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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店

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W純米 山田錦 無ろ過生原酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
W Junmai Yamadanishiki Unfiltered Nama-shu This is the first W in a long time. I chose Yamadanishiki because I was hesitating between Aizan and Yamadanishiki. I know both are delicious. However, I was surprised to find a junmai sake with a rice polishing ratio of 45%...thank you very much. The aroma is rich and gorgeous. The aroma is rich and gorgeous, the taste is mildly sweet with a hint of bitterness, and the spiciness is satisfying at the end. The finish is satisfying with a touch of spiciness. The 17% alcohol makes it very rich. I was thinking how delicious it was, but before I knew it, my eyelids were getting heavy. I am a little disappointed that I am not a strong drinker.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
new Sizzling in the mouth. Faint gas after sweetness. Refreshing. Muscat-like aroma. It is delicious. Purchased at a liquor store in Saitama Prefecture. I checked the map app and found that the liquor store was highly rated, so I went in there. Following Kiyose and Hanno, the level of sake shops is too high. This is the Tokyo metropolitan area.... Well, I buy only local sake.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Koei Kiku SNOW CRYSTAL Unfiltered Nama Sake This is the first time to drink SNOW CRYSTAL. The sizzling sound when the bottle is opened gives me great expectations. It has a good acidity. The acidity is good. Refreshingly fresh and sweet. It is light and delicious. It disappears in an exquisite place, even if there is a little more aftertaste.
Koeigiku美雲 無濾過生原酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Koei-Kiku Bi-Un Unfiltered Nama-Shu This is the first time I saw Bikun. Is it from this season? When the bottle is opened, there is a gaseous sensation. The aroma is discreet but refreshing. The taste is light. It has a calm sweet and sour taste. It has a freshness to it. My wife felt it was a little smoky. It is really delicious. It goes away smoothly.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Kouei Chrysanthemum 幾望 This is a definite delicacy too. Strong acidity. Lactic acidity. It has a thickening or fullness that makes it delicious. The aftertaste is pungent and sharp. It is really delicious. Let's drink it slowly and slowly. If possible, I would like to take another bottle with me.
Good evening, Takechi 😃. I remember this was very tasty 🤗I was taught that it is better to drink it after a day, so I was patient and let it last for a week👍Enjoy the change 😊.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌙. It's delicious 😍It's a bottle deal. It seems to get better and better.
Saraうす霧 純米吟醸 無ろ過生原酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Sairai Usukiri Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama Shu I always choose nigori (nigori is a kind of rice wine) at this time of the year. Sairai-san came to our house in a bottle. As the name suggests, it has a faint nigori taste. The aroma is lactic acid like Sairai. It has a lively and energetic aroma. It has a good flavor and is delicious.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
The acidity of the grapefruit combined with the mildness is like a white wine. ☺️ It's fresh, sweet, and goes well with all kinds of meals 🍶. It is smooth on the palate and at 14% alcohol by volume, it is a great sipper 😋 I removed the label clean and stuck it on my iPad 💻. Very tasty 🤤🍶.
Fusano KankikuMonochrome 山廃4号50 超限定無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸山廃生酒無濾過
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
The aroma is of fresh fruits like muscat and apple 🍏. The mouthfeel is sweet and tasty like Kangiku, with a slight carbonation, bitterness and a sharp taste 😁. Very tasty 🤤🍶🍶.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Collage Junmai Ginjo Nagose Sake, one time fire-ignition It has a gorgeous aroma. I had an image that autumn sake has a calm and thick aroma after being fired, but this one is quite assertive. I wonder if it is melon. It starts out mildly sweet, then the umami spreads, and after it goes down the throat, it quickly becomes spicy and bitter and finishes with a kick. It was delicious 😍.
Hououbiden初しぼり 無濾過本生 純米吟醸酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Hououmida Hatsushibori Unfiltered Honkaku Junmai Ginjo-shu The first new sake of the season is Hououmida! This time, we took home a bottle. Fruity aroma from the first quiet opening of the bottle. It's very fresh. Clear and delicious😍I guess it is like Gohyakumangoku. As the temperature rises, it becomes thicker and thicker at once. It is very satisfying with a roughness. Thank you very much!
SaraSara the starry night Altair
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Sairai Sara the starry night Altair It was the first day of midsummer in a few days. We had a chance to compare the remaining Sairai's summer sake.... A stylish bottle. It also has a lactic acid aroma and a mild taste. It is light and easy to drink because of its low alcohol content (14%). Still, it has a strong Sairai flavor. I'm looking forward to the taste change from tomorrow onwards 😆.
KoeigikuSunburst 無濾過生原酒
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Koei Kiku Sunburst Unfiltered Nama Sake I attended a festival at my wife's workplace to help out a little. It was the first time in four years since the Corona disaster, and many children came to the event. I realized that they had been waiting for the event. Both of us were exhausted, so we had pizza for dinner. We started with a glass of red wine, but we also wanted to drink sake. It was a hot day, so we had this one. It has a nice refreshing acidity 😆. It also has a slightly thickened lactic sweetness that makes it easy to gobble up. It was delicious 😍.
Hi, Takechi 😃. I'm glad you're getting to do all kinds of events 😊. Ahhhh ❗️ acid burst 😍I went to a liquor store far away for this one yesterday but it was sold out 😢 sorry!
Good evening, Jay & Nobby. We heard that you had a hard time without a place to present your children's dances and local club activities. I see. Sorry to hear about the acid burst. But all the honored chrysanthemums are delicious 😍.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 青海 Summer Sea
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Sono Shangiku OCEAN99 Aomi Summer Sea Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu This is the second bottle of this season. I know it's good, so I bought a bottle. I still love it. Sweet, tasty and juicy. Aromatic and easy to drink. It's amazing. Congratulations on your basketball 🏀 Olympics 🎉. I'm from the slam dunk generation, so I was so excited.
Glorious Mt.Fuji星天航路2023 純米大吟醸
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Eiko Fuji Hoshitenkouro 2023 Junmai Daiginjo Since it is Tanabata, this sake is related to stars. The sake rice is comet. Gorgeous and juicy 🍎. Sweet, delicious, and acidic. Spiciness at the end. Very tasty. The bottle was emptied in no time. We are happy to be able to get drunk tonight.
Good evening, Takechi-san 🎋. This sake is perfect for today! The name of the sake and the rice are both connected to the stars 🌟Did you make a wish? May it come true 🙏.
Hi Ponchan 😊 I forgot to make a wish! I'm drinking good alcohol, so maybe my wish is to maintain the status quo, including my health 😄.
Fusano KankikuOCEAN99 星海 -Starlight Sea-
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Sono Kangiku OCEAN99 Starlight Sea- Comet 50 Junmai Daiginjo Unfiltered Nama-shu The liquor store owner said this one was a year old, but it was also delicious after it had been aged. It is indeed delicious. It has a strong sweetness and light acidity. It is smooth and smooth, with a mild bitterness at the end. The sweetness and umami that lingers in the mouth slowly. I am happy. I want to drink this year's Hoshikai too.
KoeigikuSNOW CRESCENT 雄山錦 無濾過生原
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Kouei Kiku SNOW CRESCENT Yuyamanishiki Unfiltered Nama It's been a while since I've had a Kouei Kiku. The bottle was almost blown away when I held it down with my finger! Of course, automatic stirring. It's great on a hot day. Deliciously bitter. Tingling, shuffling. When I opened the cork on the second day, I heard a high pitched sound 🎉. I wonder if the umami has increased. Delicious.
KinoenemasamuneSENSE OF WONDER 純米吟醸生原酒直汲み
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Koshi SENSE OF WONDER Junmai Ginjyo Nama Nama Shu Nao Kumi We turned down an invitation from eminent people such as Kouei Kiku, Sairai, and Sohno-Kangiku to take home this bottle. This is the second Koshi following Shakai no Yoake. The label is quite powerful. It looks somewhat like the symbol of Freemasonry, doesn't it? The taste is also powerful. It has a sourness with a hint of apple. The aftertaste has a pungent, bitter, alcohol-like aftertaste. It has a complex thickness. I'm going to save just one cup for tomorrow and enjoy it. It was delicious. Thank you very much for the food.
Roman皐ロ万 一回火入れ純米大吟醸
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
The mouthfeel is smooth and light. The elegant sweetness and fruity aroma spreads in the mouth. It has a well-balanced finish with a good acidity and a refreshing sharpness. Although it is a daiginjo, it is a little spicy for the Romain series. However, the sweetness is still very pleasant, and the sake is easy to drink. I like Romain no matter what I drink. It is very delicious.
Hello, I'm Hanaizumi, a sake brewery in my hometown of Minamiaizu. Thank you for drinking the Loman series from Hanazumi, a sake brewery in my hometown of Minamiaizu!
Hello nabe-san! Loman is my favorite sake, including Hanaizumi 🍶. I always keep a bottle of it at home 🤤.
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Koeikiku Twilight Orange Unfiltered Nama Sake Everyday I'm dizzy with the work of closing the accounts in progress. But I forced myself to leave work 😅 when I found out it had arrived. Just in time for closing time, I got my first Dusk 😍. I chilled it well and opened the bottle with a sip. Then I took a sip. Wow, it's really orange 🍊! What a fruity feeling. The pleasant acidity and bitterness at the end. Oh, so sweet! I managed to keep half of the Kouei Chrysanthemum because I can enjoy changing the taste.
SaraThe Polar 2023 赤磐雄町
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雪乃屋 こぐれ酒店
Sairai Junmai Ginjo Unfiltered Nama Sake The Polar 2023 Akaban Omachi Completely bought the jacket 😍. It's so stylish. Refreshing aroma with a hint of acidity. Strong sweetness spreads out in a sizzling way, followed by an alcoholic feeling on the nose. Dry. The sweetness that is typical of Omachi can also be felt. Sairai is a sure bet. It was delicious!