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I've got a bottle of sake that arrived at my parents' house from my uncle in the country. I had never had this brand before. I asked him to give me some of it. It is located near my father's parents' house. Toyokuni Shuzo's Gakujuro sake. You can't find it in Nagoya. It comes in a box and looks expensive. It is a 40% polished Yamadanishiki Daiginjo. It has a slight taste of wooden vat. The taste of wood vat is also noticeable. The taste is clean and refreshing. It has a clean taste. It is rather classical. It is the perfect sake for Japanese food. I think it would be good with sashimi. Sashimi. I enjoyed it very much.
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Toyokuni Sake Brewery in Aizu-Sakaage Town opened a bottle of 🏅Gakjuro, which won the gold medal at the New Sake Competition 🎉. It is a daiginjo made from luxuriously polished Yamada-Nishiki up to 40%, with a gorgeous sweet aroma. It is slightly thick and has a very rich flavor with a good balance of dry bitterness in addition to the refined sweetness 😋. It is an elegant and refined rich umami sake that is made by hand the old-fashioned way, with a lot of time and effort put into it 😊.
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くつろぎ宿 新滝
From left to right, Suehiro Shuzo's Genzai Tsurunoe Shuzo's Aizu Nakasho Tokujoshu, and Today's recommended item is Gakujuro from Toyokuni Shuzo. All of them are the kind of sake to be entered in the competition. The last one is Gakujuro! It is a little less gorgeous than the previous two, but but you can feel the aroma of the rice the most. The taste is also sweet between the two. The taste of the rice is strong. It is smooth and goes down the throat well. It doesn't stay in your mouth, but it is firm and refreshing. In the comparison, this is my favorite as a sake for eating.
Gakujuro大吟醸 おり酒純米大吟醸おりがらみ
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日本酒立呑みバー 正杜屋
Full of sweetness and beauty Full of sweetness and flavor from the lees. The aroma is sweet and full of alcohol. It has a lot of sweetness in the aftertaste. It is full of sweetness and alcohol. It is well balanced and beautiful. It is very delicious! The number "12/15" on the back label may be limited to 15 bottles! I don't know if there are 15 National New Sake Competition winners or if there are 15 bottles of orizake among them, but this is rare. If I were to compare it to Ghibli, it would be the aerial walk scene at the beginning of Howl's Moving Castle. It's one of the sweetest and most beautiful scenes in the whole movie, even though the story is just starting to get moving. Satisfaction: ★★★★☆ . I have a blog. You can visit my blog from the link in the profile section if you like.

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