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Gohyakumangoku" specially grown rice from Fukui Prefecture is used. The design is printed directly on the transparent bottle, so you can enjoy the bubbling effect when the bottle is opened. Shiroyama Sake is based in Fukui Prefecture. Surrounded by the Sea of Japan and Mount Echizen, it is blessed with beautiful nature. The design is based on the motif of the sea, mountains, and rice. The freshly pressed raw sake is second fermented in the bottle. The lees and bubbles that rise up at the moment are beautiful ✨The shuwashu and calpis flavor is easy to drink and yummy!
Yuho山おろし純米酒 生原酒 能登の復興応援 つなぐ石川の酒
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The project is to donate 200 yen for every 720ml bottle of this sake, which will be sold under a unified label by 21 sake breweries in Ishikawa Prefecture. The donation is made to the breweries affected by the disaster and to the Sake Brewers Association to support the reconstruction of the affected breweries. Goso Shuzo is a brewery that has won the gold medal in the National New Sake Competition for six consecutive years. The concept of "Yuho" is "sake that accompanies food. The company aims to produce sake that is "flavorful, harmonious, and acidic. It has the youthfulness of new sake, but with firm acidity and umami, making it a punchy sake. We paired it with seafood ajillo, as it goes well with dishes that have a peculiar flavor. The sake effect made me hungry, so I cooked some white rice and changed it to rice with guts. We drank and ate to our heart's content!
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First day of the holidays, I have a lot on my mind. I'm glad it's finally time to open a bottle of this sake. It's been another hard week at work, so this is a special and rewarding one. Since I don't go out, it's difficult to get a bottle of sansho. It's been a while since I've been able to purchase it, and I saved it for fun. When I opened the bottle, I felt a small, quick pop! The response was a little like a "shpon". It was yellowish and smooth, my happy life water. The gasiness, the yogurt-like flavor and sweetness, and the flavor spread were wonderful. It's so delicious. The sake brewing policy of "San-do" is profound. It aims to enrich the indigenous production climate, the spirit of prayer, and people, nature, and ecosystems. This is expressed in the packaging, which features fungi, microorganisms, and the national fungus "koujikabi," which is the most important microcosm for soil cultivation and sake brewing. Since this is a two-brew, there are two engravings on the back label. When it becomes a third brew, it will have three engravings and will be brewed in a wooden vat. The price varies depending on the fermentation vessel, but they are all too good to be true!
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The hard work peak has passed, so I lovingly open my precious Sentori. Kame-no-o has been used since the launch of the Sentori brand and is a symbol of Sentori. It has a powerful flavor. In addition, the Classic Series is brewed with Nama Moto, aiming for a natural taste. It has a sweet and sour taste like lactic acid bacteria and a mineral taste. It fills my heart, which has been damaged by work, to the brim. A few days of tension and a sore stomach. Gentle and low alcohol 14%. Bordeaux wine glass recommended. This time, even though it is a classic series, the quality of the aroma is different. They have revised some of the brewing process and were able to brew a sake that is more in line with their image. I was awake since dawn because of the pressure of work. It was tough, but as long as the sake tastes good now, I feel like I'm still in good shape.
Good morning, marumaruo 😃. It's been a tough job with a lot of pressure 😓Please relax and be healed by Senkou 😌.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I hate to be busy, but I guess that's why we have a great one!
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For guilt-free indulgence🍶, we are working hard to prepare our vegetable garden for this season. Arugula, sage, Italian parsley, hawkweed, bitter melon, okra. I realize I forgot to buy a few tomatoes🍅, shiso, and the all-important basil💦 What the heck! Today's sake is Kukai inflight, an early summer version of Kangiku OCEAN99. The concept seems to be an airplane flying in the stretchy and refreshing sky of early summer. The taste is sweet but refreshing, and the fine bubbles floating in the glass are pleasant. The bubbles were boiling out from the inside of the bottle when it was uncorked. It was amazing even though it was fire-brewed! I thought I was going to be hit by heaven. It's like a white peach 🤔Cosmos is also great! I heard it's hard when it's just corked, so it's good to decant it. I'm looking forward to drinking it with dinner. Looking at vegetable seedlings and tasting sake. If we grow all of them carefully, we can reduce our shopping!
Kanae純米吟醸 新酒生酒
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Ding" is a limited brand of new sake brewed by Shinshu Meizhu Brewery in Nagano Prefecture and only 16 sake stores in Japan carry it. The brewing water is Kuroyo, the softest water in Japan. The raw material rice is "Kinmon-Nishiki" cultivated with less agricultural chemicals and polished to 55%. The color is golden. The freshness and ginjo aroma unique to nama-shu. It has a soft, mellow mouthfeel with a pleasant sweetness. I wanted to eat a lot of rice, so I decided to have omusubi🍙 as a side dish. I wet my hands thoroughly with salt water and eat the salted musubi. Prepare ume bonito, salmon and cod roe. Prepare miso soup and soaked vegetables, too. The yakitori we bought on the way home from our walk, covered in ashes from the charcoal grill, was also great, making it a brunch that will help your body get ready for the day!
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Today's evening drink was once again a comparison of beers with a collaboration with the brewery that brews Kaze no Mori. Kaze no Mori ALPHA 8 Daichi no Chikara and Nara Brewing's UNDERWATER were released simultaneously. The sake yeast and rice malt used in "Kaze no Mori" are also used in the brewing process. In addition, brewing water from Aburicho Sake Brewery is pumped up and transported to Nara Brewery to brew the beer. In addition to the brewing water and sake yeast used in Kaze no Mori, "Soyashi water" is used in the brewing process. Soyashi water is acidic water produced by lactic acid fermentation. It has a yogurt-like aroma that adds depth to the flavor. This is my second Kaze no Mori, so I will enjoy this craft beer more slowly this time. I was told that it is classified as happoshu for liquor tax reasons. It has a light wort flavor and a Chardonnay-like aroma, even though no hops are used at all. It's delicious! Very elegant. The combination with the aromatic brown rice ALPHA from Kaze no Mori, which is to follow, is too good for late at night!
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Walking around during the day and enjoying the cherry blossoms. It's spring. Pollen is so heavy, though. This light nigori sake, which is only available during the cherry blossom season, is a freshly squeezed light nigori based on Yamadanishiki. This is the sakura version of Sengoku's handwritten label, which I had been looking forward to drinking whenever I could. It is said to have more sweetness and acidity than last year. The sweetness and gasiness are pleasantly refreshing. It is soft on the palate and somehow seems to make you feel tender... It goes well with soramame, wakatake mushroom stew, firefly squid, boiled rape blossoms, and other spring dishes with a slightly bitter taste!
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There are many things left to do today, but I'll take a breather first. A cute package from Pukupuku Brewery, which celebrated its first anniversary. It is a collaboration with Tsuchida Sake Brewery in Gunma Prefecture. Pukupuku Brewery is based in Minamisoma, Fukushima. It has a 90% milling ratio, 13% alcohol content, and the sake rice is organically grown Tumemachi. The beer technique dry-hop crossbreeding. Cloudy white color, citrus aroma, and a lingering bitterness like grapefruit. Refreshing and refreshing. For accompaniments, I would prepare cream cheese, dates, almonds, or crackers. Maybe I'll have a stock of Robuchon croissants, a treasure in my freezer, and some ham and cheese! I was in a tired work mode, but this drink totally lifted my spirits 😆. Let's linger for a bunch of time, but plenty of it!
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The Kaze no Mori ALPHA series is a brand that pursues the possibilities of sake through creative technology. This is the fourth year of commercialization, and this year's product has been further improved with 100% brown rice brewed under different roasting conditions. By roasting the rice like malt, a raw material for beer, instead of steaming it, the rice is easily decomposed and a unique taste is expressed. Surprising golden color when poured into a glass. Aromatic aroma, bitter nuance is caramel-like. The carbonation and sweet freshness are also good. Anyway, the taste is very interesting! I paired it with rafte. This is an irresistible combination. The spicy western spices are good, too! The "UNDERWATER" beer was released at the same time as a collaboration with Nara Brewery, which brews beer. In addition to the brewing water and 7 sake yeast used at Aburacho Brewery, the beer was brewed using the new "Soyashi Water". Both are well secured. We will enjoy them carefully. It's the season for beer and cold sake!
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In the blink of an eye, it's Friday, the end of the fiscal year. I ordered a crunchy too much grass, beyond, forest pizza, which I was looking forward to. Before the delivery arrives, we open the bottle first. This bibiquitous pink one is a seasonal sake. It is brewed using Yamagata yeast with 50% polished Aiyama sake rice, which has its roots in Yamada-Nishiki and Omachi. It has a sweet, exotic fruitiness, an excellent spicy taste, and a bright sharpness. Slightly sweet and refreshing on the palate, this is a popular gem. It is also known as "LOVE MOUNTAIN" and has 92 Parker points. The palate is complex, with outstanding spiciness, leather, dates, citrus, pine nuts, and mineral notes. This, this is no good...no pizza. Shrimp in tomato sauce and yang yongmu sauce. And then some crunch. This is a noisy combination💦. But it's great to enjoy your favorite food in a very personal way, isn't it? I added the green chili sauce recommended by my friend. Spicy! No, Glorious Fuji is sweet! No, it's spicy! The eternal rendezvous of 🥰.
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Last night I held back on the evening drinks. I had Houou Mita for lunch, and I am afraid that too much wonderful sake is served every day. Oh, I had a good beer. The "Organic Naturals" series is The "Organic Naturals" series is a fusion of ancient traditional methods without additives and modern state-of-the-art technology. Organic Kame-no-o, harvested locally in Sakura City, is milled to over 90% and hardly polished, so you can feel the full strength of the Kame-no-o. The yeast that lives in the brewery is incorporated, and the sake is brewed naturally in a wooden vat. Only at this time of the year, it is available as unfiltered, unpasteurized sake. The woody, banana aroma is fantastic 😆. I hear that the Senkin brand will be rebranded from next summer's production. I'm busy enjoying it, thinking that it may be limited to this season. Yummmm!
Hououbidenアニバーサリー2024 辰 瓶燗火入れ
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This sake is made with undisclosed product information, such as the rice used, milling ratio, and brewing method. Only the purchaser knows the product specifications from the "SECRET TASTING SEAT" tag around the neck. Well, am I allowed to write the details 🤔? Don't for now, little man 😆. Kobayashi Sake Brewery, together with Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Experiment Station and Tochigi Prefectural Agricultural Promotion Office, is working on a project to revive three major varieties from the Meiji Era: "Aikoku", "Kame-no-o", and "Shinriki". This time, the first product was released as a test brew. This special sake is released only once a year, with new sake rice, new brewing, and a new trial. Before reading the neckband, we had a blind tasting 😎. Ho-ho-ho, you got that right 🤔hom-hom-hom. Yes yes yes, I'm lying. All I know is that it is delicious😍. Kobayashi Sake Brewery is actually a small brewery. They say that the abundant groundwater from the Nikko water system moistens the rice fields and the wind blowing from the Nikko mountain range shakes the nurturing rice plants healthy. I think the wind in Tochigi is too strong in winter, but I am glad that the rice is swaying healthily. I often hear that wind is important for plants. I think it must be a magnificent thing to deal with nature, but we are aiming higher. It must be delicious!
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. You don't have to drink it to know that it's good 😆 It's one of the top two that Tochigi is proud of! I'm sure it's delicious and smells like the wind of Tochigi 😌.
Hi Jay & Nobby 😊Thanks for the great taste ←Please read it like Asako Kishi 🤭. I usually don't reach for phoenixes because of their spectacularness, but it was foolish of me. The taste is overwhelming 😆.
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Tomorrow is my day off, so I'll take it easy. The doggy is relentlessly biting me to take off my socks, but I'm going to try to be at peace with it. Modern Sentori (fast brewing) is the standard Sentori lineup. There are four other brands: Classic Sentori (Nama-moto), the completely additive-free Natur Series, and the Premium Series. This Modern Sentori Omachi, as well as Kame-no-o, is made from the harvest in Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture, Sentori's hometown. Domaine Sakura, Sentori's ultra-soft brewing water, and rice fields harvested from the same water vein. The rice is polished to 50% Yamadanishiki and 60% Omachi. First, a sip. Sweet and sour! A hint of grapefruit-like bitterness. It's so good! It is strong, clear, and refreshing. It is easy to drink. Good for weekdays because you can drink it without being afraid. I paired it with Japanese pasta with canned mackerel, garlic, hawk claws, tomatoes, and broccoli. The broccoli soaked up the flavor of the canned mackerel. A dash of Senkou for aroma. It made a weekday evening special!
Good morning, marumaruo 😃. Modern Oumachi raw is my favorite Sentori 🤗It's always just right 😋and outstandingly delicious 🥹.
Hi Jay & Nobby! I think I know what you mean when you say, "It's always just right". I think I prefer the Natur series 🤔No, they are all delicious and I can't choose my favorite yet. o இ
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Yesterday I received a special sake, so I changed my mind and went with this one with a pop label that has a strong impact. The color is pink, but it is naturally colored with red yeast. The color is pink with plenty of lees that are soaring up! The bottle fermentation gives it a pleasant carbonation. The alcohol content is a pleasantly low 13%. Maybe it's the pink color that gives it a strawberry-like sweet and sour taste, but I wonder if it's right. Due to hay fever, my nose and taste buds have not stopped becoming stupid. I've been on additional medication and it doesn't help 🤢. I hear you can enjoy it on the rocks or with soda. Soda! It would be wonderful if I dunked strawberries in an aperitif and served it at a girls' night out with a bunch of boozers. It is also suitable as an after-dinner drink, since the party of the drinkers will go on forever. It should go well with nuts, cheese, and cured ham. No, I don't!
Hello marumaruo🐦. I'm supposed to be fine, but I'm turning into an idiot💦. I have a stupid nose but it tasted like 🍓 like you wrote 😊I should have dunked the strawberries 😆.
Hi, Pon-chan! Hay fever is hard this year 😭I'm not even sure if my taste buds were like this anymore, so I'm relieved to hear that you had 🍓 flavor 😆.
Senkinオーガニック ナチュール2024〈0.0:ドブロク〉
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I've been waiting for this day, and now it's time to open: the cork! I've done my walk 🐶 and cleaned my room. With this drink, I have no regrets even if I get drunk. My favorite Organic Naturals ZERO has been reborn with a unique process. A very limited edition sake that faithfully reproduces the dobrok of the Edo period. The texture has a creamy, grainy feel in addition to the lees, and it is creamy and enchanting. You can fully enjoy the SENKYO concept of "Kimoto", "wooden vat brewing", "natural yeast", "organic", "estate", and "terroir". The flavor, the fizzy, bubbly sensation, and the way the oriki (rice cakes) float up in the air is beautiful! To put it mildly, it's great. Impression, is it similar to tiger makgeolli? This makgeolli is made from pure rice without any additives and pressed raw without heat sterilization, following a method handed down from the time of the Goryeo Dynasty. It goes great with grilled meat. It also seems to go well with yakiniku and Korean food. It also seems to go well with potato chips and other junk food. It seems that the sugar content has been increased, but it is refreshing and has plenty of flavor, so it doesn't compete or fight with the snacks you put it with. The sorrows of the floating world will melt away. It is the best!
Hi marumaruo 😃 I'm glad you got the Senkyoku Dobrok ready 🤗Open the bottle after getting ready 😁This doesn't feel like a Dobrok, but it is very tasty 😋It is very saikyo to say the least 😄.
Jay & Nobby, good evening 🌛I am honored that we have the same timing. Dobrock, you are too good to be true 😆 I received it to cleanse myself.
Roman花見ロ万 純米吟醸 火入れ
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A limited edition spring sake, under the cherry blossom trees, perfect for a party, you say. I have hay fever, so I want to limit my time in the open air as much as possible. Let's make sure to drink at home and get into the spring spirit. The sake has a low alcohol content of 13%, which is ideal for weekday drinking. It is made with sake brewing rice developed in Fukushima Prefecture and locally grown "Gohyakumangoku" rice. It is brewed with Fukushima-developed "Utsukushima Yume Yeast" using the traditional "four-step brewing of glutinous rice" method. You can enjoy Fukushima's commitment to quality in a casual way. It is also good that you don't have to worry about what to serve with it!
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The pollen is so great today. Rubbing my eyes, I take a long walk and let the dogs play by the water. After returning home, we had a fun lunch. We had a limited Junmai Daiginjo-Unfiltered Nama Sake, which is brewed only once a year. This limited item is made from Aizan rice, a rare rice that is only available in a limited number of breweries, and polished to 50%. The packaging is glossy with a jewel-like image. The aroma is pineapple and gorgeous, with a fresh gasiness and a crispness that makes it easy to drink. What shall we have for lunch? I was going to make natto pasta, but I decided against it. Maybe I should use cured ham or smoked bacon. I think I'll use fresh burrata and lots of olive oil. The dog, tired from his walk, is sleeping beside me. That's nice! After lunch time, I'm going to take a nap!
Kazenomori露葉風 807 笊籬採り
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I bravely fulfilled my 🐶 stroll while feeling the pollen, bought some yakitori on the way home, and then hurried home. Today, I decided to try "ikakitori" from the Kaze no Mori series, which has been on the market for a long time. It is a unique and revolutionary technique to separate moromi and sake by submerging a colander (like a bamboo basket) into the moromi. By pressing the sake without removing the moromi from the brewing tank, both the moromi and the sake are almost never exposed to air. The sake is then sucked up into the tank with special brewing equipment. The sake is then bottled using a special bottling and filling machine that fills the bottles while injecting nitrogen gas, an idea developed by the company, to ensure freshness and extremely low dissolved oxygen content before being released into the warehouse. I don't know about that. The rice is milled to 80% and the brewing water is deep groundwater from the Katsuragi mountain range. It has a light acidity and a pleasant white grape-like astringency. And the gaseous sensation is recognizable even with hay fever. Enjoy it first in a glass of champagne, then in a Burgundy glass. It is interesting to see the freshness, aroma, flavor, and bitterness spread out. All right, let's eat some yakitori! Let's eat some yakitori!
Shichida純米 おりがらみ 無濾過
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I'll have a cold sake, chilled, because I've walked a lot over the morning. Something slightly effervescent and refreshing. This time of year, many seasonal sake are released, so I have a busy weekend to enjoy them 😆 Junmai Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake from "Nanada". The aroma of green apple and the refreshing sensation in the mouth are great. According to the brewery's website, it goes well with strawberry tart and cream cheese! It is said to be an adult cream soda! How chalet! The alcohol content is 17%, so you have to be careful 😂 Yamadanishiki and Reihou, 65% rice polishing ratio. As you drink it, it went from a green apple sensation to a melon-like sensation 🤔. I think I'll make pasta with genovese sauce, garlic, hawk's claw and rape blossoms like spring. Pancetta would be a nice addition. I hate spring because of hay fever, but it's kinda nice.