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Morishima山田錦 純米吟醸純米吟醸
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熊谷 朋之
Next is Morishima Junmai Ginjo Yamadanishiki. Morishima with a black label. One of the brands recommended by Mr. Murai, president of Gin no Sake Kibune. Like Yaezakura, it is made from Yamadanishiki, but they are completely different. Take a sip. Ah, the beautiful acidity is exquisite! (^○^) The balance of sweetness and acidity is very good, and it is extremely delicious. As one would expect from Morishima (lol). We poured some for everyone to taste. Oh, it's delicious! It has a different taste from Yaezakura, and it's very good. It seems that it is rare to encounter such a tasty sake with this kind of acidity, so we were grateful that they enjoyed it so much. (I am grateful that they enjoyed drinking it so much.) Actually, we had prepared a sparkling sake for the toast, but since the board meeting was held early in the day, we gave up on it because we didn't think we would be able to control the temperature. It was a shame, since Mr. Murai, the president of Kibune, had recommended it to us. Now, I'm planning which get-together I should bring it to (laugh). It was very delicious! (^O^)