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Umenoyado Flavor Chart

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The third sake I drank at a motsu nabe restaurant. It was the most sake-like with just the right amount of umami and mildness.
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Refreshing and juicy from the outset. The apple flavor has a perfect balance of acidity and umami. Quality beyond expectations. Nara is amazing. 9.5
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The other is Umenoyado. When the bottle is opened, it has a gentle, soft, sweet aroma like anko or Japanese sweets. The mouthfeel is also soft and pleasant. The sweetness, spiciness, acidity, and astringency in the flavor are not all prominent, and the mild sake quality is also reminiscent of Fushimi sake, with its delicious and refined taste! It has a light rice flavor reminiscent of Miyamanishiki, and is a delicious sake that can be served on its own or with food ✨. It's raining unfortunately, but I'm off to explore Nara in the morning for the first time in about 10 years 🦌.
Umenoyadoアンフェインドサケ キュヴェ純米大吟醸生酒
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I'll have some Ume no Yado, which I've been meaning to buy but haven't gotten around to it yet. It is a fruity, fresh and crisp sake. It has a solid core, but is very easy to drink, with a Yadama-esque honesty, elegance, and clean crispness. Best served cold? The third one is from UTAGE. We also had a good amount of shochu 😋.
Umenoyado純米 生 アンフェインドサケ
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Unexpected hit. Polished 70%, but fruity and sweet with a banana taste. The aftertaste is refreshing and lingering. I hope to encounter it again.
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祐星 ウラなんば店
Ume-no-yado Warm Junmai I can feel the sense of sake in my veins. I don't know what I'm talking about! It has a sweet and umami taste, which is a traditional sake taste. It starts with the traditional sake feeling of sweetness and umami, and goes straight through. I hope you get the idea. There is no bitterness or acidity. Would you say it is the feeling of sake and the ~ is gone? Shouwa ni honshu (hiragana) or rather, the feeling of being "I'm not sure.
Umenoyadounfeigned sake Terroir純米
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Ume-no-Yado's Unfined Series, Terroir. At room temperature. The color is like mirin (sweet sake), and the aroma is sweet with a sense of maturity. The taste is deeply aromatic and richly sweet, like milk cocoa, and I couldn't help but say, "Huh?" I said. The lingering aftertaste is a sourness and umami that is typical of Japanese sake. I was beginning to wonder if this was a very unique sake or if my taste buds were not right.

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