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風の森 山田錦 807風の森 山田錦 807

Brands from Yucho Shuzo


1160, Gose, Nara
map of Yucho Shuzo
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It's autumn rain, it's getting chilly, and sake is great to be enjoyed in a relaxed atmosphere. This is a cosy sake with the full flavor and sweetness of Yamada-Nishiki rice. The "80" on the label means 80% polished rice, and the "7" indicates yeast No. 7. Despite the low rice polishing, the sake is fermented at ultra-low temperature for a long time, which gives it a voluminous taste and the umami of Yamadanishiki. The soft gaseous sensation is my favorite, but as time goes by, the fizzy feeling disappears and the umami flavor of the rice increases dramatically. However, it is difficult for the "swishy" tribe. I think I will drink it again today!
Good morning, marumaruo 😃! It's really cooler now that I miss summer ☀️ 😌 and the Wind Forest is always good to drink 😙 We are part of the Swissy tribe too 🤗.

Brands from Yucho Shuzo