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Goninmusume Flavor Chart

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1964 Kōzakihonshuku, Kozaki, Katori District, Chiba
map of Terada Honke
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Musuhi after a long time. It tastes like rice brine (brown rice) mixed with apple juice and fermented with lactic acid bacteria. Well, this is it. I think the alcohol content is too high. I only need a little.
Goninmusumeむすひ 発芽玄米酒
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The smell of pickles. Hmmm, what does this taste like? ...A beer that isn't bitter? From the appearance, I imagined something like amazake, but it was totally different. At any rate, the smell is like pickles. It does not taste like pickles. It is sour and bitter. I feel that the flavor is very good. The rice is 100% polished. It's brown rice, and nothing has been cut down. The label says "Item: Other Brewed Sake". So it is not sake. The yeast is alive and the flavor changes daily. It was indeed very active, and it took more than 5 minutes to open the bottle. I wonder how the taste will change if it is left to stand? Does it become sour? Will it get sweeter? I'm looking forward to it 🙂.
Goninmusumeむすひ 発芽玄米酒 生酒
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Kansai Sake-no-wa Off-line meeting, Hankai Railway Sake runners brought their own sake. This is the first sake with 100% germinated brown rice milling ratio. The secondary fermentation was so strong that the sake was repeatedly blown up. Nemuchi-san took his time to open the bottle Nemuchi-san took his time to open the bottle. When I had drunk so many different sakes that I had lost track of their flavors, this saké was very strong and refreshing. Drink at least one sake per person. Sakeran 🤣. The color is like dissolving rice bran in water. Sour and smells like pickles. I was surprised but it seems to be good for the body. I was surprised, but it seems to be good for the body. I don't dislike it. It went well with the garlic-garlic pork chops made by Mr. Sakeran. You have thought about the marriage very carefully. Thank you very much.
Good evening, Lutemi 🌙 You made a big impact🤣and so did I. Many people didn't dislike it 😊👍.
Good evening, Pon 😁. Surprising ‼️ taste. But I'm glad you could drink it. It's interesting that it seems to go well with some foods 😁.
What a surprise that even Ruthe reviewed this drink 😳! Thank you very much. But your husband's tail was perfect. I'm sure no one could have guessed who he was. Maybe you are an active detective? 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sake Orchid 😁. You can't miss the orchid sake 😆. I see that the sake is brewed with brown rice after a lot of hard work. It was my first time to experience it 😝 My husband was also able to catch up with you and he had a great time at the offline meeting. I think he enjoyed the offline meeting 😝.
Goninmusume発芽玄米酒 むすひ発泡
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阪堺電車 車内
Off-line meeting of "SAKEWA KANSAI_HANKAI TRAIN charter" held on 2023.8.26. This is the first break. The 14th one of my check-in. Orchid sake provided by sake-run. Musuhi" is a germinated brown rice sake from Terada Honke in Chiba Prefecture! Threatening 100% polished rice 😳. It is not polished at all, so it might be more correct to call it 0% polished rice. It is a fermented food made from unpolished germinated brown rice brewed by the power of microorganisms in the brewery. Maybe because it's not strained, it's not even exactly sake (seishu) since it's classified as "other brewed sake" 😅. Naturally, it is not fire-aged and is constantly fermenting in the bottle, so beware of explosions: ⚠️ At the offline meeting, Nemuchi-san, the bottle-opening meister, carefully and safely opened the bottle in more than 10 minutes 😁. The appearance is a sloppy creamy brown germinated brown rice juice that fizzes vigorously! The aroma is a refreshing brine ☺️ When I drank it, it had a sludgy, viscous texture with a healthy gasiness and a rice grain feel that also remained. The first attack of strong acidity, which is not expected when drinking sake 😆. The sweetness and umami complexity of the rice is all mixed in there, and it was truly a drink that gave me the nourishment of nature. Thank you sake-run for this valuable experience 😊. Thanks for the treat 🍶.
The fourth photo is of the famous sake that I was not able to review in detail. I only remember that they were all extremely delicious 😊I really had too much fun & drank too much, thank you all 🍶🥰.
Good evening, Mr. Aladdin 🌛. I'm glad you are satisfied! My peers call me an old man lol. The Aladdin's birthplace was also very tasty 😋. We look forward to working with you in the future 🙏🙏.
Good morning Mr. Ofuji😃 I didn't know Ofuji-san was an old man... people your age don't know true old men like us 🤣. I'm glad you liked the birthplace too ☺️ Thank you for your time here!
What a surprise! I didn't expect Aladdin-san to do the same for me! (Thank you so much!) But you came up with "sprouted brown rice soup"! Your choice is indeed excellent. Thank you very much for your kindness 😌.
Thank you, sake-run 😊I was able to feel a part of the essence of orchid sake with my five senses! I think low-polished sake itself is a trend, so I would like to pursue low-polished sake in a different direction from orchid sake 😁🍶.
Goninmusumeむすひ 発芽玄米酒生酒
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阪堺電車 車内
Kansai Sake no Wa: Sake brought by Mr. Sakeran, the comedian in charge of comedy. This time, the impact of this sake was so strong that it took everything with it 🙄 and blew my memory of the other sake 🤣. Everyone calls this drink "orchid sake" 🤣. The bubbling was so strong that Nemuchi-san, who was in charge of opening the bottle, struggled to open the bottle 😅. After about 15 minutes? Finally, the bottle was opened after about 15 minutes 😅. Thank you very much for opening all the drinks for this off-line meeting 🙇. Yellowish cloudy. It has a strong bran smell like pickles. Sorry for frowning before drinking, Mr. Lan 🙏. It has a strong gassy, bran-like and strong graininess. It is sweeter and easier to drink than the Genmai-shu of Kinkame that I drank in the past. You all said it would go well with Sakae Lan-san's homemade pork chops, but I'd already eaten them before drinking this 😭 I'm not sure what to make of this! I'm not sure if this is a good idea or not 💪. It was that kind of sake 😋. I applaud Sakaran-san's courage to bring such a peculiar sake 😆.
I'm in the ministry! I'm so proud of you, bouken-san! You have a calm and analytical mind to make such accurate comments in that chaos? You have a calm and analytical mind to leave such accurate comments in that chaotic car ✨. (But I really expected more frowns and give-ups 🤔💦)
Hey there, Mr. Sakeran! I can only remember this one clearly from the middle of the game 🤔, because it was overwritten by this drink 🤣. I'll be participating in the future offline events with a strong sense of humor 😏.
Hello bouken ☀☀☀. I read this with a chuckle 🤣 Next time you all bring your xenophobia, I won't be able to drink it 🤣.
Hello bouken😊 This sake was awesome 😆 I have a strong memory of it too! I don't know if it's the fact that I drink kuseyoshi sake that makes me a kuseyoshi person, or if I like kuseyoshi sake because I'm a kuseyoshi person... It's a mystery 🤣.
Ponchan, good evening😊. Do you want to have a brown rice wine party or something? 🤣 If there's any left over, we'll play rock-paper-scissors to take some home 🤣.
Good evening, Maru-san 😃. That was a drink that left a vivid impression, like a punch in the face! Hmmm, probably both 🤣.
Goninmusumeむすひ 無農薬発芽玄米100%
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Kansai Sake no Wa🚃Hanzai Train Off-line Meeting 14th Cup Mr. Sakéran himself told us to drink at least one sake per person 😳. Out of the 20 bottles, this one left the biggest impression on me 🤣. Nemuchi-san opened and closed the bottle for quite a long time before it finally opened💦. Yellow liquid, sour when you drink it 🤣‼️ Sour like old pickles. And the bitter taste mixed with the good taste, a little bitter like pickles. When you drink it with Mr. Sakeran's homemade pork chops, you'll be amazed 😳. Delicious ❣️ Thank you for the sake and the pork chops, Mr. Sakeran, which is a very brave drink to drink alone 🙏 I learned a lot! It was a good learning experience! At the halfway point, it was time to switch seats as is customary for Sakélan-san! We drew lots and everyone moved 💨. Thank you for everything 😊.
Good evening, Pon😊. This is amazing! It's really pickles. I can understand why some people are addicted to the taste. Unforgettable 😄.
Hello, Takechi-san ☀☀☀☀! It's great that you drank it 😆👍What is this? You get used to it after the third sip or so 🤣I'll never forget it 🤣.
Goninmusumeむすひ 無農薬発芽玄米100%
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阪堺電車 車内
Oops💦. This time "Sake-no-wa Kansai Branch Grand Real Off-line Meeting All the Updates of the drinks we drank at the All the drinks we drank at the party were uploaded to other members. I was going to leave all the uploading of the sakes I drank at the "Sakénawa Kansai Branch Grand Off-line Meeting" to the other members, but I guess I have to review the sakes I brought by myself, right? So, here is one of Japan's most famous "Kiwamono Sake"! We do not reject those who come, and we do not chase those who go. From the Terada Brewery, a right-leaning brewery that lives up to its motto, "Don't be shy, don't be shy, don't be shy! First of all, it tastes like a milkshake. However, the actual taste is Grapefruit without sweetness. As someone mentioned above, and as many others have said, the majority of the taste was pickles or pickles. I brought my own bottle of grapefruit, but it was clearly unique among the 20 bottles brought by each of us, and to be honest, I couldn't grasp the situation, the marriage, and whether it was to be enjoyed by itself. Next time, I would like to explore the essence of this sake a little more deeply and carefully, so I will drink it at home. ............ PS I could drink more than Daigo series.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeoran 🌙😃❗Ehh I liked the type of ❤️ it looks like it's good for you 😁💨💨 I would like to try it lukewarm and with dried fruit chocolate 😃💡✨
!? 💦 Well, ♕HotSakeQueen♕💧. I'm so glad you could show us the pairings 💧. Thank you so much😇✌️
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran. I was happy to be able to drink Musuhi 😆 Personally, I regret that I could not taste it carefully all the way to the bottom like you did 🤔Thank you for your hard work at the offline meeting!
Thank you very much for the meeting 😊. It was the drink that impressed me the most 🤣Sakeelan's homemade pork with magic powder went well with it👍Thank you for the food 😊🙏.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran😃. I'm confident that I won't be covered by the noodles at the Chuin 0th meeting....and the right corner of my mouth was up🤣Here we go... 😁That was interesting in a realm I can't experience myself 🤣It was unexpectedly tasty 😋.
Good evening, sake orchid! I must have drunk it after the middle of the day when I was quite drunk, but I clearly remember whether it was the vividness of the taste or the impact of the presentation 😳I like this kind of orchid wine 😊I look forward to the next opportunity 😁.
Good evening, Mr. Sakeran 😁. It certainly had a good vibe for the body like you said, pyonpyon 🤗 natural food-like 🌍. Daigo has a harder smell but it's sweeter so it's hard to say which is better 🤔.
Hi Hirupeco 👋! What a ReTry declaration😳? Well, the SAKE girls in the area are strong 💧. I'm sorry for your loss. ←I'm sorry.
Hi Pon-chan 👋 In case you were wondering, "Matsuo" is in the list of the most impressive sake this time (hmmm ✨). That glamorous body that you can't believe it's highly refined. It was delicious~!
Heh heh! I'm sure you'll like it. I was confident that we wouldn't have any similarities, but I was surprised to find that there are more people who like it than I thought, starting with Rafa.
Thank you bou for your time 👋 Natural food ministry Yes, that's right! I guess so.... So, that means Let's go to a commercial where we wear tank tops and yell on a rock face, "Fight! and we'll be in a commercial where we wear tank tops and yell on rocky surfaces together ✌.
Good evening, Aladdin! I was rallying with everyone on line usually, and there was a friendliness and style that made me feel like I was meeting you for the first time! 😇 I'm not much of a car person, but I hope you'll continue to encourage me in many ways! ✌🌟🌟
Mr. Sakaeran, konbanhasan. Off-line meetings in real life are fun, aren't they ⸜( ˶>ᴗ<˶)⸜? Even if you are usually involved in SNS, you can discover new things about this kind of person. ‼️
Welcome back Eririn ✌✨
Good morning, sake-run 😁. I had a great time at the meeting 😁. It was one of the most memorable ones for me too 😁. Great choice, just like you 🤣. I didn't get to talk much, but next time I'll be happy to talk to you 😁.
Thank you, A-chan! It was really fun to be offline. Next time we will have a year-end party at .........? I'll be happy to help you then 🫰🌟.
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Sake-no-wa Kansai Off-line Meeting (6) The sixth bottle introduced here was brought by [sake-run]. Gonin Musume Musuhi The sixth bottle was a bottle of "Gonin Musume Musuhi", which he said was his quota of at least one sake per person! He said it was his "quota". 100% pesticide-free brown rice with a milling rate of 100% ✨. I saw a program on "Shinsei: The Complete Guide to the Classical Techniques of Japanese Sake" a long time ago and the rice was milled to 94%, but this is even better than that 😅. Nemuchi-san, who opened all the sakes for us this time, was also able to finally open the bottle after about 10 minutes of opening and closing, opening and closing again to let the gas out 🎉. The aroma of rice bran, the strong carbonation, the coarse flavor, and the aroma of rice bran on the nose 🥒. Once you drink it, the rough umami on the other side of the bran becomes a bit addictive! In a sense, this is a bottle that shows the potential of sake 😁. Some people said it was a perfect match for the "Pork Tequila" that Mr. Sakeran himself has been making! Thank you, Mr. Sakeran 😋! Corrected and added!
Good evening, Mr. Gyves. I have the image that Terada Honke's sake is very peculiar, but I think this one stands out from the rest 😅. I think you should drink this one to deepen your knowledge 😋.
Hello bouken! I was a bit overwhelmed by the impact of the first sight, but as I took a sip or two, I learned a lot about the peculiarities of the dish 😁. I regretted that I ate the pork chops first 😅.
Goninmusume発芽玄米酒 むすひ純米
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阪堺電車 車内
We all brought a bottle of our best for the day, and when we laid them all out, it was a sight to see ✨Nemuchi-san opened the "Musuhi" brought by Sakeran with exquisite force to keep it from spewing out‼️I love muddiness, so I had the bottom part of the sediment. It has a sourness that is like a cheese-like habit. I'm sure it will be gentle when heated up 🎵fufufu😋😋The character seems to be reflected in the sakes they brought 😁💨💨.
Thank you very much for the pyonpyon offline meeting 😊It was a great pleasure to meet you💕 This drink had the biggest impact on me 🤣.
Thanks for your hard work, Ponchan ‼️ I'm sorry I didn't help clean up afterwards 💦 All the sake was delicious with everyone's thoughts 😋 and this one Musuhi left a lasting impression - 👍️ in many ways 🎵
Hello, pyonpyon! Thank you for the offline meeting ✨The "Gonin Musume Musuhi" brought by Sakeran-san made a huge impact 😊. I can feel the potential of sake 😁.
Rafa papa
Good evening, Mr. pyonpyon 😃 I enjoyed the offline meeting 😊I could hardly talk to you this time, but let's have a drink together again 😋.
Good evening, pyonpyon. You have captured the important points in your photos 👍and you are doing a great job of aiming for the bottom of the Musuhi 😊I wish I could have experienced it too!
Good evening, pyonpyon 🌔. Thank you for your hard work on the offline meeting. This drink was awesome! As expected of Mr. Sakeran😄. I didn't get a chance to talk with you much, but I was so entranced by your beautiful appearance 😍.
pyonpyon, thank you for your hard work the other day 😊. This drink was so strong that I couldn't remember the other drinks 🤣It was very typical of you 🤣I didn't have a chance to talk to you, so I hope we can talk next time 🤗.
Thank you Jive for your time ‼️ I was overwhelmed by everyone's knowledge of alcohol 😆✨I enjoyed the variety of drinks from sweet to sour 😃💡✨Let's do it again 🎵
Rafa papa, thank you for your time ❗I'm sorry I couldn't greet you properly because we were sitting so far apart 😣💦⤵️ and I hope to see you again ‼️
Hi Hirupeko, thanks for your time 🎵It was nice to meet you in real life 😃💡✨I had the bottle opened right in front of me and I was aiming for the bottom the whole time 😁💨 It was delicious ❤️
Maru-san, thank you for your hard work ❗I'm sorry I couldn't pour drinks at the diagonal line where we were seated far from each other 😣You all 😅gave me so many compliments 😅💦I'm afraid my eyes were blurry after drinking 20 kinds of drinks 😅💦.
bouken, thank you for your hard work ❗Musuhi, I feel like I left a great mark 😁💨💨I was overwhelmed by everyone's energy this time 💦I would be happy to talk and drink with everyone slowly next time 😃💡✨.
pyon pyon Good morning ☀️ Thanks for the drinking iron😊 I was drinking with Rafa so we didn't have much contact 👍 See you next time
Thank you for your hard work, kan ❗I'm sorry I couldn't talk to you because I was at the next table 💦It seemed like you and Rafa came to the 0th meeting to lay the groundwork for the next one 😁💨💨 Please come again next time 🎵
Hi, pyonpyon😄Thank you for your time at the offline meeting🌸It was a very strong drink with a strong personality. I'll never forget it 😆 I'm sorry we didn't have much time to talk, I look forward to the next time 😁.
Luteltemi, thank you for your help the other day❗I'm sorry I was too busy getting drinks to talk to you 😣💦⤵️ and I look forward to another girls' night out with you ❤️
Wow! 💦. I didn't expect you to upload this drink, Pyon 😳! Well, I just uploaded it myself and regretted it a little 💧. Oh, that's a shame 💦. But you're so right, pyon2! 👍🌟
Mr. Sake Run‼️ No - you have to upload this one 😁💨 Pork Tequila was delicious too 😋 I got 3 pieces of crunchy ❗
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Store bought. Classic aroma, sweet and sour, easy to drink, delicious cold or warmed. The brewery is famous for its natural sake, and it soaked up all of my five guts.
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Today, it is Terada Honke and Gonin Musume's Nature's Way. This is the 15th bottle at the Hirupeko Chiba Sake Fair. Pale yellow sake. It has a strong aroma with a mixture of magic ink aroma and sweet and sour aroma. It has a thickened mouthfeel. The sweet and sour aroma and the rich sweet and sour taste of the rice spread to the palate. It is easy to drink because it has a refreshing acidity without any peculiarities, while still having the strength that is typical of the Terada family. The alcohol content of 16.5% may have something to do with it. We served it cold, but it would also be delicious on the rocks. Today we stopped by Uji. The purpose was to visit Soma, a bread store that specializes in natural yeast made with sake lees from the Terada family's brewery. The bread in the photo is made with 100% ancient wheat spelt. The bread in the photo is made from 100% ancient wheat spelt. It is a firm, chewy bread with a slight cheese-like aroma, probably derived from sakekasu! Terada Honke is a sake brewery where the koji mold room is safe enough for children to run around in, and they don't think of bacteria as good or bad. The owner told us about Terada Honke. I'm glad I visited ^ ^. It's been a while since I took a walk in Uji. I was healed by the 10-yen coin Byodoin Temple and the aroma of tea from the tea shops along the approach to the temple. It was so hot~!
Hi Hirupeko-san, good evening 🌙Five girls, I haven't tried this sake yet. I was surprised to see how fashionable the area around Heidoin Temple has become when I went there for the first time in a long time the other day 😳.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 🌙 I'm interested in the sake, but I'm also interested in the story about the bread and the brewery 😊👍I like your generous attitude towards bacteria🎶. Byodoin, I haven't seen it since it was cleaned up, I want to go there!
Good morning, Wakata-san. Oh, are you interested in the five girls? Please take a peek into the world of Terada Honke 😁I went to Uji and was surprised to see that Nakamura Tokichi has been beautified in many ways! It was as crowded as ever.
Good morning, Pon. Terada Honke is different from other breweries in the idea of growing bacteria spontaneously 😌Uji is a good place to stroll since there were not that many tourists yet.
Ah! I see you've been drinking a lot of Terada-Honke, Hirupeko-san. I think many people can't afford it, but I'm very grateful to .........😇
Good evening, Sake-run-san. Indeed, sake breweries that have demand for sake lees alone are unique! Gojin Musume is still easy to drink 😊.
Goninmusume発芽玄米酒 むすひ
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Gojin Musume Musuhi Rice polishing ratio 100%. Alcohol content 12
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I was curious about Musuhi for a long time and bought it for the first time. First, I tried it cold... This is it! It has a unique fermentation smell like blue cheese, tastes like yogurt for a moment, and then has a strong scent of brown rice like brown rice tea! It's not just good or bad... In a sense, it's an amazing sake... I can't wait to see what happens when it's heated up... I can't stop my heart from pounding!

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