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Suisen Flavor Chart

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Light mouthfeel. Soft rice sweetness and fruity fruit aroma exits when drinking. The sweetness is strong and easy to drink, but be careful with the pace due to the high alcohol content.
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Special Junmai 🍶Iwate's local sake 🐟. Refreshing, good mouthfeel 😆. Good balance 👍sourness and sweetness. Dry and sharp aftertaste. Not too much or not enough of what you want and you can drink it comfortably. Very good as a daily sake 👍 Purchased at a local producer in Omiya station.
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Another one from the lion dance pilgrimage Drunken Hakusen It is a long-established sake in Iwate, but I can't help but think of "Drunken Hachisen". I saw Drunken Fist when I was in elementary school. Jackie Chan was a big hit in my boyish heart. The Drunken Fist taught by Suhakako made my childish heart dance. Even now that I am an old man, I am still a fan of Jackie Chan. Let's put all this nonsense aside for a moment. The aroma has a very alcoholic feel to it. The first mouthful is dry and refreshing, but it has a nice, fresh flavor. The aftertaste is more alcoholic, but the acidity and bitterness make it crisp and clean. It is quite similar to Miyagi sake in its light and dry taste. But then again, Drunken Sake is located in Rikuzentakata, just above Kesennuma! You can see the similarity. Thank you very much for your hospitality!
Good evening, Colonel Lal 🌙 The drunkenness reminds me of Jackie Chan too 😊I remember everyone imitating him in the classroom 😆. It tastes more like Miyagi than Iwate 😳
Good evening, Ponchan 😁. Yes, yes! We all used to imitate it while making sound effects with our mouths during recess 😄Nostalgic! Nowadays, Iwate is known for red and purple air, but it has a different traditional flavor 🤘.
Suisen千咲里 特別純米生貯蔵酒特別純米生貯蔵酒
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A little short of drinking, open a small bottle. Collaboration product by Drunken Sake Brewery and the "Fukudai Ohori High School Alumni Association" which donated the equipment to support the recovery of the production. The name "Chieri" means "Japan, a home where flowers bloom for a thousand and ten thousand years. The name "Chieri" is said to express the wish that "Japan is a country that will be full of blooming smiles for a thousand and ten thousand years. Rikuzentakata City is the birthplace of Akinori Sasaki. Since the WBC is being held in Rikuzentakata, we opened a bottle of this sake as a cheering sake 📣🍶. The aroma is fruity with a hint of dryness. The three elements of umami, bitterness, and acidity each assert their presence in a subdued manner. As a result, it is an orthodox, light-bodied dry wine. It's crisp and tasty👍!
Good morning. Rikuzentakata is my hometown. It is also the brewery where my classmate works...(^^) I wish them all the best.
Rafa papa
Good morning, Haruei Chichi 😃. It's nice to know that a high school in Fukuoka is supporting the recovery of Iwate 😆 I want to drink and support them 📣.
Haruei Chichi, please excuse me here as well. Ohori High School is famous for high school baseball ⁈I didn't know that the school also does this kind of project 😊. The label is also very spring-like and nice.
Good evening, GoonyiGoonyi, good evening 🌇. Yes, it was. ❗️ I would like to see Drunken expand its range of flavors, but I guess that's just typical of Iwate sake breweries 😁. I will continue to support them 📣.
Good evening Rafa papa 🌇. Yes, ❗️ makes me want to support 📣. I am very happy to see the collaboration between Iwate and Fukuoka 🤗.
Good evening, Galilan 🌇. Thank you for all your comments 😊. That's right ❗️ Fukuoka Ohori High School is a strong school for advancement and sports, but for some reason, it has no connection with our family 🤣.
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Sipped in a tokuri at a Japanese-style pub with a nice atmosphere. The color and viscosity are not recorded, and the aroma is gorgeous. The c/e ratio is just right and the aroma is to my liking. It is very tasty with a full flavor and richness. Not too flashy, but not too reserved either, it gives the impression of a beautiful sake with a strong presence. 40 polished Strength: 16%. Production: March 2023
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Received as a tax return gift from Furusato I received this sake from Rikuzentakata City, Iwate Prefecture. I had wanted to try it for a long time. I can only imagine how hard it must have been for them to reopen their business after being hit by the tsunami caused by the Great East Japan Earthquake. I can feel the weight in every sip of this sake. Tagata" (special junmai sake) was a very tasty sake with a moderate sweetness from the rice followed by a moderate spiciness and a sense of strength. Miracle no Ipponmatsu" (ginjo-shu) had a sweetness followed by a slightly fruity taste, and it came in gently like water. It was very delicious! Sorry for my poor comment 💦.

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