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Kazenomori露葉風 807 笊籬採り
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I bravely fulfilled my 🐶 stroll while feeling the pollen, bought some yakitori on the way home, and then hurried home. Today, I decided to try "ikakitori" from the Kaze no Mori series, which has been on the market for a long time. It is a unique and revolutionary technique to separate moromi and sake by submerging a colander (like a bamboo basket) into the moromi. By pressing the sake without removing the moromi from the brewing tank, both the moromi and the sake are almost never exposed to air. The sake is then sucked up into the tank with special brewing equipment. The sake is then bottled using a special bottling and filling machine that fills the bottles while injecting nitrogen gas, an idea developed by the company, to ensure freshness and extremely low dissolved oxygen content before being released into the warehouse. I don't know about that. The rice is milled to 80% and the brewing water is deep groundwater from the Katsuragi mountain range. It has a light acidity and a pleasant white grape-like astringency. And the gaseous sensation is recognizable even with hay fever. Enjoy it first in a glass of champagne, then in a Burgundy glass. It is interesting to see the freshness, aroma, flavor, and bitterness spread out. All right, let's eat some yakitori! Let's eat some yakitori!
Shichida純米 おりがらみ 無濾過
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I'll have a cold sake, chilled, because I've walked a lot over the morning. Something slightly effervescent and refreshing. This time of year, many seasonal sake are released, so I have a busy weekend to enjoy them 😆 Junmai Unfiltered Unrefined Nama Sake from "Nanada". The aroma of green apple and the refreshing sensation in the mouth are great. According to the brewery's website, it goes well with strawberry tart and cream cheese! It is said to be an adult cream soda! How chalet! The alcohol content is 17%, so you have to be careful 😂 Yamadanishiki and Reihou, 65% rice polishing ratio. As you drink it, it went from a green apple sensation to a melon-like sensation 🤔. I think I'll make pasta with genovese sauce, garlic, hawk's claw and rape blossoms like spring. Pancetta would be a nice addition. I hate spring because of hay fever, but it's kinda nice.
Kubota純米吟醸 にごり
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Now that we've done our important dog-walking duty, let's open a bottle of spring-only nigori sake. While nigori sake is generally characterized by its rich and thick flavor, the brewery aimed to make it easy to drink with a fine oriental flavor and smooth mouthfeel so that even those who do not like nigori sake can enjoy it. Despite its casual price, it has a gorgeous ginjo aroma, just like Kubota. It has a refreshing, fruity, yet sharply sweet taste, a magic water that can be drunk easily. It's too risky. My brain says, "It's okay, you've worked hard this week. Drink to your heart's content.
Hi marumaruo 😃 One job for the weekend? It's always easier when it's over 🤗. I hear the drunkard's hallucinations 😆 we hear them a lot too 🤣.
Jay & Nobby, can you hear me? Sake Whisperer 😂I enjoyed watching your Sentori first vat drinking comparison the other day!
Nichinichi山田錦 第三酒造期~日日是好日~
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Let's drink gentle sake on a sunny weekday. This is the third year for Nichinichi, brewed with Yamada-Nishiki produced in Tojo, Hyogo Prefecture and contract-cultivated Yamada-Nishiki from the former Yoneda Village. The name "Nichinichi" is a combination of the Zen phrase "Nichinichi kore hibi" and the idea of sake brewing. The alcohol content is kept at 13%, giving it a light mouthfeel with a gentle umami and acidity. It is light on the palate, with gentle umami and acidity, and a sense of gas from the fermentation process. It's so clear and delicious. It sinks in.
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Blue skies when we thought it was going to snow. If you take a long walk, you can enjoy your favorite sake without feeling guilty when you get home. Today's newest addition to my favorite "Organic Naturals" series. It has a low alcohol content of 10 degrees, a light banana flavor rather than a wood vat aroma, and a gentle drinking experience. The features are alcohol content and eco-friendly. Natur's sake lees are reused and re-fermented in a byproduct-recycling style. Sake lees, a byproduct of sake production, is not disposed of as industrial waste, but rather utilized in sake brewing. Sake rice is 100% Domaine Sakura Organic Farming, 100% Kamenoo, and the rice polishing ratio is 90%. Wooden Oke Brewing, Kimoto Sake Mother Naturals Sake Lees Re-fermentation. I served it with Japanese food, but it has a strong acidity and banana flavor, so I regret that I should have prepared something salty like smoked or cured ham.
Kamonishiki荷札酒 越淡麗 純米大吟醸
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I wonder if it's ok to open such a nice drink when the week has just started 🤔. The label on the back of the bottle says "Ohayameniomesiagari kudasai", and as sake people, we have no choice but to follow the instructions 😆. Koshitanrei is a cross between Yamadanishiki and Gohyakumangoku, a rice developed and bred in Niigata for daiginjo-shu. In the Kafuda Sake series, the sake rice used and the production method are changed depending on the time of year and the lot, and this is indicated on the package tag. All of the pack tagged sake is junmai-daiginjo-shu (pure rice daiginjo-shu) and is sold only through special dealers, so it is not sold directly at the brewery, nor is it sold through the brewery's online store. This is why they are so special. The brewery has been in business for more than 120 years in Niigata, a rice-producing region, and is one of the most traditional and well-established breweries in the country. The rice is polished to 50% and the sake is light with a muscat-like aroma. When I was young, I was grateful to drink Niigata sake for that reason alone. Words like "Koshino-Kanbai" and "light" are nostalgia for Niigata. Young people probably don't know about the trend. Nowadays, beautiful sake is produced all over the place every day, and it is all over the focus of SNS and other media. In this case, I would like to have two or three livers.
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After a full 2-hour walk🐶, we get a well-chilled wind forest. Rohafu 507 is brewed with 50% polished rice from Rohafu, a rare sake rice grown in Nara Prefecture, and deep water from the Kongo-Katsuragi mountain range that is full of minerals. This classic is priced to be drunk with peace of mind, yet has a slight sweetness, depth, and fermentation that can be thoroughly enjoyed. It has a strawberry-like fruity flavor and is best served in a champagne glass. When I heard that Kim 00 drank it and exclaimed that it was champagne on a TV show at the beginning of the year, I wanted to drink it again. I'm the type of person who likes to jump on the bandwagon.
Hi marumaruo 😃 We just finished walking for an hour and now we are going to have a drink for dinner 🤗! We just finished walking for an hour and now we are going to start drinking 🤗.
Hi Jay & Nobby 🤗This one was, yes! You had it after watching the game 😊The light sweetness kept me going. What a wonderful way for you and your wife to spend the day walking!
Romanかすみロ万 うすにごり生原酒 純米吟醸
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The label is shiny ✨I've been thinking about this for a while, but the word "romantic" or "roman" or "romance" or "romance" is something from the Showa era, but the appearance is bubbly. The concept of "Kasumi Romain" is based on the deep snow of Minamiaizu, a region where snow falls in the depths of the winter. The concept is to brew a gently white, slightly cloudy sake, just like the scenery enveloped in a silvery white world. No. Does it? Does it match the package image? I mean, you don't get this kind of pinkish polarizing pearl that often, even at MAC, do you? Let me out, and I'll gratefully put it on the bridge of my nose. Lo-Man is a series of products limited to special dealers. It is also a seasonal limited edition sake sold seasonally. The sophisticated packaging of Niimasa, for example, has a one-sided smell of a trading company, but we're no longer aiming for that, are we? A different kind of packaging. The taste is lightly cloudy with a Calpis-like aroma. It is gentle to the pocket. I drink it with peace of mind. I think the pop packaging also tells you to drink it with gusto.
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Bathe the dog. Enjoy a glass of cold sake with a body that has been warmed up to this point. I want to drink something with a gassy feeling in a Holmgard champagne glass that can be filled to the brim. I chose a limited edition spring sake. It is said that the light nigorigo color expresses the lingering winter, the motif of the sea in spring with the difference in temperature, Kujukuri, the shimmering surface of calm water, and the misty haze that rarely forms. Kitashizuku," a sake brewing rice produced in Hokkaido, is used. It produces a sake with a soft, clean flavor with little cloying taste. It is said to be the only nigori limited edition sake of the year. Kitashizuku" is the third sake rice produced in Hokkaido, after "Ginpu" and "Comet", and is descended from "Omachi", a native sake rice of Okayama Prefecture. Omachi" was the previous year's rice, right? Compared to last year, the increased rice polishing ratio to 50% makes it more refined. Last time it was junmai ginjo, but it went to junmai daiginjo. I heard that one of the attractions of the Kangiku brand is "the bitterness that tightens the flavor in the latter half," but my tongue is too stupid to understand that much. I was entranced by the fermentation-derived bubbles that kept rising in my glass. It was a moment that brought spring to me, a person who loves staying at home and hates going out. The soft sweetness gives me energy.
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It's another day for sake. I still have some work to do, but I'm spending a peaceful afternoon. Kangiku Meikyu brews a series of "super" limited unfiltered unpasteurized sake several times a year, and it is available only at retailers. I opened it on such an ordinary day. The "Ushu Homare" rice for sake brewing is an extremely rare sake rice bred by Tatsugoro Takagi, the 14th generation of the Takagi Sake Brewery, which produces Yamagata Prefecture's sake "Jyushiyo". Kangiku Meikozo's wish came true and they have been brewing it since 2022. They must have been very happy. It has a nice sweetness and gasiness with a hint of bitterness that makes you feel like an orange. It is clear and fresh, so you can enjoy it lightly at lunchtime. It also has a strong umami flavor. When you open the bottle, be careful not to make a big splash when you open the bottle. Opening the bottle is scary.
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In the middle of the week, when there is still a lot of heavy work to be done, we have a sake with a pop design. The panda on the package is kawaii ❤. The product concept is "thinking about someone else. It is difficult to think about someone's feelings. This is a sake to be enjoyed slowly and deliberately. Oh, no, I don't have enough training. If I think about someone on a weekday, I will be flooded with evil thoughts due to resentment from work. Even so, I can enjoy it with a clear, gaseous, light feeling. A blend of Tagaji Junmai Daiginjo Asahi and Juhachimori Asahi Junmai Daiginjo. It is the first of the "B&W Animal Series" that is scheduled to be released four times a year, and is said to be a seasonal product. Were there any other black-and-white animals?
Hi marumaruo😃 If you look at this pretty label and have fun drinking it, your evil thoughts will clear up 😊 and by the time you finish it, you'll feel good and think of someone else 🥹.
Hi Jay & Nobby! We always enjoy seeing you at ☺️ Indeed, a good drink is a great way to unwind!
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On a day when it looks like it could start snowing at any moment, I think I'd like a clear, easy-drinking Junmai sake. I open a bottle of INOMATA65, named after the toji (master brewer). It is brewed with "Amanotsubu" rice grown by the toji himself as the premium rice, and "Yumenokou," Fukushima Prefecture's preferred rice for sake brewing, with a flat polished rice ratio of 65%. It has a clean, clean taste, a gentle sweetness, and a good sharpness. It was a hit after all. The last Otokoyama was also delicious. It has more sweetness, but it's hard-edged. The best thing about it is that it's very good value for money. It's wonderful!
Senkin初槽 あらばしり
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With a hint of pollen in the air and warm sunshine, I pull the bottle open with a solemn heart. I taste the last arabashiri in order to conquer the Hatsutanku series, which I was told would be the last in this series. We pour it gently with the cage submerged. The taste is sharp and bright, fresh, and acidic. I had expected that I would like the arabashiri in the nao kumi series, but I was wrong! The inside of the bottle is beautiful, with gas bubbles and oromi dancing in the air. After adding some ori, I continued drinking again. Umami, sweetness, lychee-like aroma, freshness and sharpness. Yummmmah 😊. It was interesting to win the series, same but different.
Hello arumaruo😃 Senkori first tank series conquered ㊗️ great 👍 Same but different and all delicious 😋The best series 🤗I'm looking forward to see what's next with the renewal 😊.
Hi Jay & Nobby! The best series is too confusing. I want to compare again 😅.
源作寒菊 Pray for 荒責無濾過生原酒
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Drinking at home. I finally got into the realm of bottles that one person can't easily drink alone 😍We were greeted by Kangiku, a sake to support the Noto Peninsula earthquake recovery efforts. The sake was a special 1800ml version of the "Pray for" Nakadori Hi-ire, which was released at the end of the year, in an unfiltered, unpasteurized version. Kangiku Meikozo is a sake brewery in Kujukuri. The company received support from Chiba Prefecture when the prefecture was hit by the earthquake and tsunami, so they decided to donate a portion of the sales as a relief fund to the victims. This is an unfiltered, unpasteurized, unblended junmai daiginjo-shu bottled with only the "arabashi" and "hitame" portions of the rare "Aiyama" rice polished to 40%, and has a wonderful refined flavor and aroma from the use of M310 yeast. The brewer's and distributor's wishes are expressed in this sake, which will bring a sense of peace to those affected by the earthquake and tsunami. Pray for" was originally intended to help the drinker have a healthy holiday season and start the next year. We respectfully ask that you take the time to enjoy it.
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Have you conquered much of the Kaze no Mori series? Kaze no Mori has done away with the specific name sake such as "Junmai" or "Junmai Ginjo," and is now labeled "Junmai Nara-shu. The name "80" means 80% polished rice and "7" means No. 7 yeast. I had been drinking it without knowing it. Since it is unfiltered, unpasteurized, unpasteurized sake, it contains a small amount of carbon dioxide gas, which can cause the cork to blow out when the bottle is opened. It never blows up as much as when you open it with trepidation. It has a gorgeous flavor typical of Yamadanishiki, but is it because it is made from low-polished rice and fermented at a very low temperature for a long time? It is light and refreshing. It is also good that the price is set so that you don't feel nervous. I am so happy to be drinking at this hour on a weekday!
Yumenokaori-回- 初しぼり 直汲み
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The first new sake, "Oragami-nama-nama-shu" directly brewed with "Yume-no-Ka" from Aizu, Japan. It is a limited edition sake for Otokoyama Shuzo and its distributors. It has a refreshing mouthfeel and melon-like aroma. The sweetness is well balanced by the umami and acidity of the new orikara sake. I got it because of its good reputation, but I don't like the name "Otoko" in the name. Is it unexpected, or does it go against the soft and gentle feeling of the label? Come to think of it, there is also "Nantai-yama" (Mt. Nantai). Is it also attached to a mountain? It is one of the 100 most famous mountains in Japan. I wonder if men are always tempted to put it on mountains...
Hello. Thank you for drinking sake from my hometown of Minamiaizu! The sister of the head of this brewery is a classmate of mine from kindergarten.
Hi @nabe! It was juicy, refreshing and delicious! I envy you for your good fortune, an interesting sake brewery that has been revived from an old, dormant brewery! I was attracted by the sight of Aizu in winter and reached for it! Lovely!
If that's the case, it's Aizu Otokoyama Shuzo, not Kaito Otokoyama.
Ubusuna2022 山田錦 自然農法生酒
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‿Kekekkekke‿ಠಠ The luxury of opening a special item on an ordinary day. It's a late afternoon when the best is guaranteed to be too good to be true. I prepare a glass of Burgundy and quickly open the bottle. While I was rolling up the plastic label, the cork blew out and hit the ceiling. What a surprise! Kumamoto, the city of water. The best regulations of Gonohjozo are "Yamadanishiki from the Kikuchi River basin," "Nama-moto brewing," "wooden vat brewing," "no fertilizers," and "no pesticides. Love the label on the back. The more regulations there are, the more pictures are printed on the back of the label. Enthralled by the completeness. The gasiness, the soft and dignified aroma of the wooden vat, the delicious flavor of the rice, and the power of the bacteria and microorganisms. The production soil that continues the unique natural farming method deeply connected with the ecosystem. A wonderful encounter in an ordinary, overworked day. Thank you, sake shop owner, for giving me the best chance to meet you. We are blissfully happy!
Hi marumaruo😃. Enjoy your favorite spawning soil shupon🚀 this is the best luxury 🥹 in the afternoon on an ordinary day 🤗. It's so good it might be over soon 😆.
Hi Jay & Nobby~! It was delicious and it went so fast! Is there any alu alu that doesn't shpoop as much as when you're preparing your mind 😂.
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It's the weekend! Let's reward ourselves for our hard work cleaning out the underfloor storage room, shall we? I crawled around under the floor in crawlspace and bagged two 45-liter bags of trash. I unearthed a bunch of new towels and decided to send them to a shelter for shelter dogs, although I had a hard time deciding where to send them. We cautiously opened the bottle, being careful not to hit the ceiling. When you're that well prepared, you don't explode, and I miss that. The aroma is white peach? Banana? Sweetness, acidity, and drinkability are all to my liking. I hear that Burgundy is a suitable drinking vessel. Let's change to your favorite wine glass. The sake brewery was established in 1979. Nara is said to be the "birthplace of sake in Japan. During the Muromachi period (1336-1573), sake was one of the means of raising funds for the management of large temples. The sake is made from 80% Omachi polished rice and fermented at ultra-low temperature for a long period of time. Oops! It suddenly became dark and thunderous outside. Chance to be exempted from dog walking. No, life with the dog is my happiness. Too bad, dog.
霧降オーガニック ナチュール
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Domaine method, Sakura City, Tochigi Prefecture. Completely additive-free, made from rare ancient rice instead of sake brewing rice. Organic Kame-no-o, 90% polished rice. Slowly and painstakingly growing natural yeast, and the wooden vat brewing is excellent. Tochigi is a place I have deep feelings for, having moved to the area for a bit as a child. Where I lived, the winters were bitterly cold and there was a strong gale. The strong north wind from Watarase used to scare me as a child. I wonder how difficult it is to live in Japan with its high temperatures, humidity, and frequent natural disasters. Delicious. This is my favorite.
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. I see that you used to live here 🤗 and I'm so happy that you can enjoy drinking good sake 😌. Keep up the natural Tochigi love 🥰😆.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby 🌛Senkou is interesting and addicting: ☺️ I'm glad you're having a peaceful day, as you said.
Senkin初槽 直汲み なかどり 生原酒
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From the "Shoku-kumi" series, which is limited to the first tank of the brewery's best effort. Among "Arabashiri," "Nakadori," and "Seshime," we chose "Nakadori" after "Seshime. Jay and Nobby told us that this was the only time this season that we could compare the same tanks, so we went to the liquor store with our noses in the air. Nakadori" is described as calmer than "Arabashiri" and has a sweeter taste with just a hint of acidity. I think that fresh acidity and sweetness are the key to the popular sake 🤔. I had a lot of Chinese herbs and rice with green onion as a side dish because my stomach and intestines were tired from New Year's. The lingering aroma went perfectly with it. The combination was wonderful. I was glad that it did not turn out to be a creepy combination. I spent the few winter evenings in bliss. Thank you!
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. Oh.......! You went to work so quickly 😊You work so fast and so well 🤗I'm glad it was a perfect snack for you 😄. Blissful thoughts 🥹I'm happy for you too 😁.
Good evening! I found it interesting to compare the same tanks 😌I forget everything, so I must try the last one soon😳.