo aroma, but it also has a more profound (umami) and fashionable 🍎 taste of beautiful sake.
Char Check-in 1
Char Check-in 2Char Check-in 3
Introduction of "Comet - Shah - (medium)" from Nagano Prefecture 😄b It was given to me as a gift when I left my previous job. I was planning to open it when I got my qualification. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's a good idea. It's a very Shah-like sake (lol) Please enjoy it 🖐️〜! [Shade / Viscosity Yellow, slightly low [Aroma/Example Green apple, melon, sweet rice cake, etc. The aroma is a little strong, with mainly ginjo aroma and a hint of sweetness from the rice. Mouthfeel It has a light mouthfeel at the outset, but swells up in the mouth with richness. Taste and sweetness/spiciness The sweetness and spiciness are well balanced at about 6:4, with a juicy pineapple taste and a firm bitter taste. Aroma and aftertaste It has a complex flavor with the addition of herbs and alcohol to the above ginjo aroma. Flavor Classification / Character It is an aromatic sake. It is rich, sweet and fruity, with a solid bitterness and heat. It is mainly sweet and gorgeous, but in the back, it has a unique sake feeling as a food wine. It matches with sweet cheese and Ajitama.
The first opening is about September, so the report is based on that time. I'm sure you'll agree that it's a good idea to try it out and see how it goes.
Happy New Year to you, Sawa no Ryota, and you've opened a bottle, so you've got it! Congratulations🎉Let's drink some good sake this year too! Congratulations!
Thank you, Yukachin❤️Well, I only got it last July... I'm so sorry I took so long to get it 💦 I hope we can have a good time talking about it this year 😄b
Daishinshu Check-in 1Daishinshu Check-in 2
It's a Nagano sake and it's Daishinshu 😋 I'm in love with the staff TD's NICE sake selection and I'm UP for it! The standard Jun-Gin version is a light, dry sake with a hard edge (with a ginjo aroma), but this one is more of a umami sake, with a refreshing soda-like taste and mellow rice flavor. So you can enjoy it with a wide range of snacks such as smoked fish and fatty sashimi without too much strength. Please enjoy it 🖐️〜! Tint / Viscosity Transparent, medium Aroma/Example Rice, raw material aroma, slightly sweet soda, etc. It is a mellow aroma with more of a floral flavor than sweetness, but also has a refreshing rice soda-like aroma. Mouthfeel Middle light to regular Taste, sweetness and spiciness A little dry to medium. It has a light rice-flavored entry and a bitter taste that does not interfere with the accompaniments. Aroma and aftertaste The aroma of pineapple and rich rice is added to the above, and it is felt more strongly. It has a long aftertaste with more bitterness than spiciness, and heat remains. Flavor classification and character A refreshing sake. It is a sake with a good harmony of umami and bitterness. The rice flavor and the gorgeous sweetness of the pineapple create a refreshing feeling, and the bitterness in the aftertaste is not too stubborn and encourages you to match it with your snacks.
Kanae Check-in 1Kanae Check-in 2
Recommended for women too... Ding 😋It seems to be famous for its sweet sake, but it is not only sweet, it is also a gentle sweet smelling sake with a slightly complex aspect. smoked cheese, boiled fish and meat, and other fragrant and dark snacks! As expected of Nagisa-san (lol), please enjoy it👍~! Color and viscosity Slightly yellow, medium Aroma/Example White peaches, pears, apples, a hint of greens and grasses. The aroma is full of mellow ginjo, with some complex scents of greens and grasses deep inside. Mouthfeel More than regular, with a moderately full mouthfeel. Taste and sweetness Slightly sweet. The palate is slightly sweet, with a mellow taste of ripe pears and apples, and a hint of complexity. Aroma and aftertaste The ginjo aroma is more juicy than the above, and the sweetness of the rice (cotton candy feeling) is also added. The initial umami (sweetness) is followed by a slight bitterness, and the heat that remains on the tongue is mild. Fragrance classification and character Smoked sake. It has a sweetness of aged fruit with a hint of rice sweetness and a mellow taste, with a slightly aged aroma and a complex taste.
Mimurosugi Check-in 1Mimurosugi Check-in 2
ROMAN Series Miwa 100% YAMADANISHIKI Yamada Nishiki is very refreshing, isn't it? Personally, I like Tamanomitsu (Junmai Ginjo) from Kyoto, and although the rising aroma is completely different, I felt that the taste was somewhat similar when I included it! Please read the following 😄b [Color and viscosity A little yellow, a little low [Aroma/Example Refreshing green apple (Ginjo aroma), cotton candy, grassy aroma in the back, etc. On the surface, it has a light, refreshing ginjo aroma. On the surface, it has a light and refreshing ginjo aroma, but deep inside, there is a sweetness from the rice and a complex herbaceous aroma. Mouthfeel. Mid-light, cool and refreshing mouthfeel. Taste and sweetness Medium to slightly dry. The palate is relatively dense, with the ginjo taste and rice sweetness gently riding the tongue. It has a moderately spicy taste. Aroma and aftertaste It has a ginjo aroma with a slight astringency of green apple and Muscat. The lingering aftertaste is moderate to slightly long, and the balance is good with a pungency:bitterness ratio of 4:6. Flavor classification and character A scented sake. It is a sake with a light taste and a moderately long aftertaste, where the aroma and taste match. In one sentence, it says, "Fragrance = Kaoruzu, mouthfeel = Souzake, taste = Mellow Sake, and fruity astringency is added to it, making it a deep sake. I don't know if I'm right, but it's such a sake from nature. Please enjoy it 🖐️〜!
Sawano Ryota, you finally opened a bottle of wine 😊I can feel the deliciousness of mimuro cedar ✨I want to drink it again 😋.
Yuka-chin-san →. I'm sorry💦it took me a while to open the package and my writing was poor! I'm sorry that I didn't open the package sooner, and I'm sorry for my poor writing! I'm sure you'll love it!
I can feel it 😊cheese-based foods go well together 😋.
Yuka-chin-san... I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I'm not sure what to make of it, but I'm sure it's worth it. I can relate to that✨.
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 1Tanakarokujugo Check-in 2
Tanakarokujugo Check-in 3Tanakarokujugo Check-in 4
Have you all been drinking, everyone? If the sword-bearer is the eastern captain of incision, then the west captain? ... It is not the only syochu liqueur made in Kyushu, but the type of syochu liqueur is very clear. It is not only shochu liqueur from Kyushu. [Tint and Viscosity] Clear to medium Scent, Example. Rice and cotton candy There is no sense of alcohol. It has a slight but elegant sweetness and is clean. Mouthfeel. Almost light and almost watery in the mouth. Taste, Sweet and Spicy. Slightly gorgeous rice flavor (fruity) and a light taste with a moderate transition from dry to bitter. Slightly dry. Lingering aroma. The above becomes milder, with a slight thinner scent of liquor and Slightly bitter on the finish, but very light. Slightly short. Flavor profile. A refreshing sake. It is very light in the mouth, and its taste and complexity are well controlled. On the contrary, it has a refreshing, fresh taste and is not habitual, making it suitable for women and those who are not fans of sake. [Extra] They're also selling drinks in collaboration with the apparel industry! The third and fourth photos. I tasted it at an antenna shop in Hibiya. The taste is more bitter than a thinner one. No, 1,200 yen per cup is expensive 😅Tahahaha
刀美 Check-in 1刀美 Check-in 2
Have you been drinking, everyone? Our captain of the Tokyo group... Hiromi! If I had a daughter, I'd be able to name her... (laughs) Also, in my opinion... Red label = tsundere, white label is yandere. It's not dead yet, is it? Please compare! It's my own Push drink, so this is a long article 😅Tahahaha (Red Label) * Special Junmai Some people may not like this unique bitterness, but you can feel the crispness and coolness of the light and dry taste. It may not be the best choice for a snack, but don't be upset if you don't like it. (White label) * Junmai Daihatsukuchi Compared with the red label, the flavor (not sweetness) is added, but the spiciness and bitterness are milder. The aroma and taste may not be good for some people because it has a faint taste of aging, but it is a very transparent sake, so it goes well with snacks with strong umami ingredients as a mid-meal drink. Is it that dark? Enjoy your Yandere wine and enjoy it! Quality ratings cannot be included due to character limitations 💦 If anyone is interested, I can tell you, lol.
Suigei Check-in 1
I'm a big fan of Yoshida Rui and felt I had to write from this drink, lol. Dryer than Junmai. Enjoy it 😁b [Tint and Viscosity] Slightly yellow, slightly low Scent, Example. Rice flavor, cotton candy, a hint of green apple and pear, and a hint of sake Lightly scented with a hint of ginjo and sweet rice [Mouthfeel] Mid-light and refreshing in the mouth [Taste, sweet and spicy] It has little sweetness or a minty flavor like green apples at the beginning, and the bitterness is moderately long and spicy in the latter half. It is not too light and not too dry. Inhaling aroma and aftertaste. It retains the aroma of rice and sake, with a bitterness (sharpness) and a moderate heat sensation on the tongue. Classification of flavors and individuality Refreshment. Very refreshing, clean and dry. There is not much of a ginjo feel to it, and the mouthfeel is more light, but the dryness and bitterness are strong.