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Hiraizumiマル飛 限定生酒純米山廃生酒
酔生夢死Fresh apple aroma From the moist mouthfeel Intense and good quality citrus acidity ⭕️ Moderate astringency on the back palate Refreshing and fresh ⭕️ 29 degrees Celsius forecast for the day after tomorrow! Perfect for the coming season! As the temperature returns to normal, the flavor of the dashi broth is released. Alcohol 14%. Sake degree -13 Acidity 3.2 Amino acidity Not disclosed Rice used: Akita Sake Komachi (Akita) Polishing ratio (Kake rice, Koji rice) 60%, 60 Yeast Kyokai No.77 (multi-acidic yeast) The Maruhi series unifies the yeast and is expressed with different rice. Tobirazumi Honpo Co, which has a brewery in Nikaho City, Akita Prefecture. Founded in 1487, it is the oldest sake brewery in Akita Prefecture. Akita Prefecture's oldest sake brewery.
Hiraizumi飛囀 鵠 HAKUCHO Type C
ヒロOutside Drinking. CRAFT SAKE WEEK East Star Day The color is super thin amber and beautiful✨. The taste is less sweet and more acidic. The acidity disappears quickly and is not persistent. The acidity is exquisitely matched and feels very clean. Refreshing and easy to drink. There were no people in line, so I was able to drink it right away. It is a wonder that there are no people in line for such a good sake 🤔.
HiraizumiFOUR SEASONS 春 うすにごり
kanHi Fayla Quan It's been a long time 😊. Nice to meet you this spring🌸 There is nothing special about it. It is a light nigori that is easy to drink, which I like. It's delicious, so I drink it in gulps 😁.
えりりんHello KAN, I'm sorry to hear about your decision. I've had a summer drink from the Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter series: ☺️ I'm aiming to conquer it one of these days😁.
kanHello Erin 😊. Series win good 🦆 I'll try to do the same 😁.
おうどんパンDrink it, it will fly! So, this is my first time to try Hirasen's Maruhi...! I'll have it well chilled! Sweet! Sanmi! Umami! Sukiyaki! (Choro) The sweetness comes first, but not too much, and the acidity is refreshing and clean! The balance of sweetness and sourness is amazing! This is a must for sweet and sour skiers!
ポンちゃんGood evening, Mr. Udonpan 🦉. Looks delicious and really fly 😆 I'm a sweet and sour ski I want to drink at home this year! I wonder if there are any left 🥺.
おうどんパンThanks again for your comments, Ponchan 😊. No, this is really delicious... Hiraizumi really makes a delicious sake with a sour taste... I bought it last weekend, so I have a feeling there will be more to come!