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もともとどんなお酒も好きでしたが、日本酒好きの職場の先輩から多大なる影響を受けました🎶 ちゃんと日本酒のことを知りたいという気持ちが最近強くなってきたので、飲んだお酒の記録をとってみようと思います。 愛読書(マンガ)は「もやしもん」、「酒と恋は酔って然るべき」。

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It's a jacket purchase. I thought it would be nice to have an aged taste... But as you would expect from Urakasumi, it is very crisp. I want to match the bitterness that remains a little with snacks.
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I bought this because I was locked in to the pop-up that said "new sake, only a few left". I'm glad I bought it! First of all, the aroma is just so refreshing~! When you put it in your mouth, it is still a little tingly because it is new sake. (That's good!). It has a bit of sourness and sweetness, but it's also clean and crisp. It is a little high at 18 degrees, but it is not heavy and can be drunk easily. Be careful not to get drunk! I've got some great daikon radish leaves from my parents' house, so I'm making fried daikon radish leaves with soy sauce as a snack. It's a good time (*^^*)
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I bought it at don Quijote, believing in the pop of "Cospa good! I bought it believing the pop of "Cospa is good! I've noticed that Don Quijote changes their sake frequently, so I've been checking them out lately. It seems to have won the highest gold medal at the Wine Glass Delicious Sake Awards 2021. I noticed a slight alcohol smell in the sweetness. Maybe it should be chilled more properly. I think it is a smooth and easy to drink sake.
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It was so cute, I bought it at the Family Store. This is my first cup of sake. It's easy to drink, with the gentle sweetness and acidity of rice that only nigorizake can provide. It's really relaxing. It's also low in alcohol content, so I can drink it early tomorrow morning without worry. You might want to stock up on this one at home (*^^*)
solari-san konbanha(´∀∀∩) 🐑Hitsugaru-chan🐑 I love it too and have it in stock🎶. It's quite popular so there must be a lot of people looking for it😊.
Thank you, Eririn. I knew it was popular! It was at the last minute at a convenience store near me. I've never seen it sold anywhere else, so I'd be happy to see it again 😌.
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I found out the other day how great new sake is, and I want to try some other new sake too! So I went to a local liquor store and found some. First of all, the aroma is very refreshing. When you take a sip, the sweetness is so strong that you might think there is sugar in it. It's almost as if it has sugar in it. One person described it as a melon, and I was convinced that it was. I had some sakatobi as a snack. Both the sake and the snacks have a strong taste, but they don't fight each other at all. It's a good time (*^^*) This sake also has a little bit of foam left, and it's pleasant to feel the tingling on the tongue.
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I've been drinking a lot of sake with clear characteristics lately, so my first impression of this sake was that it was gentle. It has a good flavor and is easy to drink. It seems to go well with any meal. I've recently become addicted to it, so I've been enjoying it with lentils, oil, and salt. (From a certain manga)
Kid純米吟醸酒 しぼりたて
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At a department store on my way home, I couldn't resist stopping by the seasonal alcohol section. I was impressed by the refreshing freshness! I didn't even know this kind of sake existed! I was very convinced by the "green apple aroma" described in various people's reviews. You can also feel the tingling and bubbles on the tongue. That's the beauty of freshly squeezed sake.
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Let's try to conquer it from the liquor sold in supermarkets! (There's still a long way to go...) So I found some at Maruetsu. I tried many things while referring to the reviews on the internet. At room temperature, the flavor is strong. Both the sweetness and the umami come in slowly. It also leaves a well-brewed aroma. If you want to drink it with a meal, you might want to chill it a little. The sweetness is moderately suppressed, and it goes well with Japanese food. I liked it lukewarm. If you heat it up, it loses too much of its flavor. I added room temperature to the hot part and lukewarmed it, and it became warm and tasty, just the right amount. It's the kind of sake that tastes great chilled at first and then at room temperature!
It's the kind of sake you buy when you want to relax with a light drink, the kind of sake that gives you the impression of being a girl. It's sweet and sour, but it's not overpowering and can be drunk easily. It also has a fruity taste. It is best served cold. It's also good warmed, but cold...it goes well with cheese and light Western food.
It's a really good sake that doesn't interfere with the meal, but it's not airy either. It's good both cold and warmed, and Japanese food goes well with it. I've always wanted to try dashi-wari, but never had the courage, so I tried blending it with miso soup in my mouth and it was really good! If you have oden soup stock, I would really like to try it.