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2-8 Tochioōmachi, Nagaoka, Niigata
map of Koshi Meijo
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Shimizu Ekimae Ginza Shopping Street Jizake Street 2024" 🍶④. We drank at last year's Jizake Street and loved it! Yamashiroya ✨ which we loved! We had the first class! Well balanced and still delicious 🎶.
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Purchased at my favorite liquor store. It is a new product from Yamashiroya. If someone says "sparkling nigori" to me, I'll buy it. I like it, so I buy it even if it is a little expensive. It is not wabi, but wahi. It tastes like white wine. It has acidity, but it is not sweet. It tastes like Niigata sake. On a different note, rice is really in short supply. I always buy rice directly from the JA, but there is no rice available, so I bought some other rice, but I am still trying to find the right amount of water for it, which is different from my usual rice. I wonder if it will affect the sake as well.
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My wife bought me a packet of sake saying "I found a good one" 🍶. This is my first time drinking it 🤔. It didn't take long to open the bottle, but the gas was pretty strong 🤔. Or should I say adult calpis soda 🤔 It reminds me of Senkou's Yukidaruma, but drier than Yukidaruma, and it is perfect for summer 😋. It was a very good drink 😊.
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Yamashiroya's sparkling type liquor 🫧. Calpis soda for adults that is not sweet at all. As the catchphrase says, it has a lactobacillus type of Aroma 🎶. The taste is quite dry. Finishes with a bitter taste from the sourness ✨. It is nigori, but you can enjoy it on a hot day too!
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It also has an elegant appearance and is smooth and light. The dish was perfect for the end of the day, and the 10 types of sake were also perfect for the end of the day!
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尾崎商店 中央店
I have been drinking Nigorizumi for the past 4 years. I also like Yamashiroya's hi-ire sake, but its light aroma and the fact that you have to sharpen your mind when drinking it make it a bit more difficult, so I tend to rely on Nigori-nagashi, which I can drink without thinking. It is one of the sakes that I have been repeating for years, just like Abeno Ipponshime, Senkou's Hatsutan Nakadori, and Yukidaruma. It has almost no aroma. It has a complex aroma when you drink it, and the citrus and herbal overtones are refreshing and pleasant. It was released in spring, but I think it would be a good sake for summer. It is not sweet, but the umami of the rice is quite strong and has a decent flavor! I really like it. It has a softness and is definitely tastier than last year! I was surprised to see the melon aroma peeking out on the third day! Is this really Yamashiya? As a food wine, it cuts through the harshness and is powerful, making it a perfect match for meat dishes, spicy food, and Chinese food! I'd like to pair it with hot bean curd and spare ribs! After the Kushira Nigori and Mutsu Hachisen Doburokku, which are both nigori sake, I was surprised to find that they are very similar but have different personalities and tastes!
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★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ oldest architectural style for Shinto shrines (e.g. used at Izumo shrine) Habitual acidity. Heaviness in the latter half. Aroma is refreshing and passes through the nose
Yamashiroya大地を醸す アルチザン 純米吟醸 直汲み 火入れ純米吟醸
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Today, I went to celebrate the opening of a friend's store that has moved to a new location 🥳. The store is much bigger and more spacious than the previous one, with a larger staff to match 😳. Anyway, I decided to have something to drink and ordered a Yamashiroya 😀. I had never had Artisan before, and it was surprisingly fruity and easy to drink, with a delicious umami and gentle acidity 😊. The name of the restaurant has changed with the relocation, the name of the restaurant is "Numa Sake" 🌈.
Hi Kano 😃 Relocation of a store you know! It's great that you've grown so big 🤗. I think a lot of people are going to get addicted to swamp sake 🍶😄 people like you who post sakewa are already addicted to it 🤣.
Hello, Kano-san. I think I would feel at ease at a restaurant owned by someone I know 😊. The name is also great for a drinker✨
Hi Jay & Nobby😊. You're right, people who post sakéwa are swamped 😆 Naturally I'm addicted too 😁.
Hi, ma-ki-chan 😊. The name of the restaurant is "Swamp Sake", and it was given in the hope that customers would become addicted to the swamp 😆. It's a great name for a bar. By the way, there is a local "god of tongue" in the area!

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