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風の森 ALPHA5 燗SAKEの探求 2023 生酒風の森 ALPHA5 燗SAKEの探求 2023 生酒

Brands from Yucho Shuzo


1160, Gose, Nara
map of Yucho Shuzo
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ALPHA explores the possibilities of sake with creative techniques, and TYPE5 is Kaze no Mori enjoyed with warmed sake. A unique sake mother using lactic acid fermentation expresses the delicious acidity produced by lactic acid bacteria, and a portion of the brewing water is made from 10-year-old sake and ALPHA brewed the previous year, adding depth that only age can create. It is said to add depth that only age can create. It is an interesting attempt to have people enjoy it cold, at room temperature, or warmed up. First, a cold sake. The color is canary yellow and it has a gaseous taste. I would have preferred to drink it cold, but I held back. The sticker on the glass tells you the right temperature by changing from black to pink. The sticker changes color at around 35℃. He said that warming up the sake mellows out the sweetness and accentuates the acidity, making it tighter and tighter. It's been too long since I've had hot sake, so I'm at a loss. But the lactic acidity gives it a richness and depth that is reminiscent of old sake. Ummm, yummy!
Good evening, marumaruo 😃. Congratulations on your 100 check-in at Kaze no Mori where you can enjoy both cold and heated sake 🎉. The sticker showing the temperature is also interesting 🤗I would like to try the heated 🍶 sake from Kaze no Mori 😋.
Good evening, Jay & Nobby - 100 check-ins, anniversary ✨I enjoyed your wind forest temperature progress!

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