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5-chōme-1-1 Ishiwatari, Hirosaki, Aomori
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【旨味ときれいな味わいが特徴】世界の食通をもうならせる「竹葉 能登純米」ってどんなお酒?

『日本酒 × 美女〜私を飲みに連れてって♡〜(数馬酒造編)』でご紹介した『数馬酒造』と『竹葉 能登純米』について詳しくご紹介したいと思います。 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzLI2Z_f3JU&list=UUYe_YyimNpfMiezMZRGnmYQ&index=1 1. 数馬酒造について (出典:数馬酒造HP) 数馬酒造(かずましゅぞう)は石川県は能登の宇出津港(うしつこう)のほど近くに蔵を構えています。 (出典:数馬酒造) 仕込み水には数馬酒造の近くに位置する柳田村山中の湧水を使用しています。江戸時代より味噌・醤油の醸造を生業としていましたが、この仕込み水が酒造りに向いていたことから、1869年(明治2年)に酒造りを始めたそうです。ちなみに、現在でも能登という土地柄が育んだ発酵・醸造の技術を活かし、醤油づくりを行っています。(詳しくはこちら) (出典:数馬酒造) 今回の美女動画にも使用した「竹葉(ちくは)」が当蔵の主要銘柄です。この「竹葉(ちくは)」という名前の由来は、仕込み水に使っていた笹川の上流に生い茂る笹の葉にちなんだものだとか。また、古来から「竹葉」はお酒の別称として呼ばれていることも命名の由来でもありました。(お酒の別称として用いる場合は、「竹葉(ちくよう)」と読みます。) (出典:数馬酒造) 「竹葉」という銘柄名からも、酒造りの歴史を感じれますよね。そのような歴史ある酒蔵の現在社長を務めるのは、5代目の数馬嘉一郎さん。今年28歳の若社長ですが、数馬酒造を盛り上げようと獅子奮迅の活躍です。   2. 竹葉 能登純米について ◎竹葉 能登純米は世界で認められたお酒 今回、動画で使用したお酒は「竹葉 能登純米」。 こちらのお酒、なんと世界で認められたお酒なんです。 スペインで毎年開催される、世界最高峰の食の祭典「マドリッドフュージョン」にて、今年2014年、日本を代表する日本酒として、出店をされています。そこで、「世界一のレストラン」に5年連続輝いた「エルブリ」のソムリエであるフレディ氏がお米の豊かな旨みと純粋な味わいを評価されました。SAKETIMES | 日本酒をもっと知りたくなるWEBメディア

イケメン揃い!?本当にイケメンな日本酒の蔵元さん特集 - SAKETIMES

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蔵元5代目の兄弟が良酒を醸す小さな人気蔵 三浦酒造の創業は昭和5年(1930年)。年間生産石高500石で、家族SAKETIMES | 日本酒をもっと知りたくなるWEBメディア


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At Machidaya, I found a sake I had always wanted to try. I buy it. I drink it. It is delicious. I prefer a little more dryness for a meal. I'll have a small sip. It will be better tomorrow.
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Easy to drink with a strong watery feel. The alcohol comes in the aftertaste, which reminds you that what you are drinking is sake, but the mouthfeel is light and refreshing like water. I had an image of Aomori's sake as being very dry and strong, but I was surprised to find that everything I drank today was easy to drink 😳. I would like to try more, but be careful not to drink too much.
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Rice:Toyobai rice Rice Polishing Ratio : 55% (Koji), 70% (Kake) Sake Degree: +1.0 to 2.0 Acidity: 1.5 - 1.8 Yeast used: Association 901 Alcohol percentage: 13 You haven't been drinking Toyobai lately, have you? I can't say anything back when people say to me, "You haven't been drinking Toyobai lately, have you? There was only one regular sake that I hadn't drank while declaring that I love Toyobai. That's the "N" word, isn't it? I also wanted to say, "N! I wanted to say, "Nn" too, so I gave it a try! It has a very gentle and unobtrusive grape aroma, clear and sweet Miura Sake Brewery brewing water, a light grape-like sweetness and wine-like astringency, just like a special junmai sake, and a sharp finish that brings it all together. The aftertaste is integrated and disappears with a sharpness. It is not the sweet and sour sake of today. However, when you are tired of the dots in your daily life, you will suddenly feel "nmm~", which is a word in Tsugaru dialect. Nme->umaii (delicious) It is the kind of gentle and delicious sake that makes you want to spill it out. I really recommend this sake. Don't be fooled by the brand name, this is the sake you should drink when you are tired and want to be close to someone. Thanks again for the sake tonight!
You've got two brands 😍👍🍶✨✨
chika-san Finally. It is hard to find the feeling of calmness when you drink Miura Sake Brewery's sake after drinking a lot of other sake, lol. I want to try Mohican Musume next, but I can't seem to get it lol.
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Junmai Sake Memorandum Recommended by an acquaintance. It is light and refreshing. It is easy to drink. But I would prefer it to be a little thicker.
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I believe it was positioned as a local brand of Toyobai's Miura Sake Brewery 🤔. Sake made with Toyobai rice🌾🍶. Slightly sweet aroma on the nose. When you put it in your mouth, it has a clean sweetness with a hint of soft acidity and sharpness. The nose has a hint of refreshing acidity. It's the best sake at a reasonable price 🍶✨️ It went well with the cold smoked mackerel I ordered for my entrée 😊.

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