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Mitsutakeきまぐれドラゴン 2022 逆行プログレス純米
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Since it was the second restaurant, we had a light meal of assorted tempura and soba noodles, and selected this sake for just one more drink from the three-sake comparison. We selected this sake from a three-sake sake comparison, and had a glass of "Kimagure Dragon" from Mitsutake Shuzo Brewery in Saga. The description said something about "a challenge against the trend" or something like that, right? 🤔. I think it is true that it has a classic taste with a deliciously bitter adult flavor. 😋. It wasn't a strike for me personally, but I'm sure it was an easy flavor to pair with a meal 🤔. Well, as always, it's a thin memory, so don't feel bad. I'm sure it was a good one 😁. I was walking to the station, full and ready to go home, when my friend asked me, "Is this the same one as the ramen?" My friend said, "Is it this way? You're still going to eat it? I was so hungry I was ready to go home. Well, it was delicious... 🤣.
Good morning, MAJ 😃. Hmm⁉️I guess that means you started drinking sake🍶 from the second case ❓ Tempura and Soba and Sake is a perfect combination👍. Please let me know about that restaurant next time 🤲.
Good morning, MAJ😊I've never heard of raasomen before. Is the noodle ramen? Somen? I like the name Whimsical Dragon🐉👍.
Hi MAJ 😃 I don't know where to start with all the information I'm curious about 😁 The naming of the sake and the Chinese noodles with somen noodle soup? Somen noodles with ramen broth? Chinese noodles like somen noodles! I'm curious 😄
Good evening, Haruei Chichi! 😄 Yes, the first restaurant was Yakitori with beer and highball. I was so glad I did 😁, so I decided to go to the second restaurant with sake 🤩 It was pretty good and had a nice atmosphere 😆👍.
Good evening, Mr. Manachy! I'm so happy to see you here 😄! I was already hungry after the second restaurant, but I could still eat it 🤣It's really a perfect way to finish off the meal 😆👍.
Good evening, yukachin! I'm so happy to see you here 😄! The noodles are ramen noodles dipped in a sweet and spicy broth! It's quite an addictive taste 🤤🤤If you ever come to Fukuoka 😆👍.
Good evening, Mr. King of Noodle Wine! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 As Yucachin-san was wondering, the naming seems to mean that it was brewed on a whim by the toji, Ryuichi 🤔I can't stop eating cold ramen, dipping it in the broth like soba noodles 😋.
NabeshimaGreen Label特別純米
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Yakitori with friends from school. We decided to go to a Soba izakaya (buckwheat noodle restaurant) with Sake 😁. There was a sake comparison, so I selected three teppan sakes (Sunokure, Harvest Moon, and Sansho) for my friend, and selected a series I had never had before for myself. The last sake in the comparison was Nabeshima Tokujun. I've had my fair share of Nabeshima, but never the classic Green Label! 😆 ... I was a little lucky because the bottle had not been opened long enough to have a certain amount of petitiveness 😁. I think it is a dry and umami type of Nabeshima with a moderate sweetness. 🤔 It's a nice one with a touch of bitterness and a nice crispness 😋😋. I'm trying so hard to remember, but I still can't taste it enough! 😂 Well, Nabeshima was a stable taste... 🤣.
>MAJ. Good morning! Nabeshima = stable and tasty. I agree with you vehemently! LOL!
Good morning, brother MAJ 😃. Was this your first time to drink the regular Tokujun 👍I know everyone likes Tokujun in Nabeshima 😋I remember the orange label was my favorite flavor in Nabeshima season 😋.
Good evening, Choroki! 😄 Nabeshima is so consistently delicious that I sigh every time I drink it 😋😋 It's early days but I'm looking forward to the NEWMOON 🤩.
Good evening, takeshon! I'm so glad to see you here 😄 Yes, that's right! I drank it because everyone said they liked it, but it was too little and I didn't have enough of it! 🤣Orange label is also delicious 😋😋.
Good evening 😃 Nabeshima Tokujun is definitely delicious 😍. I think it's a sake you can't miss if you're not sure about opening a bottle 🎶.
Good evening, etorannzyu! I'm so glad to hear that 😄 I've never drank it at home but I found it to be stable and delicious 😋 but I'm surprised you can't find it for sale. 🤣
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Yakitori with friends from school. We decided to go to a Soba izakaya (buckwheat noodle restaurant) with Sake 😁. There was a sake comparison, so I selected three teppan sakes (Sunokure, Harvest Moon, and Sansho) for my friend, and selected a series I had never had before for myself. The next one was my first Rokujyosu. Maybe it was because it was 17 degrees and had a strong alcohol taste, or maybe I didn't feel the sweetness so much for the sake degree? 🤔. Because it had a strong bitterness? 🤔 I thought it was a complex flavor and then it was empty. 🤣 Either way, 60ml isn't enough to taste it all! 😂 I'd like to try the Rokujuyosu in a four-pack 😋.
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Yakitori with friends from school. We decided to go to a Soba izakaya (buckwheat noodle restaurant) with Sake 😁. There was a sake comparison, so I selected three teppan sakes (Sunokure, Harvest Moon, and Sansho) for my friend, and selected a series I had never had before for myself. The first one is Wakanami "OUR SAKE" from Fukuoka Sake. At 60ml, I would finish it without having time to taste it, but from my faint memory, I think it was well balanced with a moderate sweet and bitter taste. I don't know. I don't know. 🤣 Well, there is no doubt that Wakanami is delicious 😆👍
Rafa papa
Good evening MAJ 😃 Koei Kiku & Nabeshima & Hana no Koka(San-do) 😳⁉️Kyushu 🤣I'll visit you next time 😁Please let me know 😊Wakanami is my favorite sake at the liquor store I go to most 🥰I want to drink San-do... 😅
Good evening Rafa papa! I'm so glad you enjoyed it 😄. This store only sells Kyushu sake, so I chose it based on my taste. 🤣I'm looking forward to seeing you next month! I hope you have just the right soil 😆👍
Dear MAJ, thank you for your help. This was so good, personally.
Good evening, Greissinger19! I'm so glad you're here 😄 You said it was delicious! That's what I thought, but I didn't have enough to taste it. 😂I guess I'll get a four-pack after all? 😁.