荒井 正史Jujiasahi五百万石七〇 19BY純米原酒Asahi ShuzoShimane3/19/2024, 3:00:07 PM純米酒三品23荒井 正史19BY is an aged sake brewed in 2007 and shipped in 2016 and further aged in the store. Deep whiskey-like flavor.Japanese>English
荒井 正史Bentenmusume強力R1BY純米Oota ShuzojoTottori3/19/2024, 2:54:58 PM純米酒三品23荒井 正史This is a richly flavored sake with a slightly amber taste that goes well with warmed sake, which we also received at Enrai, one of our affiliate restaurants.Japanese>English
荒井 正史Tamasakura五百万石純米生酛玉櫻酒造Shimane3/19/2024, 2:52:22 PM純米酒三品20荒井 正史Sake with a slightly amber color and a sense of maturity.Japanese>English
荒井 正史Hanagaki超辛純米純米Nanbu ShuzojoFukui3/19/2024, 11:38:34 AM純米酒三品17荒井 正史Warmed. Refreshing and refreshing.Japanese>English
荒井 正史Asahikiku大地特別純米Asahigiku ShuzoFukuoka3/19/2024, 10:59:54 AM純米酒三品20荒井 正史Warmed. Very nice with an alcoholic throat sensation.Japanese>English
Norio Ueno9 NINEナイン純米Tsuji HontenOkayama3/4/2023, 2:05:17 PM3/4/2023純米酒三品17Norio UenoI had it with cold sake. With potato salad!Japanese>English
だちこ自然酒燗誂え生酛Niida HonkeFukushima12/3/2021, 12:38:50 PM純米酒三品17だちこApparently it's a hot sake only!Japanese>English
たねこFusozuruKuwabarasakabaShimane4/2/2021, 11:36:41 AM4/2/2021純米酒三品16たねこlukewarm sake DeliciousJapanese>English
sake.i2019Ten'on無濾過 純米酒Itakura ShuzoShimane3/21/2020, 1:55:46 PM純米酒三品8sake.i2019常温にて。癖のない味わいで、バランスのとれた酒質。食中酒に向いている。