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熊谷 朋之


Morishima山田錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Next is Morishima Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki. Morishima with a black label. One of the brands recommended by Mr. Murai, president of Gin no Sake Kibune. Like Yaezakura, it is made from Yamadanishiki, but they are completely different. Take a sip. Ah, the beautiful acidity is exquisite! (^○^) The balance of sweetness and acidity is very good, and it is extremely delicious. As one would expect from Morishima (lol). We poured some for everyone to taste. Oh, it's delicious! It has a different taste from Yaezakura, and it's very good. It seems that it is rare to encounter such a tasty sake with this kind of acidity, so we were grateful that they enjoyed it so much. (I am grateful that they enjoyed drinking it so much.) Actually, we had prepared a sparkling sake for the toast, but since the board meeting was held early in the day, we gave up on it because we didn't think we would be able to control the temperature. It was a shame, since Mr. Murai, the president of Kibune, had recommended it to us. Now, I'm planning which get-together I should bring it to (laugh). It was very delicious! (^O^)
Ryusen'yaezakura大吟醸 令和6年岩手県新酒鑑評会 県知事賞受賞大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^^)/ Today will be the hottest day of the week! The weather forecast said it would be the hottest day of the week, but it was surprisingly dry and hot. We have a rush of general meetings starting this week, and if we don't drink in moderation, we are going to lose our physical condition (smiles). Well, it was the general meeting and reception of an organization I belong to. It was also the time for the election of new board members, and although I had been a board member for two terms, I had to step down due to various reasons. Well, it seems that there are various "adult circumstances," so I just kept my mouth shut, let it go, and went into the get-together. (^_^;) The sake we brought this time was Yaezakura Daiginjo, which won the Iwate Prefecture Governor's Award at the 2024 New Sake Competition. Yamada-Nishiki is polished to 40% and flavored with brewing alcohol. Take a sip. Ah, a beautiful sweetness. There is not much acidity. Anyway, the mild and beautiful sweetness spreads throughout the mouth. It is very easy to drink and everyone raves about how delicious it is. Well, since the direction of Izumikin Sake Brewery is toward this direction, will there be more of this kind of sweet and tasty lineup? It was delicious! (^^)/
Fusano KankikuAdopt2023 ふさこがね50 うすにごり無濾過生原酒純米大吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Next is Sono Kangiku Fukugori-Kagane 50 light nigori unfiltered unpasteurized sake. It was purchased at Fukuroiya Sake Shop. Yaezakura's junmai ginjo is a deliciously sweet sake, so I wondered if it would be a good idea to continue with a similar brand. I thought it would be a good idea to continue with a similar brand, but I decided that this one had a slightly darker flavor, so I bought it as is. The lineup is different from that of Gin-no-Sake Kibune, and there are many brands such as Yuki no Bijin and Houou Mita that you can only find in the online store. Just like at Kibune, I spend a good half an hour every time I go in here, trying to decide whether to buy this or that one. Take a sip. Oh, it's still as delicious and sweet as ever. President Yaegashi said it was his first time to drink Chiba sake, and he drank it with great relish. It was very delicious! (^^)/
Ryusen'yaezakura純米吟醸 中汲み 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒中取り無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^○^) It was mild and sunny today on the coast of Iwate Prefecture. Since yesterday, there has been a wildfire in a place called Kariya, Miyako City. Yesterday was windy and dry, so it looks quite difficult. In our neighborhood, there was also a wildfire from a wildfire, and it is really bad if you carelessly litter cigarettes or something like that. (^_^;) Well, last weekend was the same event as last year (a welcome and farewell party for new and old branch managers of a regional bank). And what I brought to the venue was the same as last year, Ryuusen Yaezakura Junmai Ginjyo Nakakumi-Unfiltered Nama-shu (lol). Izumikin Sake Brewery recently received a prefectural governor's commendation, but it has not yet been released, so we served this sake to everyone. Like last year, it is a refreshing sweet-tart sake with a hint of sourness. Slightly sour. Slight sweetness. Slightly sweet. Slightly umami. The taste was beautifully balanced and stable. As if that wasn't enough, I went to the Fukuraiya Sake Shop in Morioka City to check out the special sake that was produced in collaboration with Izumikin Shuzo and Fukuraiya Sake Shop, as shown in the fourth photo! (@_@) (@_@) It seems to be a special sake made by bag suspension, and the brewery does not have any stock of it. We will have to wait until next year. (^_^;)
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^^)/ It was another hot day today. Iwate prefecture has a tornado warning and it looks like it could be bad in some places. (@_@) Yesterday, I attended a celebration party. I brought a bottle of Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai Daiginjo. Actually, it was the first time for me to drink this brand, so I asked President Yaegashi Yoshikichiro to confirm the taste before serving it to everyone. It is a light and delicious taste. It has a soft sweetness and umami flavor that spreads in the mouth and is especially good with sashimi and vinegared dishes. Everyone was pleased with the sake, as it is a local sake that they don't often have a chance to drink. So, an explanation for the fourth photo. When I returned home and was about to take a bath, my wife was searching Netflix and suddenly started laughing. I asked her, "What? She pointed at me and said, "This is stupid, but it makes me laugh. Hell's Garden." The story is about a conflict between factions of office workers at a company and a girl who gets caught up in it. The office workers of the faction are dressed as "yankee" and they are in a battle with each other! No, no, no, that's a wacky setup~ (laughs). (Laughs) The company would have fired her in a single shot. It's too silly a development, but you can't help but laugh until the end. And the four guys on the left are already out. (^_^;)
Ryusen'yaezakura純米大吟醸 結の香純米大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Good morning! (^^)/ Last night, I attended a general meeting and reception of an industry organization. I asked the secretariat to provide me with a bottle of "Ryusen Yaezakura Junmai Daiginjyo Yuzunokou," which won the first prize at the Iwate Prefecture New Sake Competition in 2023. The sake won first place over Nanbu Bijin and Akabu, two of Iwate Prefecture's twin peaks at the time. From the Izumikin Sake Brewery's website https://www.ginga.or.jp/senkin/whatsnew/index.cgi?no=195 Now, let's pour it into a glass! Pour it into a glass. Oh, it has a beautiful ginjo aroma. When you put it in your mouth, it tastes smooth and soft. The sweetness expands in the mouth. It is well-balanced and goes well with sashimi and wild vegetables! Everyone praised its fruity and delicious taste! Everyone praised it as "fruity and delicious! (^○^) This time, we were also pleased to see the attendance of a government official, who was most guarded about attending the reception due to the Corona, and was very happy to see him drinking. The morning after drinking delicious alcohol, I woke up feeling refreshed. I am drunk today, too. Have a good day. (^^)/
Good morning, Mr. Kumagai. ☀️ Is it Iwate Prefecture's #1 sake 😳‼️ delicious and everyone will be pleased 👍It's still good that we can all meet face to face 😊.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Pon-chan! (^o^) It was quite a delicious sake. The elegant and beautiful-looking sake is appreciated by many people. It is also a blessing to be able to drink it with a large number of people. Now if we could only bring in a variety of brands... w
Good evening, Mr. Kumagai 🌙 That's a cool name for a sake 😊. Your review made me want to drink it 😋. Corona is now a Class 5, and the large group drinking is coming back. I'm glad to hear it ‼️
熊谷 朋之
Good evening, Maru-san! (-‿-) This is an award won by a toji who moved from Mutsu Hachisen in his third year. It seems to be limited to the internet. I'm so glad that it's common to be able to enjoy it with so many people!
Ryusen'yaezakura純米吟醸 中汲み 無濾過生原酒純米吟醸原酒生酒無濾過
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^O^) It was beyond warm and hot today! At times like this, I like to have a glass of something cold and refreshing (lol). Today, I was invited to attend a welcome and farewell party for the branch manager of a local bank at the local chamber of commerce. I was invited to attend the party because the chairman of commerce and industry is Mr. Yoshikichiro Yaegashi, president of Izumikin Sake Brewery! I ordered Yaegakura Junmai Ginjyo Nakakumi-Unfiltered Nama-shu from Gin-no-Shu Kibune! Actually, this brand seems to be a limited edition, only one tank of which had been brewed, so I happened to find it at Kibune and bought it. Since they were sold out of the four-pack bottles, I asked them to send me a bottle of it on the assumption that we would all drink it together. I immediately tasted it myself while pouring it for everyone. It was refreshing and refreshing, in the class of a fine white wine. The sweetness is moderate, but it asserts itself as "delicious, isn't it? It is well-balanced and goes down easy. The locals, who have only had dry Yaezakura, raved about it! In fact, President Yaegashi himself had never had it... (^_^; ) That's because it is a limited edition. After this, the sake that won first place at the Iwate Prefecture New Sake Competition will be sold in stores. I'm looking forward to it! It was very delicious! (^O^)
熊谷 朋之
By the way, the man in the fourth photo is Mr. Yoshikichiro Yaegashi, president of Izumikin Sake Brewery. He is quite a dandy, and he drinks nothing but sake. And yet he has a smart figure, which is a foul, isn't it? (Laughs).
Good evening, Tomoyuki Kumagai 🌛. Only one tank in stock is quite a rare item, I didn't know that even the president couldn't taste it 😄I really envy those who drink and are still thin ✨.
熊谷 朋之
Good morning, Mr. Gyve! (^o^) It seems to have been quite a lucky brand. It is quite delicious! And since I appealed to them, they might make the same one again (lol). He says his body shape and liver numbers haven't changed w
Hello Tomoyuki Kumagai 😃. It is a perfect 💯 divine response to prepare a limited edition sake of your own brewery for the president of a brewery. ❗️ This is a guaranteed success for your business 👍.
熊谷 朋之
Hello, Haruei Chichi! (^o^) I happened to find it at my usual liquor store in Morioka, and they only had one bottle, so I had the idea that I would have to drink this with everyone as a gift~! I guess it's far from a success~w