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Today's dining out④ I was going to end the meal with Soukiku, but the owner offered me to try this as well 😀 I had a drink the other day, which was a collaboration with the sake brewery 😀. The other day I was served this sake, which is a collaboration between this restaurant and a sake brewery 😀. When I told him that I drank it the other day, he told me that it was just a sample and that it was still under-fire 😀. I was a bit intimidated because I was a sake novice like myself and not yet familiar with the store, but my curiosity got the better of me and I enjoyed the sake 😀. Delicious ‼️ I enjoyed the previous fully labeled sake, but this sample was more fruity and tasted better to me 😀. I wonder if it would be good as it is, without any flame treatment? 😀
Fusano Kankiku寒菊 剣愛山純米大吟醸無濾過
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Eating out today ③ The other day, I read a post on Sake-no-Wawa and was looking for a sake that I just couldn't find, but I found it at this restaurant 😀. It was a gorgeous and delicious sake, just as it was rumored to be 😀. The comment I read said that it can be paired with fruit, but it was also a good match with sulten 😀.
Yasbay, congrats on the decision. I'm glad we met for a drink outside 😊. I thought the Kenaiyama was gorgeous and less bitter, so I thought it was a great drink on its own: ☺️ I would love to drink it again🎶.
Good morning, Erin 😃. I had received your information, so when I came across it at the store, I chose it without hesitation 😀. It was delicious, but the quantity was not enough, so next time I would definitely like to drink a bottle at home 😀.
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Eating out today (2) The second drink was another first for me, Eikoku 😀. The first sip spread deliciousness and sweetness, but as I drank more, I wondered if it was dry? Is it dry? It was delicious, but I don't know how to describe it 😅I'm not good at expressing myself.
Good evening Yasbay 😃. I went to buy some Kouei Chrysanthemum Acid Burst 😆 I heard it has a good acidity but it was sold out 🥲 we will have to wait until next year to drink it 😅. I guess the flavor will change as the days go by 🤗.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 😀. As you write, it was a very strange drink, which I can't describe as I'm not very good with my mouth 😅. Please drink it and give us your nice comments 😀.
Glorious Mt.FujiSURVIVAL純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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Today, we got an order to eat out because the wife will be late 😀. Today's eating out ①. I heard on TV the other day that people in the Kanto area don't eat suruten (suruten), so I went back to the restaurant I opened last time to eat surume tempura for the first time in a while 😀. The first sake I paired with the suruten and potato salad was my first Eiko Fuji 🍶. It was a very sweet sake 🍶. It is very sweet, but the aftertaste is magically clean and not sticky 😀. It's a bit of a dangerous sake that you can't stop drinking once you start 😅.
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Discovery of a new drinking spot (3) The last of the new drinking places is the sake that was recommended to me at this restaurant 😀. They told me to try it because I had chosen a fruity sake 😀. It was really fruity and delicious 😀. I was told that this sake is brewed jointly by this restaurant and a sake brewery in Aichi 😀. I thought it was worth going to this store just to try this sake 😀.
Good evening, Yasube 😃. Congratulations on the 100 check-in ㊗️ at the new bar with the recommended connection from Tasake to Hana-yosu 🎉It's exactly the one that will lead to the next one 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 Thank you so much, before I knew it, I had reached 100 times 😀. It's thanks to all of you at Sake-no-wa that we've been able to expand the variety of drinks and try new places to drink... thanks 😀
Nice to meet you Yasbay😊. Congratulations on reaching 100 check-ins with the next "connection" 🎉! I think it's one of the fastest records to reach 100 in just one month since you started 😲Have a fulfilling drinking life from now on 😁.
Gyve, nice to meet you 😀. Sorry it took me so long to thank you 😅 It's been a bit of a foul month since I started taking pictures before I started Sake no Wa: 🙇‍♀️ I'm a newbie to sake, so please keep me posted 😀.
Hanaabi純米吟醸 おりがらみ純米吟醸おりがらみ
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Discovered a new drinking spot (2) The second drink I requested at the newly discovered bar was Hana-yosu 😀. I have been wanting to drink this sake for a long time, and I finally found it at this restaurant 😀. As everyone commented, it was a fruity but well-balanced sake 😀. If you can drink it like this, it might be worth going to this store 😀.
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Found a new place to drink (1) I will be moving at the end of this month, and today I walked the route to work from there 😀. There, I found a restaurant with a wide variety of local sake💕 I paid a quick visit 😀. First, let's start with Tasake 😀. I remember being treated to it at a drinking party at work a long time ago, but I wasn't really interested in sake at the time and passed on it completely😅. After drinking it again, I realized that it was really good after all 😀 I'm glad I found this place 😀. I'm glad I found this place 😀.
Murayu常盤ラベル 純米大吟醸生酒純米大吟醸生酒
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<I see what an elegant sweet taste it is. The last of Murayu's sake comparison is Junmai Daiginjo Tokiwa label. The aroma is very faint. It is interesting that the higher the grade, from Akane to Konruri to Tokiwa, the less noticeable the scent becomes. When you put it in your mouth, the sweetness is immediately overwhelming. Ahmah! Yum! The fine sweetness is assertive. Then, the sweet aroma passes through to the nose. Tokiwa's aroma is stronger than Tokiwa's. I don't know what it means, but it's wonderful. I don't know what it means, but it's wonderful. It is quite sweet. But the sweetness is very elegant. And even though it is so sweet, it disappears before you know it and has a beautiful aftertaste. Oh, you can see why it is compared to wasanbon. It melts in the mouth and has an elegant sweetness that does not linger. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Kiki's cake from "The Witch's Delivery Service". The old lady baked this chocolate cake for Kiki. It is filled with the old lady's elegance and gentleness. Degree of liking: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Murayu紺瑠璃ラベル 純米吟醸生酒純米吟醸生酒
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<Sugarcane with a full sweetness and softness. Following the previous Akane label, the next one is a Junmai Ginjo with a dark blue Ruri label. This is the first time for me to drink this one. What kind of sake is this? The aroma is slightly sugary-sweet. It is more subdued than the Akane label. In the mouth, it has a mild sweetness and a hint of tasty acidity. From there, the sweetness is further increased. The umami is also gradually released. Oh, it is very rich. It has the same sugarcane-like sweetness as the Akane label, but the acidity is gone, making it softer and less cloying. Delicious! It's interesting that there was not much of a top note, but the hint of sweetness is pleasantly sweet. If I were to use a Ghibli analogy, it would be Okiyo from "Heisei Raccoon War Ponpoko". She is the girlfriend of the main character, Shokichi. She's a raccoon dog, but cute! The soft sweetness with fluffy taste is very attractive. I want to be buried in her belly. Liked: ★★★★ *I will post the full version on my blog, supplemented with character images, etc. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.
Murayu茜ラベル 特別純米生酒特別純米生酒
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<A strong, full-bodied, acidic and sugary-sweet taste. The aroma is mildly sour-sweet. It is not fruity, but has a grain-like sour-sweetness. When you put it in your mouth, you will feel the full-bodied acidity and sweetness. The acidity and sweetness spreads out as it is. It has a firm, peculiar, full-bodied sourness and a slightly burnt, sugarcane-like sweetness. Murayu is often compared to the sweetness of wasanbon, a high-grade sugar used in Japanese confectionery, but the acidity of Akane Label is more dominant. Akane Label is more like the elementary school teacher in the Ghibli movie "My Neighbor Totoro. She only appears for a short time, but she is a plump and solid-looking female teacher. By the way, the voice actress is Machiko Washio, the same as that of Laputa. Degree of liking: ★★★☆☆☆ DATA Sake Brewer : Murayu Shuzo Co. Sake Brewing: Special Junmai Nama-shu Alcohol Content: 16% ・・・ high Production Date: December 2022 The full version with character images will be posted on the blog. If you like, please search for "korune sake" or visit us from the link in the profile section.