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Ichibankou 3554, Aizubange, Kawanuma District, Fukushima
map of Toyokuni Shuzo (Aizu)
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I'm drunk and usually enjoy myself making terrible typos, not writing sentences for others to read. I try to make sure that the photos are in the correct order, even when I am drunk. What I want to say is that the colors are wonderful. Go hakko and then tea. Not to show off my thin knowledge that darker ones are used because of preservation. It's an intriguing color for me. If it is this shade, it is not sweet, but then, what kind? The pleasure of drinking with such imagination. No, I'm bound to drink sake in its original state again. It was really a delicious day today, and I thank you.
Toyokuni純米 無濾過生原酒純米原酒生酒無濾過
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Toyokuni Shuzo FENGOKUNI Junmai-shu Unfiltered Nama-shu This brewery is located in Aizusaka-machi, Fukushima Prefecture. Contract rice cultivated by Fujikawa Farmers in Aizu Sakashita-machi. Yume-no-Kou" rice grown under contract by Fujikawa Farmers in Aizusaka-machi. 60% polished rice. Mild and fruity aroma, gentle juicy flavor, well-balanced with a fresh acidity. It has a juicy taste with a gentle fruity aroma, gentle rice flavor, and a well-balanced, lush acidity. #Nihon-shu
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First sake in a while due to a medical checkup! I had a training in Aizu the other day and on the way back I went to Gonoi Sake Shop for the first time! The selection of sake was overwhelming! The staff is very friendly and helpful! One of the things I bought there was a bottle of Toyokuni's Sparling! Toyokuni's Sparling! I had a hard time opening the bottle, but managed to do so! It was dry without much sweetness. The acidity comes through with a nice aftertaste. The taste is similar to Hato Masamune's HANABI! It would be perfect with oily food! It's like a summer sake. While I was saying that, the autumn flavor came out in no time... I couldn't keep up with it (laughs).
Hi Sashi 😃 Thanks for the checkups 😌On the other hand, I'm glad to hear about the training in Aizu 😊We still haven't drank HANABI yet 🥲I have to drink it before the fall is over in our fridge😅.
Jay & Nobby Good evening. And this one after the checkup was as delicious as HANABI! Please try HANABI!
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I bought this wine the other day at the Hankyu Department Store in Umeda, Osaka, where it was on sale. I did not think so when I tasted it, but it is quite tasty, with a mild taste and a delicious rice flavor. My daughter's family had just returned home, so I shared a glass with my daughter-in-law, and we found that about two thirds of the bottle was gone.
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4.0 Sweet and sour. It is a strong, dark sake, but it is sweet and sour, so it is easy to drink. It is easy to drink. It has a rice aftertaste and a little bit of alcohol strength. It is like a juice. It is smooth.
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With boiled motsu (pork cutlet). Udon noodles were added and simmered. I put it in and simmered it. 😍😍 Refreshing mouthfeel, like a summer sake 😄. Ori is about 1cm, from the supernatant. Light and light taste. 😋. Bitter bitterness and acidity are subdued, Nice light sweet and sourness. 😫 Chilled to a crisp and in a very short time. Gone. 😓 I like the motsu-ni (boiled pork) at popular restaurants, I like the motsu-ni at the popular restaurants, but I prefer the boiled and spilt motsu-ni at the If you can get a good raw hormone, it's not easy to process it. If you can get a good raw hormone, it's a lot of work to process it, I enjoy it without leaving any of the juices. 😍😍
Good evening, Hanapin 🦉. You cook hormone yourself 😳I'm really surprised that you can cook anything ‼️ I'd like to eat motsu-nikomi with a lot of air conditioning and shichimi? I'd like to eat motsu-nikomi with a lot of spices 😆.
Good evening, Pon. 😋 I don't usually do this, but when I get into the mood I don't usually do it, but when I get into it, I suddenly start doing it. (I'm not usually a fan of this, but when I get into it, I suddenly start doing it 😁. I like motsu nabe too! 😍
Toyokuniうめのお酒 Aizu Dream
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extra (special) edition I went to Aizuwakamatsu. At a liquor store in Nanokaicho, I was introduced to "the world's best plum wine" and bought it. Is it fully ripe plum? Moderately sour and sweet. The sake itself had a thick consistency, and for a moment I thought it was syrup. It has a more matured taste than the plum wine I make at home. The best in the world...wonderful.
Toyokuni純米吟醸 夏霞 うすにごり
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@Koriyama Iando Next is a bottle that was in the cellar and the label was one color (nothing written?) from a distance. I was curious about this one! I asked what it was, and it turned out to be a summer sake from Toyokuni. But I couldn't see the label clearly, so I searched and found a surprise 😲(I tried the second one 🤣). Now for the taste... The young staff at the store poured out only the top clear liquid without noticing the "oriki", so I decided to take that part of it without hesitation. I guess the moderate sweetness, juiciness, and lightness of the sake is exactly what summer sake is supposed to be like⁉. I would like to drink it again with ori too next time.
Good morning, N.E. ☀️ The starry sky on the label is so beautiful 😆✨. Too bad you could only drink the supernatant 🥲I'll have to get my revenge sometime 😉. Oh my ❗️300 check in ❣️ congratulations ㊗️🎉🎊
It's nice to meet you, Tsubu-chan (please excuse my leaving out Ms. Tsubu-chan). I would like to drink the top and go full next time, but I'm tired of walking outside, which I'm not used to, and I'm reluctant to stop (^^;). I am very grateful for the inspiration of all 300 Tochigi Ai🥰ers 🤣.
Masaaki Sapporo
N.E, thank you for everything 👍Congratulations on your 300 check-ins 🎉Toyokuni looks great 👀.
Good evening Masaaki and thank you for your ministry 😆. I regret that I didn't drink another cup of Toyokuni with cucumber on the spot 😭. So I will buy it this weekend, I found a store that has it now but I hope they have it until then 🙏.
N.E., congratulations on your belated 300 check-in 🎉🎉🎉! Nice label on the drink ✨and interesting trick 🎶I'm curious if you bought and drank it afterwards 😊.
Thank you, Pon-chan 😆. I noticed the 300ci after you mentioned it to me, Tsubu-chan (^^;) Unfortunately, I haven't been able to see the sake again yet 😭. I was told that this label is actually a trick to see the beauty from the back when you drink up 🤭.
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Various summer liquors are now available. This time it was Fengkoku's summer sake. It was sunny this afternoon and the weather recovered, so I opened a bottle that had been well chilled in the refrigerator. It is a light nigori (light cloudy) sake. The label is white and empty on the surface, but when you shine a light on it from behind, a starry sky appears on the label. When the lees are mixed in, it looks foggy, and when the lees settle, it looks like a star-filled sky (Milky Way). At first it is too cold to smell much. The mouthfeel is light, and although it feels spicy on the throat, it has a light sweetness, followed by a grefle-like bitterness and a leesiness that is also combined with the flavor. The bitterness is pleasant and crisp, making it a delicious summer sake. Although it is a Fukushima sake, it is not too amateurish and can be drunk without hesitation.
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With cucumber with ume plum paste. 😄 Sorry, not sake. Sorry 😫. Daiginjo brewed plum wine, drank with my wife. Made with Takada ume, dark sweetness. 😍😍 It also has the refinement of Daiginjo brewing, It is very easy to drink. As last year, there are a lot of chocolates. 😓. I have to be careful about the blood sugar level, I'm going to try it with sake and other things. I'll try it with sake and other things. ☹️Thank you for everything, my wife! 😍
Hanapin, Happy Valentine🍫. Wow! Looks so delicious 😍so beautiful that it's too good to eat ✨You have a wonderful wife to give it to you every year 💖.
Good evening, Pon. 😊 It has become a tradition for me to reduce the number of I've been trying to reduce it little by little every year. (I'm so glad you're here. Thank you very much. I'm sure I'll be able to do it again 😄

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