SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites


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Today, my friends from school got together for a little early year-end party 😀. We drank well back in our student days, but as I said, everyone was drinking shochu and I was the only one drinking sake 😅. The first drink was a standard self brewed sake from a standard restaurant 😀. It's my favorite sake lately 😀. I asked everyone to take a sip of it, but everyone with a shochu palate said it was too sweet 😅. When the party was getting going, I asked for some recommendations for hot sake since I didn't know what hot sake was, and we had a big drinking contest of cold and hot sake recommendations 😀. All the sakes were just hard when hiya, but when heated, the flavors opened up and I was surprised 😀. All were delicious, but my favorite was the Funaka Hachisaku 😀.
Good morning, Yasube 😃. Looks like a fun year-end party with your friends 😊Thanks for your efforts to promote sake 🍶 amidst the shochu crowd! I'm sure it's fun to compare cold and warmed sake, but I'm sure I'll get drunk 😁.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😀 I used to drink only shochu with my friends from school, but now I'm a total sake drinker... Everyone else is drinking shochu with hot water, so I decided to compete with them and went for hot sake too 😀.
Good evening, Yasube-san. I see that you are enjoying the year-end party with your friends and that the heated sake from Funaka Hachisaku was the best among all the sake 😊I've never had it before ☝️ so I'd like to try it next time.
Hi Hirupeko, good evening 😀 It was almost my first experience with hot sake, and I'm not a fan of the aroma of hot sake, but I could drink it easily, which means it might not be enough for those who are used to hot sake 😅.