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ひるぺこAnother bottle. This is Umenoyado's Umereku. This one was brewed about 10 years ago by four sake dealers in the Kansai region. Four sake shops in Kansai asked for this sake to be brewed with Omachi and No. 6 yeast about 10 years ago. Currently, it is not sold and the store is one of the last to have it. First, it was served at room temperature. Sake with a yellowish color. Smooth mouthfeel. It has a delicious balance of bitterness and richness, It is a clear sake with the richness of OMACHI among aged sake. Easy to drink and delicious at room temperature. When heated, the rice and bitterness become more pronounced and the flavor profile is more distinct and delicious. Umenoyado is now considered a fruit sake, I'm glad to know that there is also a sake with this kind of flavor. I am glad to have encountered it. I visited Iwatsuki during the Autumn Sake Go-Around. I couldn't forget the sake I had there. They have a great selection of sake and the other dishes were also very tasty. Thanks for the food 😋.
Umenoyadoアンフィルタード・サケ 備前雄町 純米大吟醸 袋しぼり無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒袋吊り無濾過
ぽんUmenoyado Sake Brewery Unfiltered Sake Bizen Omachi  Junmai Daiginjo Bag Shibori Unfiltered Nama Sake The brewery is located in Katsuragi City, Nara Prefecture. Unfiltered = no filtration. It is a light cloudy sake with lees. It has a fruity aroma, a hint of sweetness, and a moderate acidity. The taste has a fruity aroma, a hint of sweetness, and a moderate acidity. #Japanese Sake
karisomeI wanted to drink hot sake, so I bought this one, which was recommended for heating sake. I bought this one, which was recommended by Cup Noodles, a new heat-resistant glass for cup noodles that can be easily heated in the microwave. I'm sure it will come in handy in the coming months.
Umenoyado純米吟醸 秋篠
酒とネイルSake purchased on a trip to Nara 🦌. Purchased at the souvenir shop right in front of Toshodaiji Temple. There is a pop-up saying you can only buy it here 👀. A quick shot with the Zazen platypus I got from a gacha 💕. Rice polishing ratio: 50%. Alcohol content: 16%. When you put it in a glass, it has a slight yellow tint and a fresh aroma. When you drink it, the aroma is not so strong and refreshing, and there is no cloying feeling. 🙅‍♀️ There is a slight tanginess in the throat at the end of drinking. It's a quiet and solemn sake because it's a sake from Yamato. At room temperature, the sweetness of the rice lingers as an aftertaste. I think it tastes best cold, as the aroma stands out the most. It is easy to drink because it has no habits.
ひるぺこGood evening, sake and nail polish. I see you went to Kitora. They have a great selection of Nara sake 😆 For some reason I like Yakushi Nyorai at Yakushiji Temple, so I haven't been there in a while 😊.
創楽酒場 中島商店
yh0921Perfect as a food wine Brilliant and full of flavor Oh, it has a little acidity too! I've been thinking about Nara's sake lately I enjoyed it with Nara-zuke cheese. You can't see the Nara pickles because of all the cheese. It's so delicious!
ペンギンブルーIn the mouth, it has a gentle sweetness like cherries and a flowery aroma. It has little acidity and a sense of purity. It has a gentle juiciness that melts in the mouth with a sizzling sensation. I ended up ordering the albacore! Delicious! I felt it was a type of wine that goes well with a meal. Ueno Uoso
Umenoyado蔵開き限定 しぼりたて生酒
Nf bapakLight and smooth. Mellow. It is a light type that seems to go in easily. Delicious. As expected of freshly pressed sake. It was worth the trip to the brewery. Delicious.
UmenoyadoUnfeigned SAKE Harvest純米山廃
しーちゃんSeasonal Junmai-shu made with Yamahai brewing method. Gentle, mellow and deep flavor. Gentle acidity and sweetness. It is a taste that we would like to express our sincere gratitude to rice, nature, and the sake brewers. Today we took the Kintetsu train to the Ume-no-yado brewery opening. We compared about 7 kinds of sake while eating delicious food. I bought this one, which I could not taste at the site, and savored it carefully at home. There were many people with their children, and it was a very enjoyable event. I definitely want to go again next year.
bonchiTransparent with a slight yellowish tinge. The aroma is reminiscent of rice. The aroma is weak. Juicy, sweet and sour mouthfeel. Moderate acidity and astringency. A lingering umami taste. Short aftertaste. Mellow sake.