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Koshiji no Kobai秋刀魚と呑む純米原酒無濾過
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Although it was not paired with the Akinatai fish, it had a rich, mellow flavor and was very drinkable. After all, food is well balanced with dark food. On the second day, I felt a slight odor of alcohol, but it was delicious. It was a gift in addition to a brand you don't often see. Thank you ✨✨
Koshiji no Kobai秋刀魚と呑む純米原酒生酒
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Kubiki Shuzo's main line Koshiji-no-Kenbai, which brews my recent favorite Yaeguhiki. This is their seasonal limited edition sake that seems to be specifically designed for pairing with autumn fish✨. It has a rich koji sweetness, and when you drink it, the rice flavor comes through with a bang 🌾🌾🌾🌾. It is like a hiyaoroshi, and the umami of the rice is just riding on it. The acidity is also effective, but it is defeated by the sweetness and umami and does not come out too much 😮😮. Now, how does it go with the Akinatai fish? The concept is to pair fatty swordfish with umami-flavored sake ❔. Maybe it's because this time's swordfish was not very fatty, but I felt that the sake was too strong and defeated the fish 😢. I think it would be better if the sake was a little more acidic and refreshing, and if it was for watashi, I think it would be a better match for a fire-roasted junmai or something similar 🍶.
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We were about to run out of sake, so it was time to go to the liquor store. I went to the liquor store and bought one more bottle of sake. So here it is. I think this is the first time to buy sake from this brewery. The green label was unusual for this time of year, and the sake was from Niigata, so it was a challenge. When I poured it, it was yellow. I thought it was yellow again. There is not much aroma. However, when I put it in my mouth, I could smell the aroma of melon. However, it is not the rich aroma of a fully ripe melon, but rather a slightly young melon. Takachiyo is famous for this type, but the taste is a little different. It has a melon aroma, but when you drink it, the pungency comes later than expected. Then there is bitterness. Today I paired it with yakitori (grilled chicken), and it was quite good. It may not go well with light food. I will buy it again when I feel like it. Considering the regional characteristics, it may be an interesting sake.
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This is a unit work of three breweries in Joetsu: Katafune (Takeda Sake Brewery), Koshiji-no-Kenbai (Kubiki Shuzo), and Chiyonomitsu (Chiyonomitsu Sake Brewery). Kura-kept yeast, fresh yeast, and shibari. The proprietor introduced that there is a new trial in Niigata as well. Delicious! It starts with a light sweetness, followed by acidity and a sharp bitterness. This complexity is good. I couldn't take my eyes off of the sake from Joetsu. There is a recommendation from Takeda Shuzo on the back label, which is also interesting.
Koshiji no Kobai純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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The other day, I drank a bottle of Koshijino Benibe at Sarugakyo, and actually went to buy a bottle the next day! Ichimasuya was open from 8:00 a.m., which was a big help. This time, I shook it before serving. It was delicious!
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I heard that Katafune, Kubiki Shuzo, and Chiyonomitsu, three breweries, collaborated to create this product with their generous cooperation. As for me, I thought it was "interesting and delicious! but my wife said she didn't like it at first bite. But she said it was delicious with meat! (grin). I tasted it and bought it! Sarugakyo Onsen Ichimasuya is the place to go for sake lovers who drive to the Sarugakyo - Mizukami and Naeba area!
Koshiji no Kobaiかすみ酒純米吟醸原酒生酒おりがらみ
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It is a travel sake. This sake is from Gunma Prefecture but from Niigata. It is different from the type of sake I usually drink, but very tasty!
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This liquor was introduced as melon-like and was purchased. The other yellow label in line was described as grapefruit-like. I am curious about that one too! When I drank it, I found that it might have a melon-like taste, but it was not too flashy, but mildly sweet and tasty (≧▽≦)! The name of the sake also has plum blossoms, and the sake cup also has plum blossoms painted on it, which makes me feel good! Served with soaked zucchini, lettuce and tomato salad, and sashimi (striped horse mackerel, inada, sea bream, and chicken grunt)! Alcohol content: 15%. Rice polishing ratio: 60 Rice: 100% Gohyakumangoku grown in Kakizaki, Niigata Prefecture
Koshiji no Kobaiかすみ酒純米吟醸原酒生酒にごり酒
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An orthodox and beautiful sake. It was somewhat dry, but had a high level of sweetness and umami from the rice, with a good amount of ginjo aroma. To be honest, I didn't notice much nigori, perhaps because I had had three highballs beforehand, but it was delicious!
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I bought this sake at Murai Sake Shop as a Tokyo souvenir. When I told him Shinomine was delicious, he recommended this sake. Master said he liked Shinomine, so I bought it as a souvenir! It's really sweet and sour and refreshing, like fruit juice, but the moment you drink it, you feel the alcohol !!!! It's like a fruit juice, sweet, sour, and refreshing! It makes you feel like you're in the middle of nowhere! I have the image that Niigata people are all heavy drinkers...

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