ヒロTanigawadake超辛純米純米Nagai ShuzoGunma9/2/2024, 2:23:15 PM8/31/2024みかづき酒房外飲み部125ヒロ☀️ A deliciously sweet, slightly creamier version of rice. Mild on the palate and refreshing on the throat. It can be served with or without food.Japanese>English
ヒロIzumofuji特別純米Fuji ShuzoShimane9/2/2024, 2:19:26 PM8/31/2024みかづき酒房外飲み部115ヒロ☀️ Sakonishiki from Izumo🌾. Slightly sweet, with a slight ginjo aroma. No aftertaste. Easy to drink on its own 🍶.Japanese>English
ヒロHiokizakura青冴え 山⭐︎玉特別純米Yamane ShuzojoTottori9/2/2024, 2:15:28 PM8/31/2024みかづき酒房外飲み部112ヒロ☀️ Rice🌾 flavor firm😤. Texture ⏹️ is firm. It has a nice clean finish with no aftertaste. I think it's a good food wine 🤔.Japanese>English
yukkyan777HiokizakuraYamane ShuzojoTottori3/21/2024, 10:40:40 PMみかづき酒房1yukkyan777Sour and sweet, but with a strong alcohol taste. You may not be able to drink that much. Stars ★★☆☆☆☆2Japanese>English
yukkyan777Shichihon'yariTomita SaketenShiga3/21/2024, 10:31:33 PMみかづき酒房3yukkyan777Strong acidity, well-done, but with a clean aftertaste. Star★★★★☆4Japanese>English
yukkyan777HidakamiHirako ShuzoMiyagi3/21/2024, 10:22:01 PMみかづき酒房2yukkyan777Sweet and fluffy, slightly bitter aftertaste. Star ★★★☆☆☆☆3Japanese>English
yukkyan777AzumaichiGochoda ShuzoSaga3/21/2024, 10:19:16 PMみかづき酒房1yukkyan777Fluffy and rich, but with a strong aroma of rice and a hint of sweetness. Star ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆Japanese>English
yukkyan777Kaze no MoriYucho ShuzoNara3/21/2024, 10:15:00 PMみかづき酒房1yukkyan777Slightly carbonated and sweet, but with a slight bitterness at the end. Star ★★★☆☆☆☆☆☆Japanese>English
yukkyan777MatsunotsukasaMatsuse ShuzoShiga3/21/2024, 10:11:12 PMみかづき酒房20yukkyan777Mineral, but with a soft fruity aftertaste that passes through the nose. Repeat is confirmed! Star★★★★☆Japanese>English
yukkyan777KaishunWakabayashi ShuzoShimane3/21/2024, 10:00:07 PMみかづき酒房19yukkyan777The mouthfeel is clean and the aftertaste is refreshing. Sourness spreads and lingers. Repeat purchase confirmed! Star★★★★☆Japanese>English
シニョーリKaze no MoriYucho ShuzoNara4/3/2020, 11:13:27 AMみかづき酒房10シニョーリ初めて飲みました! フルーティでかなり飲みやすいです! ショワショワ感もいいっすねーーー!