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風の森 秋津穗 657風の森 秋津穗 657

Brands from Yucho Shuzo


1160, Gose, Nara
map of Yucho Shuzo
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Akitsuho is considered to be Kaze no Mori's signature sake. It is brewed with 65% polished rice from Akitsuho rice grown under contract in Nara Prefecture, using deep hard water and prolonged slow fermentation. Akitsuho is a cross between "Yamabiko" and "Nihonbare" rice, and is characterized by its clear sake quality. When the bottle is opened, it makes a light spontaneous sound. There have been no outbreaks of amadon recently, so I am completely at ease. I have to keep my eyes on the prize, though. Among the Kaze no Mori series, this one has a good overall balance. It is light with a refreshing acidity and fizziness, but has a deep and lingering flavor from its richness, bitterness, or umami. Still, good cosiness.

Brands from Yucho Shuzo