ともともDenshuNishida ShuzotenAomori10/5/2024, 10:25:46 AM10/5/202419ともともA drink from the 8th anniversary service of my favorite restaurant. A rich spread!Japanese>English
ともとも黒龍 龍Kokuryu ShuzoFukui10/5/2024, 10:23:18 AM10/5/202415ともともA drink at my favorite restaurant's 8th anniversary service. Surprisingly refreshing!Japanese>English
ともともShoryuhoraiOoyatakashi ShuzoKanagawa9/12/2024, 12:02:48 PM9/12/202419ともともMy usual restaurant with my usual friends. It's classified as dry but the mellow taste is sweet.Japanese>English
ともともFusano KankikuKankiku MeijoChiba9/12/2024, 11:21:38 AM9/12/202417ともともA glass of service with your usual friends at your usual restaurant. Sweet mouthfeel and schwarziness!Japanese>English
ともともJuyondaiTakagi ShuzoYamagata8/20/2024, 12:55:43 PM8/20/202417ともともSake at my favorite restaurant for a long time. Local Omachi rice! This is delicious!Japanese>English
ともともYoshidagura u石川門山廃Yoshida ShuzotenIshikawa2/10/2024, 7:42:57 AM2/7/202419ともともA little bit for the reconstruction of Noto Peninsula.... A little bit of shwash. Delicious!Japanese>English
ともとも御前酒Tsuji HontenOkayama1/11/2024, 11:24:55 AM1/1/202414ともともWe had a tokoso of local sake from back home. We start the year with sake that tastes like sake. ☺️Japanese>English
ともともIzumibashiとんぼの越冬卵と雪だるまラベルIzumibashi ShuzoKanagawa12/14/2023, 11:58:59 AM12/14/202320ともともEating out for the first time in a while. We toasted to the delicious food with a glass of local sake! It's not sweet, but a bit robust, which is also delicious. Perfect with sashimi!Japanese>English
ともともHououbidenKobayashi ShuzoTochigi8/18/2023, 2:05:04 PM8/17/202314ともとも150th Anniversary. Each rice is different, they said. Pink is mellow and black is crisp, or maybe it's the color image 😆.Japanese>English
ともとも9 NINETsuji HontenOkayama8/11/2023, 12:38:02 PM8/11/202314ともともLocal flavor without any peculiarities! No doubt about it! A fun drink with work buddies!Japanese>English
ともとも寒菊銘醸Chiba7/21/2023, 2:04:01 PM22ともともI received this with my monthly service coupon. It has a sweet mouthfeel and a little bit of a squishy feeling.Japanese>English
ともともUnspecified6/11/2023, 11:27:27 AM6/10/202317ともともPurchased from a hometown. Easy to drink without any peculiarities.Japanese>English