SakenowaRecord your sake experiences and discover your favorites
Ryusen'yaezakura大吟醸 令和6年岩手県新酒鑑評会 県知事賞受賞大吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Good evening! (^^)/ Today will be the hottest day of the week! The weather forecast said it would be the hottest day of the week, but it was surprisingly dry and hot. We have a rush of general meetings starting this week, and if we don't drink in moderation, we are going to lose our physical condition (smiles). Well, it was the general meeting and reception of an organization I belong to. It was also the time for the election of new board members, and although I had been a board member for two terms, I had to step down due to various reasons. Well, it seems that there are various "adult circumstances," so I just kept my mouth shut, let it go, and went into the get-together. (^_^;) The sake we brought this time was Yaezakura Daiginjo, which won the Iwate Prefecture Governor's Award at the 2024 New Sake Competition. Yamada-Nishiki is polished to 40% and flavored with brewing alcohol. Take a sip. Ah, a beautiful sweetness. There is not much acidity. Anyway, the mild and beautiful sweetness spreads throughout the mouth. It is very easy to drink and everyone raves about how delicious it is. Well, since the direction of Izumikin Sake Brewery is toward this direction, will there be more of this kind of sweet and tasty lineup? It was delicious! (^^)/